Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court

I'd also be down for a pay-per-view of Dan Crenshaw and Jim Jordan tag team against Adam Schiff and Steve Cohen.

Chairs optional.
Jordan is a 2xNCAA National Champ so I am taking the Champ and the USN SEAL over pencil neck and chicken neck
Hopefully I'm not one to claim historical precedent when the reality shows anything but that.
You ignore the precent set by near unanimous condemnation when FDR got his socialist feelings hurt and tried the same. Anyone who supports this move wants to invalidate the separation of powers and the basis of our govt. This was not meant as a political ploy
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That's what the repubs are bringing on us by stealing a seat.
You can certainly argue and believe that what the Republicans did was inherently unfair. You’ll get no argument from me.

But if the Democrats regain control, and pack the court, it won’t be the Republicans “doing it”. It will forever and always be the Democrats that literally packed the court.
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Do you even hear yourself?
Andrew Jackson - 1866.
We're talking more than 150 years ago.....and Andrew Jackson at the conclusion of the Civil War. precedent goes back that far. It's kinda the basis of blacks being a free people. But I guess that is irrelevant precedent because its old. I think we even go back to 1776 on some stuff....

You dont like it, so you claim there is a problem, even after acknowledging historical precedence.
I guess we'll never know.
When was the last time the Senate refused to vote on a supreme court nominee?
Out of curiosity- What would your position be if the Republicans had allowed the vote, and the Democrats had fallen short of the votes to confirm?
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Reactions: AM64 precedent goes back that far. It's kinda the basis of blacks being a free people. But I guess that is irrelevant precedent because its old. I think we even go back to 1776 on some stuff....

You dont like it, so you claim there is a problem, even after acknowledging historical precedence.
It's that the past 150 years of precedent overrides what happened under Andrew Johnson at the end of the Civil war.
When you look at precedent, you start in the present and work your way back.

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