And then the Trumpsters on VN had no idea what to say....

The point, IMO, is that there is more money going over seas than to the people. Why?
Let's imagine they eliminate the overseas funding and now all the money is now going to US citizens. Isn't $4,000 better than $2,000? And wouldn't $8,000 be better still?
Let's examine your logic here...

Citizens pay tax $$$ to feds.
Feds spend a sh*t ton of $$$ to collect taxes.
Feds then spend more $$$ to pay tax $$$ back to citizens.

Yep. Makes complete sense.

Carry on...

Cute...but absolutely not the point and you know it.
So if they’re gonna spend put 90% toward buls**t for other countries? I wonder what kind of slush fund for the dims the Kennedy center is as well.

Dude. Are you ignorant or willfully just a liar?

Here ya go, bro, so you can no longer claim the former (less than 1% goes to non-security international):

Let's imagine they eliminate the overseas funding and now all the money is now going to US citizens. Isn't $4,000 better than $2,000? And wouldn't $8,000 be better still?

If they are going to approve 900 Bill, then every damn penny should be going to the people. So....YES!
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Trump is the man if he pulls this off. Don't care what anyone thinks.
2K can go a long way anywhere 😊


So, you're good with spending your own money (READ: CREATE NEW GOVERNMENT DEBT), and burdening your kids and grandkids with your debt?
If $600 is an insult and $2,000 is better, why not make it $4,000?


What makes $2,000 the magic amount?
McDad for Prez. $12,000 a pop. Get that printr ready bois.
Trump is just playing 3-D chess while the Dem’s leadership is losing at Checkers. This draws attention to their crap spending and also steals a page out of their playbook of using government funds to buy votes and support for the R party. I will miss his trolling but that aspect of his repertoire might could continue. I doubt that he deletes his Twitter account.

If they are going to approve 900 Bill, then every damn penny should be going to the people. So....YES!
One R on record in favor of more.

Anybody else???

Would $16,000 be more helpful than $8,000 (or $2,000)?
If $600 is an insult and $2,000 is better, why not make it $4,000?


What makes $2,000 the magic amount?
The magic amount is $3000 based on the bill passed. However the govt decided to keep 80% for themselves and we're told to just accept it since there are 2 distinct parties
Ummm...this thread is about the newest stimulus package and not the budget. Keep up please.



Do you honestly fail to comprehend the fact that when our government PRINTS MONEY to support this stimulus package that this increases our national debt?

The magic amount is $3000 based on the bill passed. However the govt decided to keep 80% for themselves and we're told to just accept it since there are 2 distinct parties
Why is $3,000 the amount?

Surely, increased money will be more helpful to struggling citizens in need.
Why is $3,000 the amount?

Surely, increased money will be more helpful to struggling citizens in need.
Math based on what was passed. The govt took an 80% cut. They passed laws against that for check cashing places but their theft is legal
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Do you honestly fail to comprehend the fact that when our government PRINTS MONEY to support this stimulus package that this increases our national debt?


You are in an alternate universe as it pertains to this thread. Carry on.
Trump just threatened to veto the stimulus bill unless Congress amends it to make the personal checks $2k to $4k, up from the $600 in the bill.

Wow. What are Trumpsters going to say now??? They CLAIM to hate spending. They CLAIM to hate aid to folks that could work. They CLAIM such spending is a work disincentive.

Trumpsters scrambling to come up with a way to say he's not a complete lunatic.
Why are we sending Middle Eastern countries hundreds of millions of dollars? Why are allocating 10 million for “gender programs” in Packistan? Our congress is filled with Vermin. What they are doing should be criminal. That’s probably something you should be more bothered with
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