American war dead are "Losers and Suckers," per Trump

It's not just the reporting of Jeffrey Goldberg from The Atlantic, now that Jennifer Griffin of Fox News has independently confirmed that at least some of these allegations are being made by multiple former Senior Trump Administration Officials. You want to make it completely about The Atlantic... but it's not.

Former? So anonymous sources where the only thing we know about them is that they probably have an ax to grind with Trump. They say something that is completely unverifiable, and I'm supposed to take it as fact? I'm using my built in odds tracker. My money is on these unverifiable accounts being fabricated for political purposes rather than Trump having said these things for absolutely no reason.
Former? So anonymous sources where the only thing we know about them is that they probably have an ax to grind with Trump. They say something that is completely unverifiable, and I'm supposed to take it as fact? I'm using my built in odds tracker. My money is on these unverifiable accounts being fabricated for political purposes rather than Trump having said these things for absolutely no reason.
That is a much tougher sell now that a veteran reporter from Fox News is on board with this report. It is more likely than not that Jennifer Griffin had been tasked by a producer with discrediting the Jeffrey Goldberg article in The Atlantic. That is what Fox News has been doing for 3 years now - debunking hit pieces on Donald Trump. However, it seems that Jennifer Griffin ran across some of the same sources that Jeffrey Goldberg did, and because she is a professional, she gave a truthful account of what her sources had told her. There is no way in hell, that a reporter from Fox News is fabricating sources in order to make Donald Trump look bad 8 weeks from the Presidential election. There is no way that you could be at all familiar with Fox News and believe that.

The most likely scenario, is that John Kelly is one of the sources for these allegations.
So again, I’m not defending his morality. In fact, I have no respect for him as a man or President. My objections are the means by which all this is being done. It’s a classic “the end justifies the means.” Whatever needs to be said/done to get him out of office has been checked off as acceptable.

As I have said, I think it is the duty of these sources to come forward and go on the record. There are at least four of them, maybe more, as they have spoken to the Atlantic writer, plus Fox, plus CNN.

We really need just one to step up to the plate and confirm it, and that will be the end of Trump.
Former? So anonymous sources where the only thing we know about them is that they probably have an ax to grind with Trump. They say something that is completely unverifiable, and I'm supposed to take it as fact? I'm using my built in odds tracker. My money is on these unverifiable accounts being fabricated for political purposes rather than Trump having said these things for absolutely no reason.

You haven't even heard what they have to say and already you are dismissing it as an axe to grind. You must get tiring cupping Trump's testicles 24/7 like you do.
As I have said, I think it is the duty of these sources to come forward and go on the record. There are at least four of them, maybe more, as they have spoken to the Atlantic writer, plus Fox, plus CNN.

We really need just one to step up to the plate and confirm it, and that will be the end of Trump.

I agree, 1 would be a nice change.
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My gut feeling is that these allegations are a mashup and blending of true comments mixed in with a few quotes taken out of context.

I'm certain Trump had bad things to say about McCain. I also think that Trump was probably doing what he normally does and speaks off the cuff and had a stream of consciousness moment... similar to the bleach/coronavirus comments that were taken out of context. I'm sure he probably questioned the purpose of Vietnam and some of these other wars, asking what the soldiers really died for. But in typical hater fashion, his enemies used those comments and spun them into a hit piece.
The more I've thought about this, I've decided that I'll buy what Fox News reported, which is that he said that guys who went to and died in Vietnam were suckers. That definitely sounds like something he'd say, particularly because he probably sees himself as really smart for getting out of it (bone spurs).

Trump, like any bully, makes insults not just to put down opponents but also inflate his own ego. I've seen a lot of people believe the quote based on what he said about McCain, but I think he made the statements he did about McCain not because he thinks poorly of troops generally, but because he hated John McCain specifically. Thus, I doubt he made a general statement that war dead were losers and suckers, but I do buy he made a statement that guys who died in a war that he was clever enough to get out of were losers and suckers.

And you're right, the areas of the media that hate him (which is considerable) sat on the story for 2 years, waited until 2 months before an election before writing a story on it, and dressed up the quote a bit to make it sound even worse than it was.
So people who hate Trump and are in a position to absolutely burn him, and were present at the time the supposed statements were made, are categorically denying it. That's about all I need to hear.
Next week they’ll be accusing him of throwing puppies and kittens off the roof of Trump Towers..... then it’ll be stealing ice cream cones from little kids
That is a much tougher sell now that a veteran reporter from Fox News is on board with this report. It is more likely than not that Jennifer Griffin had been tasked by a producer with discrediting the Jeffrey Goldberg article in The Atlantic. That is what Fox News has been doing for 3 years now - debunking hit pieces on Donald Trump. However, it seems that Jennifer Griffin ran across some of the same sources that Jeffrey Goldberg did, and because she is a professional, she gave a truthful account of what her sources had told her. There is no way in hell, that a reporter from Fox News is fabricating sources in order to make Donald Trump look bad 8 weeks from the Presidential election. There is no way that you could be at all familiar with Fox News and believe that.

The most likely scenario, is that John Kelly is one of the sources for these allegations.

I don't see how Jennifer Griffin's involvement changes anything. She didn't verify anything other than there are people who claim, off the record, that Trump said something bad. At the end of the day, the stories these anonymous people are telling are not verifiable.
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The more I've thought about this, I've decided that I'll buy what Fox News reported, which is that he said that guys who went to and died in Vietnam were suckers. That definitely sounds like something he'd say, particularly because he probably sees himself as really smart for getting out of it (bone spurs).

