Ammo Company Refusing to Sell to Biden Voters

I was infuriated when I was Xmas shopping for my dad this past December. Was looking for a nice Kimber or Sig 1911 at three different stores.

1. Shoot Point Blank - spent about 15 minutes browsing in the store. Others were also shopping, but not busy, and there were available sales associates. No one said a word to me. I walked up to a counter in front of an idle associate stood there for a few seconds expecting to at least get a greeting. Nothing. I decided to leave because it didn't look like they had anything I wanted after browsing for 15 mins, and it frustrated me that I was deliberately ignored.

2. Buds Gun Shop - almost identical scenario except I was ignored by two different reps. By no means am I a regular, but I have purchased a few pistols and lots of ammo from them in the past. Again, nothing I wanted, so I left without being acknowledged by probably a dozen employees. The people at the front desk were also sure to ignore me when I entered and exited.

3. Smoky Mountain Knifeworks - you guessed it, identical scenario. No acknowledgement whatsoever from any of the areas. Lo and behold, they have a gorgeous Kimber Raptor II - absolutely perfect for my dad. I'm a little happier now, and I decide to try my luck one more time in getting acknowledged. Stood in front of a dingus for several seconds, even looking him in the face, and he chose to ignore me. I finally said, "hey, can I buy this Kimber 1911 please?" and unsurprisingly he showed a lot of life all the sudden.

Now I believe I know why this happened, and since it happened at 3 different places, I can't help but complain. If you saw me walking down the street, you would more than likely peg me as a liberal/Democrat. I wear slim fit jeans (not skinny, just regular slim fit), RayBan glasses, usually have a flatbill UT or Titans hat, and I was definitely in my plain non-flashy Adidas hoodie on all 3 occasions. In all reality, my attire is fairly plain, but I believe the combination of glasses, flat bill, and slim jeans led over 20 associates to assume I'm a liberal and not worth their time. I told my dad the same story without including my theory, and he said "they probably thought you were a democrat."

I'm all for private businesses doing their own thing, but holy f***, that was probably one of my most angry moments of 2020. Even if I'm wrong about their motives/intentions (which I doubt haha, see this thread as an example), still pisses me off that was deliberately ignored when I was trying to spend a decent amount of money for an Xmas present for my dad.
I think you're reaching. Bigly.
I'd rather buy a gun from a "friend of a friend" so there is no paper trail for uncle joe and beto to follow.

That works too. With a cwp you don’t have to do the background check in SC so it’s not near the hassle as doing the background check.
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Really? What kind of customer service were you expecting? I guess since I'm black, I'm not used to how customer service should actually be. I actually prefer not to be bothered while I'm shopping and prefer not to have some employee on me every step of the way. If I need any help, I'll just walk up to a clerk and ask for help. No biggie. But again, I'm not sure how customer service should be properly done.

Oh, and for the record, I've been to gun stores in the backwoods and went to a gun show recently in Wilson County and not had any issues with the stores helping me or serving me.
I don't expect anyone to move the earth for me, but I expect to be greeted and offered help/assistance. I guess this is me up in my ivory tower expecting acknowledgement in a retail establishment. I don't work with the public anymore, but I know what customer service is and isn't supposed to be - which is a big factor of my personal professional success.

I always liked the Gun Room in Wilson Co. Haven't been in probably 8 or 9 years, but those guys were always super nice. Truthfully, I've never had this issue until this last December. I think in '16 or '17 I was bouncing from shop to shop looking for a specific piece, and I don't recall being ignored at any shops.
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I was infuriated when I was Xmas shopping for my dad this past December. Was looking for a nice Kimber or Sig 1911 at three different stores.

1. Shoot Point Blank - spent about 15 minutes browsing in the store. Others were also shopping, but not busy, and there were available sales associates. No one said a word to me. I walked up to a counter in front of an idle associate stood there for a few seconds expecting to at least get a greeting. Nothing. I decided to leave because it didn't look like they had anything I wanted after browsing for 15 mins, and it frustrated me that I was deliberately ignored.

