American war dead are "Losers and Suckers," per Trump

What does it change? The original story was a hit piece where the editor had to back track. Then someone from Fox confirms that some anonymous sources claim Trump said something bad. Nothing is verified other than anonymous sources are making claims. What am I missing? How are the claims verifiable to the reporter? Do you think there is physical evidence of Trump saying these things to the people who are making the claims?
Jennifer Griffin verified that there are two Trump Administration Officials alleging that Trump made the disparaging remarks. Now, whether or not you choose to believe those unnamed officials is up to you. Griffin verified that these sources do exist and she has even described them as being "unimpeachable".

Personally, I think that has to mean that one of them is John Kelly. Hopefully, we will get more corroboration in the future.
Trump is a giant, sh*t-talking douche. Does it really surprise anyone that he said this? Of course not.

While he talks a big stick, he's really a complete and utter softy. 100% dove. His money and connections got him "bone spurs" to avoid serving in Nam. Further, to this day, one of the smallest, pettiest and most pathetic things Trump ever did was blast John McCain - an actual war hero. Just vile.

And oh BTW, Fox News confirmed a good portion of the claims, so yeah, it happened.

Having said stupid things in the past does not serve as sufficient evidence of having said the things that are being claimed. This is literally he said she said and they said where the "he" is Trump, the "she" is four unknown sources, and "they" are a dozen on record sources, some of whom should have been present when some of the things are claimed to have been said.
Jennifer Griffin verified that there are two Trump Administration Officials alleging that Trump made the disparaging remarks. Now, whether or not you choose to believe those unnamed officials is up to you. Griffin verified that these sources do exist and she has even described them as being "unimpeachable".

Personally, I think that has to mean that one of them is John Kelly. Hopefully, we will get more corroboration in the future.

How does one gain the status of "unimpeachable"? Does that mean that they literally are incapable of telling a politically motivated lie? Like Jim Carrey in "Liar Liar"?
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President Cheney was a very scary dude. I doubt the shotgun incident was an accident.
My favorite part about that is the dude Cheney shot ended up apologizing to Cheney lol

Edit: just looked it up again and apparently the guy Cheney shot to this day still hasn't received an apology from Dick.
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President Cheney was a very scary dude. I doubt the shotgun incident was an accident.
He might not have shot that guy intentionally, but he sure as hell doesn't think he did anything wrong.

Did you see the Showtime documentary they did on him? I can't believe he sat to be interviewed for it, because it doesn't paint him in a particularly flattering light. I think it's a fair piece; there are several allies of him that are interviewed along with critics, but it isn't a puff piece at all. The dude has zero sense of introspection or self-awareness, which is really scary for someone that had the power he had.
My favorite part about that is the dude Cheney shot ended up apologizing to Cheney lol

Edit: just looked it up again and apparently the guy Cheney shot to this day still hasn't received an apology from Dick.

His name wasn't Dick for nothing.
Having said stupid things in the past does not serve as sufficient evidence of having said the things that are being claimed. This is literally he said she said and they said where the "he" is Trump, the "she" is four unknown sources, and "they" are a dozen on record sources, some of whom should have been present when some of the things are claimed to have been said.

How would the dozen people know if something was or wasn't said, if they couldn't even be sure if they were there?

Also, the sources aren't anonymous or unknown - as has been pointed out. They were verified by what by all accounts are a respected journalist.

Trying to treat her like she's Rachel Maddow squawking about what she thinks isn't working.
Nice change?

Everyone who has ever met with Trump in private is calling him out for being a POS - even his own family.

Again, him disparaging people is what he does, it's a part of who he is. He made fun of a disabled man on TV, and was cheered for it by his psycho nut huggers.

Why would any rational person believe he wouldn't call dead soldiers "suckers?"
Why would any rational person believe anything reported by the liberal media? Show some proof or STFU. The way it looks now you have a dozen people that said he never said anything like what has been reported and a couple of "anonymous" that say he did and they are afraid Trump will tweet about them if they come forward. You can't make the stuff up.
Why would any rational person believe anything reported by the liberal media? Show some proof or STFU. The way it looks now you have a dozen people that said he never said anything like what has been reported and a couple of "anonymous" that say he did and they are afraid Trump will tweet about them if they come forward. You can't make the stuff up.

Fox is the liberal media now?

Good to know.
Why would any rational person believe anything reported by the liberal media? Show some proof or STFU. The way it looks now you have a dozen people that said he never said anything like what has been reported and a couple of "anonymous" that say he did and they are afraid Trump will tweet about them if they come forward. You can't make the stuff up.
But they are brave to have come forward.
Did you see the Showtime documentary they did on him? I can't believe he sat to be interviewed for it, because it doesn't paint him in a particularly flattering light. I think it's a fair piece; there are several allies of him that are interviewed along with critics, but it isn't a puff piece at all. The dude has zero sense of introspection or self-awareness, which is really scary for someone that had the power he had.[/QUOTE]
He might not have shot that guy intentionally, but he sure as hell doesn't think he did anything wrong.

Haven't seen it. Don't want nightmares.

The whole Halliburton non-bid government contract thing was unbelievable. Stank to high heaven.

I'd say F that guy, but I don't wanna die just yet.
Trump even denied calling John McCain a loser. He is on video, and even sent a tweet calling McCain a loser. These idiots will believe anything he says, even though he is a proven liar.
This forum, from the perspective of the die-hard Trump supporters, is indicative of how dumb this country has gotten
That is why Jennifer Griffin's report is so significant here. She totally killed the "liberal media hit job" defense. There is no way that Fox wanted to air her report. The producers and execs at Fox News thought she would de-bunk it.

Why wouldn't they want her to air her report? Are they not in the business of generating ratings (revenue) anymore?
Does Fox own the Atlantic? No it's owned by another liberal, Steve Jobs widow. And I know where you are going.

If you know where I'm going, you should stop.

The Atlantic's story was almost certainly being vetted by Griffin to discredit... And she couldn't do it, for her efforts she verified the liberal media story as accurate.

Where it began isn't relevant, where it ended is. Ask yourself, does it bother you more that the libtard media uncovered and outed trump with this story - or that a highly respected journalist verified it as true?
Haven't seen it. Don't want nightmares.

The whole Halliburton non-bid government contract thing was unbelievable. Stank to high heaven.

I'd say F that guy, but I don't wanna die just yet.
The no-bid stuff they got was bad, but that's like run-of-the-mill nickel-and-dime stuff that goes on with every admin. He'd divested, so it isn't like he personally profited from it, but he definitely rewarded his buddies.

The even more scandalous stuff occurred when he went straight from Secretary of Defense to CEO of Halliburton. He got that job because he was a Rolodex guy - what in the hell does a career politician (to that point) know about running an oil service company? He didn't know a thing about that business other than the right palms to grease. He did personally profit, and in a huge fashion, from that.
Why wouldn't they want her to air her report? Are they not in the business of generating ratings (revenue) anymore?
Their ratings are based on keeping the Trump base happy. Their ratings go down during times when they have been critical of Trump... such as during Charlottesville.
If you know where I'm going, you should stop.

The Atlantic's story was almost certainly being vetted by Griffin to discredit... And she couldn't do it, for her efforts she verified the liberal media story as accurate.

Where it began isn't relevant, where it ended is. Ask yourself, does it bother you more that the libtard media uncovered and outed trump with this story - or that a highly respected journalist verified it as true?
So where was this "story" 2 years ago? Blows me away how this stuff always appears right before an election from "anonymous" sources. Don't look now but I bet there is a gotcha story about to sting Biden or Kamala's ass pretty soon.
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