all I know is that I didn't choose to be straight. One day I just woke up and I liked girls. If I didn't choose how can I make the assumption a gay guy or gal did?
because that concept is far too simple for rex to comprehend. Is being gay wrong? According to the Bible yes. Is it a problem that others have a lot harder of a time dealing with than others? yes.
alcoholism is most certainly a disease.
Weed is not physically addicting either.
thank you Bill for judging my ability to comprehend. I have found that in my life when I need an answer I turn to the bible and God speaks to me, Romans 1.
I suppose next you will try to feed me a line about obesity being a disease. How about this, cancerstickitis, that should be the new disease for smokers. These are addictions. I realize that some people's genetic makeup may make it difficult to maintain a perfect weight, heck I could stand to lose about 10lbs, but they are the exception rather than the rule. With some accountability they can live healthy lives. Look at the rate of obesity in this country. With all due respect to the few that have difficulties maintaining a healthy weight, laziness is the real reason.
are you serious? You just want to completely throw popular science out the window and tell us what is and what isn't a disease?
Paul is speaking of people who not only acted sinfully, but acted so without care to what God thought of it. There are countless homosexuals who simply don't have the strength to overcome their natural urges and it is not right for us to judge them over all the other sinful acts that other Christians can't overcome.
To put it simply though as has been brought up time and time again in this thread. It's a TV on Showtime. Whoop De Doo. There were acts being done just like this in the times of the Greeks and the Romans when Jesus and his apostles walked the earth. If you don't want you or your child to be a part of it, don't watch and spread your word hoping to make a change.
it's amazing that people who claim to be so holy or have amazing faith can be so bigoted, ignorant or intolerant toward that which they don't understand.
and TVA, comparing gay marriage to polygamists is about the stupidest thing i have ever read on this board.
you pass judgment in exactly the same manner that you condemn others for. google "plank in your own eye".