And the search for dirt on Sarah Palin begins

RCP's coverage of that press release (which now can't be found) is a little more in depth.

RealClearPolitics - VP Watch - Palin Praises Obama's Energy Plan

the only "praise" that I could see coming from Palin is that for Obama's acknowledgment of Alaska's huge energy resources.

She thinks the $1000 energy "rebate" is a good idea, but disagrees that it should come from a windfall profits tax.
If I grant you that Bush has been a bad President (which I don't believe is the case, but I'll humor you), how do you justify the 180 degree switch in order to vote for a neo-socialist like Obama?

You like to point to Obama's education as evidence he's ready, yet his reaction to Russia's invasion of Georgia went through three different iterations before he finally figured things out.

Actually, I like someone that can change their mind and actually think through something instead of charging full speed ahead and only picking the information that support their decision. And that's not an endorsement for Obama -- it's just something I believe in. In fact, it was something I though McCain used to do very well.

The notion that someone changing their minds on an issue being a negative is baffling. Expecting a POTUS to be fully versed on all issues is also unrealistic. Be a great leader, surround yourself with level-headed experts to help guide your decision, and be ready to make the tough, correct decision for the country. However, do not make national decisions on emotion, poor information, and/or a personal agenda. Is that too much to ask?
Unsubstantiated. Though Obama's camp blamed Clinton's camp it was denied. Mind you, the pic first showed up on the Drudge Report. Regardless, many ultra-conservative outlets ran with this picture and idea for quite some time.

Anddddd.. hillary was interviewed and she said she didn't "think" BO was a Muslim. big emphasis on the word think. She could have quelled the conversation by saying No, he's not Muslim. And if it were unsubstantiated that would lead me to believe that it's origination was unknown and thus can't be blamed on McCain.
Actually, I like someone that can change their mind and actually think through something instead of charging full speed ahead and only picking the information that support their decision. And that's not an endorsement for Obama -- it's just something I believe in. In fact, it was something I though McCain used to do very well.

The notion that someone changing their minds on an issue being a negative is baffling. Expecting a POTUS to be fully versed on all issues is also unrealistic. Be a great leader, surround yourself with level-headed experts to help guide your decision, and be ready to make the tough, correct decision for the country. However, do not make national decisions on emotion, poor information, and/or a personal agenda. Is that too much to ask?

nope, and any criticism of Palin based on her lack of experience has just been tossed out the window. I would trust her "level headed experts" over Obama's any day of the week.

It's also gratifying to know that you will no longer criticize McCain for changing his stance on offshore drilling.
I started reading some comments on various blogs/stories about the "mystery baby" and it's quite frightening.

Some believe Rove masterminded this - intentionally goading the left into questioning Palin to make her look sympathetic.

Some state she intentionally flew home to have the baby in an attempt to cause a miscarriage so she could get rid of the a Downs Syndrome baby.

To think all these nuts have voting rights is a bit disturbing. Fortunately, there are enough "normals" to outweigh the fringe.
FOX News just reported that her 17yo daughter is pregnant.

EDIT: CNN confirms and reports that she will mary the father.

quoth Obama:

“Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old,” he said. “I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby."

a big difference between Palin and Obama is that Palin doesn't view Bristol's pregnancy as punishment, but a blessing.
nope, and any criticism of Palin based on her lack of experience has just been tossed out the window. I would trust her "level headed experts" over Obama's any day of the week.

It's also gratifying to know that you will no longer criticize McCain for changing his stance on offshore drilling.

I assume you are making general quotes or have me confused with someone else as I've never made the comments you listed above.
Unfortunate choice of words? I saw that a week or so ago and cringed when I heard it. I'm middle of the road on the choice issue but that terminology was harsh.

Are you saying that those words are not his true feelings about the issue...just curious...I believe they are
I must be bored because I keep reading comments on a blog about the mystery baby.

2 separate posters have offered evidence that Palin faked it -- their proof? One of the Desperate Housewives faked a pregnancy. Seriously, they are saying it's easy to fake a pregnancy because they saw it on Desperate Housewives! Lord help us all.
Unfortunate choice of words? I saw that a week or so ago and cringed when I heard it. I'm middle of the road on the choice issue but that terminology was harsh.

I think his choice of words is accurate to how he feels. I am pro-life but don't stick it in anyone else's face. But that line he delivered in that quote was pretty disgusting.
I started reading some comments on various blogs/stories about the "mystery baby" and it's quite frightening.

Some believe Rove masterminded this - intentionally goading the left into questioning Palin to make her look sympathetic.

Some state she intentionally flew home to have the baby in an attempt to cause a miscarriage so she could get rid of the a Downs Syndrome baby.

To think all these nuts have voting rights is a bit disturbing. Fortunately, there are enough "normals" to outweigh the fringe.

I like to believe this as well -- but it's funny that what comes out of these nuts mouths is what politicians end up having to waste their time on.
Anddddd.. hillary was interviewed and she said she didn't "think" BO was a Muslim. big emphasis on the word think. She could have quelled the conversation by saying No, he's not Muslim. And if it were unsubstantiated that would lead me to believe that it's origination was unknown and thus can't be blamed on McCain.

Never blamed McCain and never said I knew the source. however, you can't exactly say you know for sure either -- so we stand at the report being unsubstantiated. We are allowed to believe whatever we like though.

Regardless, the story was quickly picked up by conservative publications and radio shows and used accordingly so my point still stands that their are no "innocent" sides to bad politicking.
RCP's coverage of that press release (which now can't be found) is a little more in depth.

RealClearPolitics - VP Watch - Palin Praises Obama's Energy Plan

the only "praise" that I could see coming from Palin is that for Obama's acknowledgment of Alaska's huge energy resources.

She thinks the $1000 energy "rebate" is a good idea, but disagrees that it should come from a windfall profits tax.

It seems she was for it before she was against it.
Here's more detail but still need more details.

Shared Views but Also Contrasts in McCain, Palin Energy Policies - America’s Election HQ

They both oppose a national windfall profits tax on oil companies, saying it would hinder domestic production. But she raised taxes on oil companies in Alaska last year, arguing that her predecessor, Frank Murkowski gave them too many breaks.

When asked by whether McCain’s criticism of Obama’s similar proposal to tax oil companies was a contradiction to Palin’s actions last year, McCain campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds batted the question away.

Where the tax hikes WPT? Is repealing the current tax credits to oil companies the same as raising taxes? Is it tantamount to supporting WPT?

I think both McCain and Obama support removing the tax credits that were given to Big Oil when times were tough. While that is effectively a tax hike, it is quite different than a WPT. Not sure what her tax hike was.

I do disagree with her on the $1000 stimulus though.
I'd like to see more than this:

to draw a conclusion. Some detail would help.

That's my whole argument, Crap like this is going to get more scrutiny over the next couple of weeks and its stuff like this that will sink her. It makes McCain look like he made a unnecessary risky pick.
That's my whole argument, Crap like this is going to get more scrutiny over the next couple of weeks and its stuff like this that will sink her. It makes McCain look like he made a unnecessary risky pick.

Ummm...Biden voted for the war. No one is going to pick a VP that they agree with on everything.
Ummm...Biden voted for the war. No one is going to pick a VP that they agree with on everything.

True, but my argument is that stuff about Palin is going to pop up all over the place whether its given credence or not simply because there is not time to let it die off before the election.

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