And you guys really put blind faith in Fauci?


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Did you watch that? Because Fauci telling Paul he's wrong and Paul saying "nuh uh" isn't the smoking gun you think it is.

Are you really that deluded to think Rand Paul isn’t asking questions he doesn’t already know the answer to?
Are you really that deluded to think Rand Paul isn’t asking questions he doesn’t already know the answer to?

Apparently - that's what he did. He made accusations and got shut down. You don't have to accept it, but it doesn't change the reality of it.

Posting a Fox clip of Paul getting his junk hugged isn't any more convincing.

If Obama had to have endured this mess, we wouldn't need Fauci - everything he's said and done would have been irrelevant because your punching bag would have been Obama. But since trump trotted him out there you turned Fauci into the goat.

Anyhoo. Ya'll worry too much about what Fauci says. You'd serve yourselves well to move on from him and just attack Biden.
Apparently - that's what he did. He made accusations and got shut down. You don't have to accept it, but it doesn't change the reality of it.

Posting a Fox clip of Paul getting his junk hugged isn't any more convincing.

If Obama had to have endured this mess, we wouldn't need Fauci - everything he's said and done would have been irrelevant because your punching bag would have been Obama. But since trump trotted him out there you turned Fauci into the goat.

Anyhoo. Ya'll worry too much about what Fauci says. You'd serve yourselves well to move on from him and just attack Biden.
I don't really give two sh$t$ about Fauci, but I do believe he is lying when he said that the NIH isn't and has never funded gain of function research. I found this article on the web. I'm not sure how credible the organization is though.
NIH Lifts Funding Pause on Gain-of-Function Research
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Apparently - that's what he did. He made accusations and got shut down. You don't have to accept it, but it doesn't change the reality of it.

Posting a Fox clip of Paul getting his junk hugged isn't any more convincing.

If Obama had to have endured this mess, we wouldn't need Fauci - everything he's said and done would have been irrelevant because your punching bag would have been Obama. But since trump trotted him out there you turned Fauci into the goat.

Anyhoo. Ya'll worry too much about what Fauci says. You'd serve yourselves well to move on from him and just attack Biden.
You and your way of thinking is EXACTLY what’s destroying this nation. It’s the root of everything wrong today and I wonder if any of you ever sit back and wonder just how mentally ill you actually are
You and your way of thinking is EXACTLY what’s destroying this nation. It’s the root of everything wrong today and I wonder if any of you ever sit back and wonder just how mentally ill you actually are

Nuh uh.

But I'm definitely mental ill.
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I don't really give two sh$t$ about Fauci, but I do believe he is lying when he said that the NIH isn't and has never funded gain of function research. I found this article on the web. I'm not sure how credible the organization is though.
NIH Lifts Funding Pause on Gain-of-Function Research

Good, I'm for GOF research. I think it's smart to get out ahead of these - I do not think it's smart to do this in collaboration with an adversary.
As opposed to the mentally strong maga cult? Please

Anyone cheering for politicians is a moron of the highest order
When have you or anyone else heard me cheer for one side of the other? Have you ever seen me clamoring for Trump? Or has it just been about freedom and America itself?
Irregardless of your political affiliation, everyone should be demanding to know the exact origin of this virus, who was responsible and what the purpose if any, was for it. And if it was man made, what consequences should those responsible be facing.

Mankind shouldn’t just be sitting around arguing about masks, drugs and fighting amongst ourselves while the criminals, if any, are getting away with this.
And Rand Paul is the last person I’d listen too. He’s a moron of the first order. His neighbor should have beaten him worse because his parents obviously didn’t. He’s a petulant little twerp with a Napoleon complex.

If you don’t like Paul’s voting record or political stance, that is fine but he is one of the few Senators capable to peeling back the onion of this thing & the more he does, the more it stinks. I wish some Democrats would start asking tough questions of this virus which has killed so many innocent people.
When have you or anyone else heard me cheer for one side of the other? Have you ever seen me clamoring for Trump? Or has it just been about freedom and America itself?
Something funny?

I don’t reference Trump much. And when I have my message was “Trump is an arrogant a**hole that likes to toot his own horn and therefore I wouldn’t invite him to dinner. However, the POTUS is not there to be liked or disliked on a personal level by me. He’s there to serve the country, protect the constitution and if you like him, it’s a bonus. He did a good job at that and he didn’t get pushed around. That’s what the leader of the greatest power in the world NEEDS!”

