ANOTHER Georgia Player arrested for reckless driving

106 on a wet road in a 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee.

What could possibly go wrong in a vehicle like that with such a low center of gravity? 🤦‍♂️
Plus no insurance, no seat belt, obscured windshield/windows and an expired registration. And all that equaled a $50 bond.

Nothing apparently will change until there is a major accident with serious injuries/fatalities involving non-football/UGA AD individuals.

Low center of gravity is good, high ones are bad.
This seems to be a culture problem. I am certain other programs have kids tgat drive like idiots, but uga is always going to be under more scrutiny with their recent high profile driving arrests/lawsuits/death. Kirby is gonna have to make an example out of somebody or multiple somebody's to get it under control.
This seems to be a culture problem. I am certain other programs have kids tgat drive like idiots, but uga is always going to be under more scrutiny with their recent high profile driving arrests/lawsuits/death. Kirby is gonna have to make an example out of somebody or multiple somebody's to get it under control.
Kirby said they are now fining them out of their NIL money. $50 sound about right?
This seems to be a culture problem. I am certain other programs have kids tgat drive like idiots, but uga is always going to be under more scrutiny with their recent high profile driving arrests/lawsuits/death. Kirby is gonna have to make an example out of somebody or multiple somebody's to get it under control.
I mean other than the incident with the fatality, they're mostly misdemeanors. Urban Meyer's crowd used to rack up felonies. I don't think moving violations are necessarily indicative of moral turpitude like rape, theft, shootings, etc., are. I suspect most of this is Athens police force is just gangbusters about getting football players after the fatality (understandably but in reality nothing is going to make young men suddenly in possession of fast cars start making good decisions with them). I know the Solicitor of Athens-Clarke County went to LSU and is NOT a fan of the football program. Athens is one of the most liberal places in Georgia and actually has alot of people (the people who vote there who are) hostile to football and any other perceived type of "toxic masculinity", totally different place from Tuscaloosa or Auburn.
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I mean other than the incident with the fatality, they're mostly misdemeanors. Urban Meyer's crowd used to rack up felonies. I don't think moving violations are necessarily indicative of moral turpitude like rape, theft, shootings, etc., are. I suspect most of this is Athens police force is just gangbusters about getting football players after the fatality (understandably but in reality nothing is going to make young men suddenly in possession of fast cars start making good decisions with them). I know the Solicitor of Athens-Clarke County went to LSU and is NOT a fan of the football program. Athens is one of the most liberal places in Georgia and actually has alot of people hostile to football and any other perceived type of "toxic masculinity", totally different place from Tuscaloosa or Auburn.

This stuff should never happen, but you are correct that it occurs everywhere in the country. The problem is that Georgia is under a microscope and yet it's still occurring constantly. This is way easier for Kirby to address that wide-reaching moral turpitude issues a la Meyer, but he does not appear to be handling it well (or, frankly, at all). If he didn't have a 2-1 record in the national title game, Georgia brass would be drafting up a pink slip.
This stuff should never happen, but you are correct that it occurs everywhere in the country. The problem is that Georgia is under a microscope and yet it's still occurring constantly. This is way easier for Kirby to address that wide-reaching moral turpitude issues a la Meyer, but he does not appear to be handling it well (or, frankly, at all). If he didn't have a 2-1 record in the national title game, Georgia brass would be drafting up a pink slip.
What coach has ever been fired because his players got alot of traffic violations? I've been watching this sport a long time and I don't recall one. Cautioning young men about their own mortality and risk taking is sort of like cautioning them against premarital sex. It ain't gonna be effective in most cases no matter what you do.
The depth of stupidity one reaches to do something like this is mind numbing! I see them all over the interstate and as a good lawyer friend says…”stupid people like that usually have very short life spans”. So thankful some innocent person wasn’t killed this time.
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I mean other than the incident with the fatality, they're mostly misdemeanors. Urban Meyer's crowd used to rack up felonies. I don't think moving violations are necessarily indicative of moral turpitude like rape, theft, shootings, etc., are. I suspect most of this is Athens police force is just gangbusters about getting football players after the fatality (understandably but in reality nothing is going to make young men suddenly in possession of fast cars start making good decisions with them). I know the Solicitor of Athens-Clarke County went to LSU and is NOT a fan of the football program. Athens is one of the most liberal places in Georgia and actually has alot of people (the people who vote there who are) hostile to football and any other perceived type of "toxic masculinity", totally different place from Tuscaloosa or Auburn.
In Georgia, speeding and most other moving violations are actually misdemeanors punishable by up to a year in prison. And what the Football team has been racking up aren't 65 in a 55 type of things. They are always massively over the speed limit like this most recent one.