Trump, like any bully, makes insults not just to put down opponents but also inflate his own ego. I've seen a lot of people believe the quote based on what he said about McCain, but I think he made the statements he did about McCain not because he thinks poorly of troops generally, but because he hated John McCain specifically. Thus, I doubt he made a general statement that war dead were losers and suckers, but I do buy he made a statement that guys who died in a war that he was clever enough to get out of were losers and suckers.

And you're right, the areas of the media that hate him (which is considerable) sat on the story for 2 years, waited until 2 months before an election before writing a story on it, and dressed up the quote a bit to make it sound even worse than it was.
To that end, I also think that Trump wondering aloud "Why do people join the military? They don't make any money," also makes sense. Trump attaches a great deal of self-importance to his net worth. It is logical that he would do the same with others.
W&B was provided actual evidence by their anonymous source.

What's your point? Corroborating testimony is considered evidence in a court of law. Besides we are closer to the beginning of this story than the end IMO.

Besides if it's Gen. Kelley I'll take his word over Donnie's any day.
I don't see how Jennifer Griffin's involvement changes anything. She didn't verify anything other than there are people who claim, off the record, that Trump said something bad. At the end of the day, the stories these anonymous people are telling are not verifiable.
Are you kidding me? That changes everything. This can no longer be dismissed as just a radical left-wing hit piece. And they are verifiable to the reporter.
What's your point? Corroborating testimony is considered evidence in a court of law. Besides we are closer to the beginning of this story than the end IMO.

I don't think a court would allow testimony from a person anonymously.

These are supposedly former employees, why not come forward what the hell do they have to lose?
To that end, I also think that Trump wondering aloud "Why do people join the military? They don't make any money," also makes sense. Trump attaches a great deal of self-importance to his net worth. It is logical that he would do the same with others.
Yeah, I buy that too.

That's a very typical statement that somebody who is motivated by money to a very large extent would say. Everybody is motivated by money, but to varying extents. People who are very motivated by money (think of people you know who'd change jobs for a pay bump even if it made their life a living hell, or even if it meant they had to work harder/longer/assume way more responsibility) assume that everyone else thinks like them, and become very confused and have a hard time believing why somebody would do something that ostensibly didn't maximize their financial situation.
Are you kidding me? That changes everything. This can no longer be dismissed as just a radical left-wing hit piece. And they are verifiable to the reporter.

If she talked to the same sources it confirms nothing and since ALL of the sources are anonymous she/we can't be sure she didn't.
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Trump is a giant, sh*t-talking douche. Does it really surprise anyone that he said this? Of course not.

While he talks a big stick, he's really a complete and utter softy. 100% dove. His money and connections got him "bone spurs" to avoid serving in Nam. Further, to this day, one of the smallest, pettiest and most pathetic things Trump ever did was blast John McCain - an actual war hero. Just vile.

And oh BTW, Fox News confirmed a good portion of the claims, so yeah, it happened.
I don't think a court would allow testimony from a person anonymously.

These are supposedly former employees, why not come forward what the hell do they have to lose?

I'm talking about when they come out and I believe they will. I posted here earlier if they don't show their faces this can only be considered a hit job.
Are you kidding me? That changes everything. This can no longer be dismissed as just a radical left-wing hit piece. And they are verifiable to the reporter.

What does it change? The original story was a hit piece where the editor had to back track. Then someone from Fox confirms that some anonymous sources claim Trump said something bad. Nothing is verified other than anonymous sources are making claims. What am I missing? How are the claims verifiable to the reporter? Do you think there is physical evidence of Trump saying these things to the people who are making the claims?
If she talked to the same sources it confirms nothing and since ALL of the sources are anonymous she/we can't be sure she didn't.
That doesn't make any sense. It confirms that there are "multiple former Trump Administration Officials" who are alleging that Donald Trump made disparaging remarks about American veterans and military service in general.
Trump is a giant, sh*t-talking douche. Does it really surprise anyone that he said this? Of course not.

While he talks a big stick, he's really a complete and utter softy. 100% dove. His money and connections got him "bone spurs" to avoid serving in Nam. Further, to this day, one of the smallest, pettiest and most pathetic things Trump ever did was blast John McCain - an actual war hero. Disgusts me.

And oh BTW, Fox News confirmed a good portion of the claims, so yeah, it happened.
He ain't as bad as Dick Cheney though. Unlike Cheney, Trump hasn't shown (at least not yet) a really casual proclivity to send other people's kids to die in wars despite being incredibly reluctant to serve himself.

Cheney was a drunk bum flunking out of school and getting a DUI in Wyoming during Vietnam, and said he had "other priorities in the 60s other than military service." 5 draft deferments. The true epitome of a chickenhawk.
I agree, 1 would be a nice change.

Nice change?

Everyone who has ever met with Trump in private is calling him out for being a POS - even his own family.

Again, him disparaging people is what he does, it's a part of who he is. He made fun of a disabled man on TV, and was cheered for it by his psycho nut huggers.

Why would any rational person believe he wouldn't call dead soldiers "suckers?"
He ain't as bad as Dick Cheney though. Unlike Cheney, Trump hasn't shown (at least not yet) a really casual proclivity to send other people's kids to die in wars despite being incredibly reluctant to serve himself.

Cheney was a drunk bum flunking out of school and getting a DUI in Wyoming during Vietnam, and said he had "other priorities in the 60s other than military service." 5 draft deferments. The true epitome of a chickenhawk.

President Cheney was a very scary dude. I doubt the shotgun incident was an accident.
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That doesn't make any sense. It confirms that there are "multiple former Trump Administration Officials" who are alleging that Donald Trump made disparaging remarks about American veterans and military service in general.

No, sorry it doesn't. She doesn't know if her "sources" are the same "sources" from the original story.

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