Amateur Hour Continues

Considering we opposed colonization and never had a dictator reigning supreme, I guess they should have been smart enough to see that we would probably go our own way and reject a little bully's attempt to rule the entire world as it saw fit. A lot of problems in the ME are still the result of England's attempt to define and patch together countries; let's not forget British "diplomacy" at the end of WW1 as a real winning policy ... seems like Marshall had a significantly better touch.

We literally participated in colonization. Have you forgotten about “manifest destiny”. The Spanish America War made the U.S. a colonial power.
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We literally participated in colonization. Have you forgotten about “manifest destiny”. The Spanish America War made the U.S. a colonial power.

No, I didn't. We have picked up territories as a result of conflicts, but I see the Spanish American War as intended to force Spain out of this hemisphere rather than as a power and land grab that most colonization (particularly European) has been. Hawaii became a state, Guam and Puerto Rico could still do that. We do far more to support the other islands in the Pacific and Caribbean than to exploit them. Some islands like Truk were under US administration by UN charter; when they asked to be independent, we went away.
No, I didn't. We have picked up territories as a result of conflicts, but I see the Spanish American War as intended to force Spain out of this hemisphere rather than as a power and land grab that most colonization (particularly European) has been. Hawaii became a state, Guam and Puerto Rico could still do that. We do far more to support the other islands in the Pacific and Caribbean than to exploit them. Some islands like Truk were under US administration by UN charter; when they asked to be independent, we went away.
Don't forget the Philippines.
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No, I didn't. We have picked up territories as a result of conflicts, but I see the Spanish American War as intended to force Spain out of this hemisphere rather than as a power and land grab that most colonization (particularly European) has been. Hawaii became a state, Guam and Puerto Rico could still do that. We do far more to support the other islands in the Pacific and Caribbean than to exploit them. Some islands like Truk were under US administration by UN charter; when they asked to be independent, we went away.
Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, Panama canal, Alaska, The Philippines, US Virgin islands, where all colonies that were part of U.S. imperialism during the 19th Century. 1890-1917
Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, Panama canal, Alaska, The Philippines, US Virgin islands, where all colonies that were part of U.S. imperialism during the 19th Century. 1890-1917

Most were spoils of war when we liberated those places from a real colonial power; however, we could have simply walked away and left a power vacuum like in Iraq ... and know we created a bunch more banana republics like Venezuela, Honduras, etc. if that makes you feel better about American imperialism. So how do you feel about the Soviet wars of liberation and the paradises they created when they helped dump colonial powers?
I dont expect to ever retire. And I'm on track for a very comfortable net worth.
Retired people...or people with no reason for living...die prematurely imo.
We are birds of a feather in that regard McDad. Nice to be in a zone where nobody can fire you or retire you.
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I dont expect to ever retire. And I'm on track for a very comfortable net worth.
Retired people...or people with no reason for living...die prematurely imo.
Let's see here. My mother worked every day until she died at 93. My dad retired at 53 and had a 37 year retirement until he died at 90. I'll take 3 fewer years if I don't have to get up and go to work every f*****g day.
Let's see here. My mother worked every day until she died at 93. My dad retired at 53 and had a 37 year retirement until he died at 90. I'll take 3 fewer years if I don't have to get up and go to work every f*****g day.

I agree with your analysis ... again. Every day I don't work since I retired is a day I didn't feel like a target on the drive to and from work, and every one of those days means I didn't raise my blood pressure to the danger zone for wanting to strangle someone at work or on the way to and from. I suppose if I owned and controlled a business and enjoyed it, I would feel differently. The way I look at it is that I spent many years becoming an engineer to do some else's bidding, and now I spend my time learning whatever I want for myself and my own enjoyment. Work wouldn't be a bad place without the turkeys who believe they are the eagles ruling the roost.
I agree with your analysis ... again. Every day I don't work since I retired is a day I didn't feel like a target on the drive to and from work, and every one of those days means I didn't raise my blood pressure to the danger zone for wanting to strangle someone at work or on the way to and from. I suppose if I owned and controlled a business and enjoyed it, I would feel differently. The way I look at it is that I spent many years becoming an engineer to do some else's bidding, and now I spend my time learning whatever I want for myself and my own enjoyment. Work wouldn't be a bad place without the turkeys who believe they are the eagles ruling the roost.
Screw work. I pretty much do whatever I want when I want. If I get bored, I go somewhere else.
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I agree with your analysis ... again. Every day I don't work since I retired is a day I didn't feel like a target on the drive to and from work, and every one of those days means I didn't raise my blood pressure to the danger zone for wanting to strangle someone at work or on the way to and from. I suppose if I owned and controlled a business and enjoyed it, I would feel differently. The way I look at it is that I spent many years becoming an engineer to do some else's bidding, and now I spend my time learning whatever I want for myself and my own enjoyment. Work wouldn't be a bad place without the turkeys who believe they are the eagles ruling the roost.
If I was still working for a company I did not own, which I did till 2010 when I turned 55, there would be no joy in Mudville. Fortunately my scheme to start my own company panned out nicely, or life might be different. If I was half the golfer @1972 Grad is or half the fisherman @MercyPercy is, I might be looking to wind down sooner on the working, but I expect I'll keep doing what I'm doing until nature dictates otherwise.
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If I was still working for a company I did not own, which I did till 2010 when I turned 55, there would be no joy in Mudville. Fortunately my scheme to start my own company panned out nicely, or life might be different. If I was half the golfer @1972 Grad is or half the fisherman @MercyPercy is, I might be looking to wind down sooner on the working, but I expect I'll keep doing what I'm doing until nature dictates otherwise.
I spend a lot of time on working vacations in North Carolina and Florida. Plus, we have been building a house for the last year and 3 months.
Sounds good. Hope it finishes out to your satisfaction.
It's getting there. It's on a very hidden 3 acres with about 7-800 feet of creek frontage. about 450-500 feet on one side and a bit less on the other. The creek has a concrete dam about 60 feet across, and about 100 years ago, there used to be a grist mill just below the dam. The creek is about 25 feet wide in the part that is dammed up, and up to 60 feet wide further upstream. The water drops about 6-7 feet as it passes over the dam. It is a very strong creek that flows the same year round. There are underground springs that feed it in a couple of places. It is mostly wooded. It actually looks like a park or something. I haven't seen anything else like it around here, or anywhere really.

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