Find where I said anything otherwise and I’ll concede. But until then, he IS what we NEEDED and what we needed might not be what YOU like. Get over it!
Something funny?

I don’t reference Trump much. And when I have my message was “Trump is an arrogant a**hole that likes to toot his own horn and therefore I wouldn’t invite him to dinner. However, the POTUS is not there to be liked or disliked on a personal level by me. He’s there to serve the country, protect the constitution and if you like him, it’s a bonus. He did a good job at that and he didn’t get pushed around. That’s what the leader of the greatest power in the world NEEDS!”

Find where I said anything otherwise and I’ll concede. But until then, he IS what we NEEDED and what we needed might not be what YOU like. Get over it!

It's pretty apparent that you believe anyone who doesn't fall in line with your beliefs isn't a "real" American. Your patriotic bravado amuses me.
It's pretty apparent that you believe anyone who doesn't fall in line with your beliefs isn't a "real" American. Your patriotic bravado amuses me.
No. That’s not the case at all. Anyone in favor of those tearing it apart is less than American. I’ll give you an example. If you think Biden is doing a good job, you’re less than American. If you support what BLM has become, you’re less than American. If you support Fauci, you’re less than American. I can go on but I’m sure you get the picture. If you fall into any of those categories, you’re nothing more than the gum I stepped in at the gas station.

Actually, I take that back. The gum has more value and that’s a discredit to it to compare it to the left
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Sorry I misread but he wasn't exposed until it was way too late. The error of Fauci is still his fault

Don't you think that's largely due to the fact that government bureaucracies have a life of their own? The token person running them may change every few years as administrations change, but the rank and file know those are just temporary interruptions that they simply outlast. Fauci is one of those bureaucratic cockroaches that will outlast the end of civilizations. Fauci will continue to make millions by trading on his current position or contacts after if he ever leaves. I noticed a medical text in my wife's bookcase the other day ... second name on the list of authors was Fauci - the same guy. Politicians and coauthors anchored by politicians know book deals are lucrative.
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Nuh uh.

But I'm definitely mental ill.
Good, I'm for GOF research. I think it's smart to get out ahead of these - I do not think it's smart to do this in collaboration with an adversary.

Taken together that makes sense. As far as GOF research, how in hell does it make sense to develop a disease that can infect humans when it never has in the past ... in fact in pandemic proportions that killed millions. First do no harm???? This is lab kids playing with matches kind of nonsense. Learning is essential; burning the place down out of stupidity lack of foresight and caution is ... well, epically stupid.
Anthony Fauci's China investments revealed

If you take the time to read it you will find that he has made quite a good living, even during the pandemic.
Did you read it? Part of his investment portfolio includes investments in China? It even says those investments in companies that make semiconductor (as part of a mutual fund, not individual stock selections by fauci) make only a fraction on his investment income. seems to go against your point..
No. That’s not the case at all. Anyone in favor of those tearing it apart is less than American. I’ll give you an example. If you think Biden is doing a good job, you’re less than American. If you support what BLM has become, you’re less than American. If you support Fauci, you’re less than American. I can go on but I’m sure you get the picture. If you fall into any of those categories, you’re nothing more than the gum I stepped in at the gas station.

Actually, I take that back. The gum has more value and that’s a discredit to it to compare it to the left

Bro I think Biden, Trump, antifa, proud joys, BLM and oath keepers are idiots. But I don't have the gall to question any of thier American-ism. They all believe what they are doing or believe is best, right or wrong. What they have in common is thier patriotism.

Watching you attempt to gatekeep what it is to be an "American" is clownish. Consider looking in the mirror when evaulatung what's "tearing it apart" instead of pinning the problems we face strictly on those that don't see the world through your warped prism.
Did you read it? Part of his investment portfolio includes investments in China? It even says those investments in companies that make semiconductor (as part of a mutual fund, not individual stock selections by fauci) make only a fraction on his investment income. seems to go against your point..
Bless your heart.
The only thing I pointed out is that he has managed to make a crap ton of money even during the pandemic.
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