And then the Trumpsters on VN had no idea what to say....

Trump just threatened to veto the stimulus bill unless Congress amends it to make the personal checks $2k to $4k, up from the $600 in the bill.

Wow. What are Trumpsters going to say now??? They CLAIM to hate spending. They CLAIM to hate aid to folks that could work. They CLAIM such spending is a work disincentive.

Trumpsters scrambling to come up with a way to say he's not a complete lunatic.
Man your posts get more dumb by the day. When you take out the Trillions going to foreign countries, in a Stimulus bill that's supposed to be for Americans and American buisnesses only the bill is very small, even while giving 2k or 4k to citizens.

Are you saying people don't need help?
Man your posts get more dumb by the day. When you take out the Trillions going to foreign countries, in a Stimulus bill that's supposed to be for Americans and American buisnesses only the bill is very small, even while giving 2k or 4k to citizens.

Are you saying people don't need help?

Your facts are way off the mark. Please review.
Trump just threatened to veto the stimulus bill unless Congress amends it to make the personal checks $2k to $4k, up from the $600 in the bill.

Wow. What are Trumpsters going to say now??? They CLAIM to hate spending. They CLAIM to hate aid to folks that could work. They CLAIM such spending is a work disincentive.

Trumpsters scrambling to come up with a way to say he's not a complete lunatic.

He should just veto the bill period. He’s a lunatic if he wants to add additional money.
How is it that we cannot get a bill passed without pork in it ? I mean it would seems eventually we could do that . I don’t care one way or the other about a stimulus check I’m just amazed that regardless of the emergency or circumstances we have our “ public servants “ have to get something out of it or they won’t vote for it . Lying , scamming , fraudulent bunch of vipers .
Trump just threatened to veto the stimulus bill unless Congress amends it to make the personal checks $2k to $4k, up from the $600 in the bill.

Wow. What are Trumpsters going to say now??? They CLAIM to hate spending. They CLAIM to hate aid to folks that could work. They CLAIM such spending is a work disincentive.

Trumpsters scrambling to come up with a way to say he's not a complete lunatic.

It’s absurd to me, tbh, but I bet you won’t start this thread when it’s Joe’s turn.
It’s absurd to me, tbh, but I bet you won’t start this thread when it’s Joe’s turn.

The thesis is two-fold.

The obvious point is that Trump is not and never has been the Republican fiscal conservative he's supposed to be.

The second point is that VN Trumpsters will contort themselves and their CLAIMED principles to excuse or overlook it. Again.
The thesis is two-fold.

The obvious point is that Trump is not and never has been the Republican fiscal conservative he's supposed to be.

The second point is that VN Trumpsters will contort themselves and their CLAIMED principles to excuse or overlook it. Again.

I know what you’re getting at, but I think most on here, Trump voters or not, cringe when seeing these type of “stimulus” packages. On one level I do think people need help right now. How we do that in a targeted way is up for debate. On the other, we know it’s going to hurt like hell when it’s time to pay the piper.
Trump just threatened to veto the stimulus bill unless Congress amends it to make the personal checks $2k to $4k, up from the $600 in the bill.

Wow. What are Trumpsters going to say now??? They CLAIM to hate spending. They CLAIM to hate aid to folks that could work. They CLAIM such spending is a work disincentive.

Trumpsters scrambling to come up with a way to say he's not a complete lunatic.

I say he is a genius that plays chess while everybody else plays checkers. What American would not want congress to cut put all of the bullcrap fluff that has nothing to do with Covid and focus more on our own American families who are hurting.
How is it that we cannot get a bill passed without pork in it ? I mean it would seems eventually we could do that . I don’t care one way or the other about a stimulus check I’m just amazed that regardless of the emergency or circumstances we have our “ public servants “ have to get something out of it or they won’t vote for it . Lying , scamming , fraudulent bunch of vipers .
Because the line item veto was declared unconstitutional.
I say he is a genius that plays chess while everybody else plays checkers. What American would not want congress to cut put all of the bullcrap fluff that has nothing to do with Covid and focus more on our own American families who are hurting.

He doesn't give a crap about any of that. Its just an effort by him to personally benefit in some way.
He doesn't give a crap about any of that. Its just an effort by him to personally benefit in some way.

I beg to differ with you there. Trumps entire campaign is built on putting the needs of Americans first. I guess yoy missed that message somehow?? That should always be our Presidents first priority is the good of America.
Here's a question I have for those who support the idea of checks. This year we will have handed out around $1,800. Is that really helping? In a year. No one isn't losing their house over $1,800 bucks. Or preventing eviction. So it's just kicking their can down the road. It's not a long term fix. At best this pandemic is over in June. IMO this is just proof that everyone needs to understand it's not the .gov job to protect you. If you are worried stay home. Capitalism would have handled this just fine. My industry would still take one on the chin. But it would have been ok. But lockdowns.

Much truth in that. If a stimulus check is gonna help the average American, cut out all the BS closing everything down and keeping them from working. That's the first place to start.
The thesis is two-fold.

The obvious point is that Trump is not and never has been the Republican fiscal conservative he's supposed to be.

The second point is that VN Trumpsters will contort themselves and their CLAIMED principles to excuse or overlook it. Again.

The third point is he is vetoing a bill that favors foreign countries more than it does it's own citizens.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury.
- Alexander Tytler

When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”
- Benjamin Franklin
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Here's a question I have for those who support the idea of checks. This year we will have handed out around $1,800. Is that really helping? In a year. No one isn't losing their house over $1,800 bucks. Or preventing eviction. So it's just kicking their can down the road. It's not a long term fix. At best this pandemic is over in June. IMO this is just proof that everyone needs to understand it's not the .gov job to protect you. If you are worried stay home. Capitalism would have handled this just fine. My industry would still take one on the chin. But it would have been ok. But lockdowns.

Spot. On.

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