An Oral History of the Night Lane Kiffin....

Just can't wait to see how quickly his immaturity & arrogance rises their ugly heads in Tusksareloosa. It's impossible for this not to occur.
1) Bianchi is not a Gator homer.

2) Bianchi is literally the worst sports reporter of all time.

3) Florida fans do not obsess over Meyer. We are used to the reality of winning and are focused on how to get back there. Now.

Muschamp is on the hot seat. Don't let anyone tell you different

I live in Florida. Gator fans have either crawled under a rock or donned FSU jerseys. All the fans in this state are so fickle and jump to the hot team if that's what you mean by being used to the reality of winning.
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Nice tuneup for you when the subject is "The Night Muschamp Left For Georgia Southern"

Might work out well for Georgia Southern. We hired a coach we dog walked from a lesser program and I must say, it's going pretty well I think:yes:
I live in Florida. Gator fans have either crawled under a rock or donned FSU jerseys. All the fans in this state are so fickle and jump to the hot team if that's what you mean by being used to the reality of winning.

Sounds bout right..
I can't wait for the storyline when Bama comes through. ESPN/ABC or whatever will definitely recap on the time Kiffin was here.
It's easy to forget with the way he bolted out of here, but that was one fun year up until the chikkin bowl. Beat UGA and USC in crazy atmospheres at home. Lost to UCLA in a crazy game we should've won. Almost beat Bama at Bama (ah, the simpler times when we were 'mad' that Bama declined to let us wear orange jerseys in that game). Wes Brown's td versus Vandy. The OT touchdown at UK. I traveled to two away games for the first time ever and the bowl game. Went to every home game. Like I said, crazy fun year until January.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I live in Florida. Gator fans have either crawled under a rock or donned FSU jerseys. All the fans in this state are so fickle and jump to the hot team if that's what you mean by being used to the reality of winning.

You live in SOUTH florida. Down there everyone pretends to be associated with the winners. Take UM for example. -- they win and the stands are full of people who not only didn't go there but don't even know where the campus is.
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Great post. There is no person more loyal to UT sports than Bud Ford. We as fans should be appalled the way Dave Hart treated him. 45 years deserved a better ending.
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Kiffin is slime. I'd rather never hear about him or see him again . . . but, of course, now he is an assistant for Alabama and his new boss is making claims that UT fans were angry with him because he was so good.

It's a bunch of crap. Was Kiffin better than Dooley? Sure. But then again, we could have hired Ned the Homeless Drunk and he would have been a better coach than Dooley. The problem with Kiffin was that he came in, talked a bunch of trash and really brought our program down into the gutter in terms of classless, adolescent conduct (to include NCAA violations) -- only to run out in the middle of the night. To he** with him. It's not what he did . . . it was how he did it.

Lane Kiffin is a child. I don't care how much he studies under Nick Saban, he will not change. I wish nothing good for him. No one can convince me that Orgeron wasn't acting under his guidance to try to get our early entry kids to skip class -- talk about CLASSLESS (pun intended). And that, my fellow Vol Fans, is what I hated about him and his time in Knoxville: the classless way that Kiffin conducted himself and, by extension, the lack of class that our program had under his so-called leadership. His infamous exit from UT was just the proverbial icing on the cake.
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Has BigVolDaddy chimed in yet? Don't need to read it, I know what he will say.
You live in North Cuba. Down there everyone pretends to be associated with the winners. Take UM for example. -- they win and the stands are full of people who not only didn't go there but don't even know where the campus is.

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what bothers me about all this is that both this article and the Dooley is a Loser article where on the front page of Fox Sports at the SAME time.

geesh it makes us look like a bunch of whiny crybabies and I really think that's unfortunate.
I wish we would just drop it and move forward all this rehashing of stuff doesn't do anybody any good.
Karma has taken care of Kiffin.. When he was fired from USC. They didn't even wait to get home. Fired him and then wouldn't let him on the bus. I truly believe Satan hired him for the sole purpose of pissing off the UT fanbase. Bama vs UT is going to be one of the most publicized games of the year because of this debacle.

And Karma is not done yet either.. who wants to bet he does not make it past year 2?
With all the drama surrounding his departure, and the bitterness that has ensued, it is easy to forget how bright things actually looked at the time. He'd beaten quality opponents, signed the highest recruit in UT's history, and had a top five class coming in.

We will never really know how much this SOB changed the course of UT. It would be interesting to see someone do an analysis on estimated dollars lost over the last four years.
Karma has taken care of Kiffin.. When he was fired from USC. They didn't even wait to get home. Fired him and then wouldn't let him on the bus. I truly believe Satan hired him for the sole purpose of pissing off the UT fanbase. Bama vs UT is going to be one of the most publicized games of the year because of this debacle.

And Karma is not done yet either.. who wants to bet he does not make it past year 2?

I don't think karma has quite taken care of Kiffin. The guy has made millions while accomplishing very little, and although he isn't being paid the obscene salary he received at USC, he still managed to land a pretty good gig making over $600,000 a year in a low-cost of living area.

As far as lasting more than 2 years at Alabama, I'd say you're probably right. With Lane's luck, he'll probably parlay a 1 or 2 year stint with Bama into a head coaching job at a smaller school for ~$1 million a year. The guy must be the best interviewee the world has ever known.
Some would rather let the Kiffin debacle fade into the abyss. I actually enjoyed reading this recap of how everything went down the night Kiffin bolted. Our fan base is like no other. We are so beat down right now. We are thirsting for the first drops of rain from the storm that we've been promised is coming. Just watch that blocked punt from last years Georgia game that replayed last night. Listen to the crowd. Cold chills. It is going to be spectacular when it happens.

The night Lane Kiffin bolted Tennessee, an oral history | FOX Sports

Who the hell cares man?...Why bring this crap up?...He sucks as a head coach, He got UT in trouble with the NCAA, He bolted and left for USC where he really showed his true colors and completely stunk up that place which I didn't think was possible..I'm glad that POS is gone and hopefully he ruins Alabama like he did every place he's been....Period
Karma has taken care of Kiffin.. When he was fired from USC. They didn't even wait to get home. Fired him and then wouldn't let him on the bus. I truly believe Satan hired him for the sole purpose of pissing off the UT fanbase. Bama vs UT is going to be one of the most publicized games of the year because of this debacle.

And Karma is not done yet either.. who wants to bet he does not make it past year 2?

You really think Saban gives a flying F about the UT fanbase? Or that Kiffin going to Knoxville matters to anyone but the Vol fans who still miss their junior high sweetheart when they're 40 years old?
Karma has taken care of Kiffin.. When he was fired from USC. They didn't even wait to get home. Fired him and then wouldn't let him on the bus. I truly believe Satan hired him for the sole purpose of pissing off the UT fanbase. Bama vs UT is going to be one of the most publicized games of the year because of this debacle.

And Karma is not done yet either.. who wants to bet he does not make it past year 2?

I think beating us is pissing off Vol fans more than enough. I find the hiring questionable but it's silly to think Saban hired him for the sole reason of pissing us off.
If you "truly believe" that, you are dumb. I don't think you "truly believe" that.

If you "truly believe" that he "truly believes" that Nick Saban hired Kiffin for that reason, then I "truly believe" that you "truly believe" that he "truly believes" Saban did indeed.

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