And it does strike me as odd this is only the football team with this issue. Not baseball, basketball, etc. Then add UGA football has something like a 43% graduation rate (2nd lowest in all of the NCAA levels) makes this appear to be more than a few players with a heavy foot on occasion.
What coach has ever been fired because his players got alot of traffic violations? I've been watching this sport a long time and I don't recall one. Cautioning young men about their own mortality and risk taking is sort of like cautioning them against premarital sex. It ain't gonna be effective in most cases no matter what you do.

It's not purely the speeding tickets to be concerned about.

UGA is bending over backwards and jumping through every hoop in sight to bump up their academic rankings. Them having one of the lowest graduation rates for players in the country is going to be a much bigger issue.

You and I both know UGAs solution to this graduation issue is gonna be UNC-esque. Fake joke classes to get the players a "general studies" degree. That's neither here nor there though.

Point being-some pressure is gonna be put on Kirby to clean up his house a bit.

UGA did a UF during the Urban era and sold their souls for a NC. Not now, maybe not even in five years, but sooner or later they are gonna have to answer some very difficult questions.

It's always a long game my friend.
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It's not purely the speeding tickets to be concerned about.

UGA is bending over backwards and jumping through every hoop in sight to bump up their academic rankings. Them having one of the lowest graduation rates for players in the country is going to be a much bigger issue.

You and I both know UGAs solution to this graduation issue is gonna be UNC-esque. Fake joke classes to get the players a "general studies" degree. That's neither here nor there though.

Point being-some pressure is gonna be put on Kirby to clean up his house a bit.

UGA did a UF during the Urban era and sold their souls for a NC. Not now, maybe not even in five years, but sooner or later they are gonna have to answer some very difficult questions.

It's always a long game my friend.
I hear you about the graduation rates but the most recent GSR data is for students entering school from 2013-16. That's so much of lag it's hard to tell what's actually going on now and Kirby didn't take over until 2016 so he wouldn't be wholly responsible for alot of those kids anyway. It's crazy that it takes that long but the metric it tracks is graduation within 6 years and then I guess it takes them 1-2 years on top of that to compile the data and account for special circumstances like players being drafted, medical issues, etc. across FBS and then get the numbers out.
The graduation rates being reported are UGA's traditional rate. Mark Richt had put them on the right track and got the graduation rate above 80% before he left. These rates falling back below 50% is 100% on Kirby.

But again, these are UGA's traditional graduation rates, nothing new here.
The graduation rates being reported are UGA's traditional rate. Mark Richt had put them on the right track and got the graduation rate above 80% before he left. These rates falling back below 50% is 100% on Kirby.

But again, these are UGA's traditional graduation rates, nothing new here.
Again, because of the way the data is compiled the lag is so long it's really not very useful for knowing what is happening now, or for blaming Kirby for all or even most of it. Our current numbers for example consist entirely of players brought in by Butch Jones.

I hear you about the graduation rates but the most recent GSR data is for students entering school from 2013-16. That's so much of lag it's hard to tell what's actually going on now and Kirby didn't take over until 2016 so he wouldn't be wholly responsible for alot of those kids anyway. It's crazy that it takes that long but the metric it tracks is graduation within 6 years and then I guess it takes them 1-2 years on top of that to compile the data and account for special circumstances like players being drafted, medical issues, etc. across FBS and then get the numbers out.


Should however be possible to take a gander at say the 2017 roster and figure out pretty quick who has graduated and who has been out of the program since 2018. Granted, you may have the few oddball NFL players who come back and take a few joke classes in the spring to get their toilet paper degree, but those are probably going to be fairly rare-even moreso for them to do it within 6 years of first enrolling.

Point being, you could probably estimate it within a few percentage points.

I dunno man, just seems to me like UGA has gone through quite a bit of roster churn. Add in the players who took off early for the NFL and it's a recipe for a very low number.

I recall seeing the numbers a while back, but anyone remember what the UT score was? For some reason I am thinking that ours was in the 80s neighborhood.

Edit-ours was 85 for the most recent reporting period-football only

For those interested, our 1998 number was in the high 40s lol
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