Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court

These are the last days of the Republican klan. That's the entire reason they did this, they know they're about to get their sh!t rocked so they had to do one final power grab before dipping out. It'll be a while before they have any sort of tangible power again. 7-6 here we come.
LOL first day in politics? Something bad will happen(recession maybe or something else) Dems control everything and they will be blamed...... then. Republicans will all be voted back in
LOL first day in politics? Something bad will happen(recession maybe or something else) Dems control everything and they will be blamed...... the. Republicans will all be voted back in
But they will have moved substantially to the left by always.
I mean seriously who gives a flying ****? I don't think this was the elephant in the room that needed to be addressed lmao


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