2. Buds Gun Shop - almost identical scenario except I was ignored by two different reps. By no means am I a regular, but I have purchased a few pistols and lots of ammo from them in the past. Again, nothing I wanted, so I left without being acknowledged by probably a dozen employees. The people at the front desk were also sure to ignore me when I entered and exited.

3. Smoky Mountain Knifeworks - you guessed it, identical scenario. No acknowledgement whatsoever from any of the areas. Lo and behold, they have a gorgeous Kimber Raptor II - absolutely perfect for my dad. I'm a little happier now, and I decide to try my luck one more time in getting acknowledged. Stood in front of a dingus for several seconds, even looking him in the face, and he chose to ignore me. I finally said, "hey, can I buy this Kimber 1911 please?" and unsurprisingly he showed a lot of life all the sudden.

Now I believe I know why this happened, and since it happened at 3 different places, I can't help but complain. If you saw me walking down the street, you would more than likely peg me as a liberal/Democrat. I wear slim fit jeans (not skinny, just regular slim fit), RayBan glasses, usually have a flatbill UT or Titans hat, and I was definitely in my plain non-flashy Adidas hoodie on all 3 occasions. In all reality, my attire is fairly plain, but I believe the combination of glasses, flat bill, and slim jeans led over 20 associates to assume I'm a liberal and not worth their time. I told my dad the same story without including my theory, and he said "they probably thought you were a democrat."

I'm all for private businesses doing their own thing, but holy f***, that was probably one of my most angry moments of 2020. Even if I'm wrong about their motives/intentions (which I doubt haha, see this thread as an example), still pisses me off that was deliberately ignored when I was trying to spend a decent amount of money for an Xmas present for my dad.
It’s the jeans bro.....what kind of shoes were you wearing?..... they may have been part of the problem too
It not necessarily just the shoes .... it’s the shoes WITH the with skinny pants .... like chuck taylors .... the ultra boosts were probably ok.
I know what you mean. I fully admit I look more liberal than conservative.

Idk, it's hard to make me legitimately angry, but I was triggered (heh). Not worth getting bent out of shape over, but it has obviously gotten to me.
It not necessarily just the shoes .... it’s the shoes WITH the with skinny pants .... like chuck taylors .... the ultra boosts were probably ok..... chuck taylors will get you an ass whipping in some places
Where? Specifically? You might be hanging out at the wrong places
I know what you mean. I fully admit I look more liberal than conservative.

Idk, it's hard to make me legitimately angry, but I was triggered (heh). Not worth getting bent out of shape over, but it has obviously gotten to me.
That type of thing aggravates me as well.
It not necessarily just the shoes .... it’s the shoes WITH the with skinny pants .... like chuck taylors .... the ultra boosts were probably ok..... chuck taylors will get you an ass whipping in some places
I feel like Chucks are a pretty versatile shoe, though I am personally not a fan. I would say they transcend many designations.
If you wear skinny jeans with Chuck Taylors you’re going to places I don’t want to go.... that’s all I’m saying
I wear relaxed fit jeans and Chuck Taylor's to the grocery store. You were pretty certain with your claim, but now you're admitting you really don't know about those places. Top shelf blowhard material!😜
I was at a gun show years ago not too long after columbine. There was a kid with shoulder length hair in a black trench coat passing by me in the aisle. I turned to watch him and he came to a couple tables with AR’s on them and proceeded to run his finger over every one of them. The eyes on the guy running the table got roughly the size of grapefruits and he blurted out “uh these is display only”. The kid may have just been trolling but he set off a lot of radars that day.
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I don't purchase a lot of ammo. I had no idea it flies off the shelves.

They deliver Ammo to the Academy sports in Brunswick 3 days a week. Every day that they deliver there is a line that starts forming at 7 and by the time they open at 9 there are between 50 to 100 people in line. You are lucky to find what ammo you are after if you get there after 10. I prefer to skip the lines and pay a little more for ammo at the shooting range

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