And you guys really put blind faith in Fauci?

And Rand Paul is the last person I’d listen too. He’s a moron of the first order. His neighbor should have beaten him worse because his parents obviously didn’t. He’s a petulant little twerp with a Napoleon complex.

Who is the first person you'd listen to?
I know several medical professionals and not one of them claimed to even have heard of a case of the flu for a year and a half. It’s not hard to add 2+2 when COVID has “flu like” symptoms but one has no financial gain and the other carries a 30k price tag per patient.

There's also the possiblity to consider that extended lockdown measures in countries where the flu hits before coming to the US - Australia, New Zealand - short circuited the spread. I do know doctors in Cleveland were testing for both flu and COVID-19 last year to differentiate.
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There's also the possiblity to consider that extended lockdown measures in countries where the flu hits before coming to the US - Australia, New Zealand - short circuited the spread. I do know doctors in Cleveland were testing for both flu and COVID-19 last year to differentiate.
I know they have to be diagnosing the flu in short sample size because let’s face it, they can’t justify there never being another case. But if there is a such thing as a truthful flu stat from the past year and a half I would bet my left arm it’sa fraction of what it’s been for the last 50 years
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Any American should be a hater of any “scientist” that promoted and aided gain of function research and then let it out into the world for political/financial gain. Dude is a terrorist just like his leader

Trump rolled him out on the field.
Any American should be a hater of any “scientist” that promoted and aided gain of function research and then let it out into the world for political/financial gain. Dude is a terrorist just like his leader
Could you please site a source that Fauci personally aided in fain of function research? Also, what facts point to him letting it out for his own financial and political gain?
I know several medical professionals and not one of them claimed to even have heard of a case of the flu for a year and a half. It’s not hard to add 2+2 when COVID has “flu like” symptoms but one has no financial gain and the other carries a 30k price tag per patient.
Flu cases did drop dramatically during covid. Many other respiratory infections decreased during covid. There was a significant decrease in pediatric RSV infections as well. the reason is multifactorial (masking/social distancing reduced spread of other common infections, covid was the dominant virus in the population which effectively suppressed the ability of other viruses to propagate. The decrease in flu has nothing to do with financial incentives.
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He was always on the field. Trump inadvertently put him in the public eye to be exposed.
Oh come on. Trump had no clue what was going on with that guy and handed the idiotic WH response over to him. It was a complete failure in leadership
And Rand Paul is the last person I’d listen too. He’s a moron of the first order. His neighbor should have beaten him worse because his parents obviously didn’t. He’s a petulant little twerp with a Napoleon complex.
Awesome. Another leftist advocating violence.
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Oh come on. Trump had no clue what was going on with that guy and handed the idiotic WH response over to him. It was a complete failure in leadership
"complete failure in leadership"? Seriously? Fauci is evil. Period. The world will be better off when he is no longer in it. But he has been in that position for decades and has been relatively innocuous until now. I doubt ANY president knows the intimate details of all the bureaucrats in the .gov to the extent that would give rise to a 'complete failure in leadership' that possible could occur were they to be left in their positions. Obviously Trump didn't know the toxicity of Fauci. But wrt 'leadership failures' I think the poster child is PedoJoe. Hell he doesn't even know who his VP is on any given day. If Trump's misstep with Fauci is a complete failure, what on earth is Brandon's entire administration?
"complete failure in leadership"? Seriously? Fauci is evil. Period. The world will be better off when he is no longer in it. But he has been in that position for decades and has been relatively innocuous until now. I doubt ANY president knows the intimate details of all the bureaucrats in the .gov to the extent that would give rise to a 'complete failure in leadership' that possible could occur were they to be left in their positions. Obviously Trump didn't know the toxicity of Fauci. But wrt 'leadership failures' I think the poster child is PedoJoe. Hell he doesn't even know who his VP is on any given day. If Trump's misstep with Fauci is a complete failure, what on earth is Brandon's entire administration?
Trump was a failure. Biden is a failure. Both can be true

Fauci was introduced and propped up by Trump. Allowing Fauci to become the WH voice is on Trump. It was a failure in leadership to not control the message
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And of course you believe Fauci.


It's a matter of record, Pauls accusations and assertions don't change the facts.

Anyhow, when did honesty mattering make it back on to the menu for you trumpers?
Trump was a failure. Biden is a failure. Both can be true

Fauci was introduced and propped up by Trump. Allowing Fauci to become the WH voice is on Trump. It was a failure in leadership to not control the message

It's either/or in the black and white world of these folks. With us or against us.

They'll never ever be able to reconcile how people can believe trump sucks and so does biden, all they hear is you attacking trump.
It's a matter of record, Pauls accusations and assertions don't change the facts.

Anyhow, when did honesty mattering make it back on to the menu for you trumpers?

ANd Paul's 'accusations' were later born out in emails sent by Herr 'Doctor'.
It's either/or in the black and white world of these folks. With us or against us.

They'll never ever be able to reconcile how people can believe trump sucks and so does biden, all they hear is you attacking trump.

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