And then the Trumpsters on VN had no idea what to say....

Trump just threatened to veto the stimulus bill unless Congress amends it to make the personal checks $2k to $4k, up from the $600 in the bill.

Wow. What are Trumpsters going to say now??? They CLAIM to hate spending. They CLAIM to hate aid to folks that could work. They CLAIM such spending is a work disincentive.

Trumpsters scrambling to come up with a way to say he's not a complete lunatic.

Fiscal conservatives have nowhere to go in DC these days except for Rand Paul. He's the only fiscal conservative left. Congrats to liberals like yourself. You won this issue. You've convinced Americans that goodies are too yummy to give up and deficits don't matter
Trump just threatened to veto the stimulus bill unless Congress amends it to make the personal checks $2k to $4k, up from the $600 in the bill.

Wow. What are Trumpsters going to say now??? They CLAIM to hate spending. They CLAIM to hate aid to folks that could work. They CLAIM such spending is a work disincentive.

Trumpsters scrambling to come up with a way to say he's not a complete lunatic.

But not really. Some of them said **** like that when Obama was president but not the last 4 years.
Here's a question I have for those who support the idea of checks. This year we will have handed out around $1,800. Is that really helping? In a year. No one isn't losing their house over $1,800 bucks. Or preventing eviction. So it's just kicking their can down the road. It's not a long term fix. At best this pandemic is over in June. IMO this is just proof that everyone needs to understand it's not the .gov job to protect you. If you are worried stay home. Capitalism would have handled this just fine. My industry would still take one on the chin. But it would have been ok. But lockdowns.

Good point. If you're someone who's been laid off for a couple months it does very little good. And for the 95% or whatever that haven't been laid off, they don't need it. This is another very inefficient gov't program.
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Here's a question I have for those who support the idea of checks. This year we will have handed out around $1,800. Is that really helping? In a year. No one isn't losing their house over $1,800 bucks. Or preventing eviction.
The point is to get money circulating in the economy to stave off further damage.
600 bucks is a slap in the face.

Voting totals on the current relief package:
House: 359-53
Senate: 92-6

I know everyone likes to pile on Democrats on the board, and that is cool, whatever. But last I checked, there are not 359 or 92 Dems in Congress. These are overwhelming bipartisan margins. If folks are going to attack Dems over this, you better be attacking Republicans in the same damn sentence unless you are just a blatant hypocritical partisan hack.

And they'll keep voting for them. They'll vote for Trump again in 2024 too even if he signs off on another stimulus, too.
I have a better solution that'll do the same thing:

Completely open up the economy. End the shutdowns. Get gov't out of our private enterprise
But then who will the reindeer run over while they’re walking home tomorrow?
I am thrilled all these democrats care about spending. The dementia patient is going to finally stop all this stupid spending and really get things back like they should and if he doesn't I know for sure these democrats here will call him on it and there's now way they would just say "but but but Trump"
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I beg to differ with you there. Trumps entire campaign is built on putting the needs of Americans himself and his personal enrichment first. I guess yoy missed that message somehow?? That should always be our Presidents first priority is the good of America.
Trump just threatened to veto the stimulus bill unless Congress amends it to make the personal checks $2k to $4k, up from the $600 in the bill.

Wow. What are Trumpsters going to say now??? They CLAIM to hate spending. They CLAIM to hate aid to folks that could work. They CLAIM such spending is a work disincentive.

Trumpsters scrambling to come up with a way to say he's not a complete lunatic.
I’m no trumpeter, but, this is stupid. The stimulus is worthless for helping the American people. Veto is the right thing to do.......then he wants to double double on the stupidity. 600$ isn’t going to help anyone in trouble. 2000s is in the same category. The people who might need help need to be allowed to work so they have sustained income. This give a man a fish philosophy from both parties is the problem.
If $600 is an insult and $2,000 is better, why not make it $4,000?


What makes $2,000 the magic amount?

The point, IMO, is that there is more money going over seas than to the people. Why?
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Demanding money go to U.S. citizens and not to some foreign country makes him a lunatic?

Let's examine your logic here...

Citizens pay tax $$$ to feds.
Feds spend a sh*t ton of $$$ to collect taxes.
Feds then spend more $$$ to pay tax $$$ back to citizens.

Yep. Makes complete sense.

Carry on...

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