Amateur Hour Continues

Wouldn't you agree the electoral college represents a greater cross section of American voters than a simple majority would? A more diverse voter public than a handful of cities on the coast does?

No. I think you get broader and more diverse 'cross section' by equally weighting every vote cast instead of silencing millions of votes in a winner take all system in which (absurdly) many delegates are not even required to pledge their EC votes to anyone but there own whim. California is a perfect example of why the EC is broken. Thirty percent of registered voters there are Republican, about 5.5 million. That's more than most states, about 4mm voted in 2016 - yet the get exactly ZERO EC delegates.

Throw in delegates and superdelegates that can do whatever the fuq they want and you have a complete sht show. I can't see the argument that sparsely populated, rural, "fly-over" states should have MORE of a say than the millions and millions of voters whose ballots are worthless because they lost their states simple majority.
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The audio was toyed with as well

I'm shocked that the deep state hating red hats aren't in here screeching about #fakenews today. Shocked. I was sure that doctored video put out on social media by one politician to smear another would enrage them.
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I'm shocked that the deep state hating red hats aren't in here screeching about #fakenews today. Shocked. I was sure that doctored video put out on social media by one politician to smear another would enrage them.

No, it takes comments by Muslim women, taken out of context or maliciously interpreted, to (faux) outrage them.
Wouldn't you agree the electoral college represents a greater cross section of American voters than a simple majority would? A more diverse voter public than a handful of cities on the coast does?
No. It misrepresents the American voter.
No, it takes comments by Muslim women, taken out of context or maliciously interpreted, to (faux) outrage them.
They can also work themselves into a lather over some intentional out of context misquotes by AOC. See the cauliflower discussion from yesterday. I think a few peed themselves from giddiness.
LMAO at the spin control on this video!!😂

She said “three”. If Trump did this you’d be spamming this board over it. And yeah she was stammering. Trying to spin snippets put together of her stammering as “doctored video” is hilarious. What was that last “doctored video” that got you rubes all riled up? Need to try and remember that and dig it up 😂
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LMAO at the spin control on this video!!😂

She said “three”. If Trump did this you’d be spamming this board over it. And yeah she was stammering. Trying to spin snippets put together of her stammering as “doctored video” is hilarious. What was that last “doctored video” that got you rubes all riled up? Need to try and remember that and dig it up 😂
View attachment 206760
There is doctored video of this speech edited with the audio toyed with. You’re just denying that?
LMAO at the spin control on this video!!😂

She said “three”. If Trump did this you’d be spamming this board over it. And yeah she was stammering. Trying to spin snippets put together of her stammering as “doctored video” is hilarious. What was that last “doctored video” that got you rubes all riled up? Need to try and remember that and dig it up 😂
View attachment 206760
And yet she still owns Trump.
LMAO at the spin control on this video!!😂

She said “three”. If Trump did this you’d be spamming this board over it. And yeah she was stammering. Trying to spin snippets put together of her stammering as “doctored video” is hilarious. What was that last “doctored video” that got you rubes all riled up? Need to try and remember that and dig it up 😂
View attachment 206760

The Acosta video was the one you're thinking of.

Simple question for you Tweedledee: If truth is on your side, why gild the lily?

This is twice now that the administration (once Trump's SS, and now Trump himself) have trafficked in doctored videos. Why would an administration so obsessed with "fake news" do that?
The Acosta video was the one you're thinking of.

Simple question for you Tweedledee: If truth is on your side, why gild the lily?

This is twice now that the administration (once Trump's SS, and now Trump himself) have trafficked in doctored videos. Why would an administration so obsessed with "fake news" do that?
That’s it Acosta! And lol on the “edits” on that. I even posted a link on the format translation impact on that video.

On the outrage on this one lady check the link above. She’s been stammering for a long time now. 😈
There is doctored video of this speech edited with the audio toyed with. You’re just denying that?
She slurs her s’s and has done so for a looooong time. The “doctored audio” is apparently slowing down the sequence to accent her natural drawn out s’s and the video is clearly pieced together snippets. Are you denying she doesn’t do that?

Now lets get into the hate on Susan Collins you rubes cut loose with on Kavanaugh due to her speech impediment.

And as for Nans being drunk... what was that liquor expense statement posted here again s while back? 🤷‍♂️
That’s it Acosta! And lol on the “edits” on that. I even posted a link on the format translation impact on that video.

On the outrage on this one lady check the link above. She’s been stammering for a long time now. 😈

If the administration is so brazen with videos that can quickly be shown to be doctored, just imagine what they'll try to do with Barr's "investigations."

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