Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change

What's cute? Was the attempt on another man's life and the murder bystanders cute? Do you take issue with the comment literally made word for word on this board and by certain members of the media?
Calling him my buddy. I take issue with anyone calling for the death of another. I didn't see the comment. What exactly was said and by whom?
You have no guess?

Some threats should be taken more seriously than others.
You guys need to be careful what you wish for.
So where should this one have fallen in the "take seriously" continuum?

If someone calls up and says there is going to be a shooting at a school that day then it should always be taken seriously until confirmed or debunked. What exactly does that mindset need to be careful of?
So where should this one have fallen in the "take seriously" continuum?

If someone calls up and says there is going to be a shooting at a school that day then it should always be taken seriously until confirmed or debunked. What exactly does that mindset need to be careful of?
Obviously it should have been taken more seriously in this instance.
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I think it was. There are thousands of threats made yearly. Every middle/high school continually deals with "threats":
A drawing in a notebook.
A LA paper about violence.
A list of names.
A post in social media.
A comment to a friend.
Viewing guns on your computer while at school.
Obviously it wasn't...and even moreso when reported before the shooting that it was gonna happen and it wasn't investigated properly
Does anyone find it odd that...

Trump Shooter on FBI Radar
Latest School Shooter on FBI Radar
Last School Shooter on FBI Radar

We can't find the Epstein list


We can find every single person that stepped foot inside the capital J6

But..... somehow these "on the radar" folks never get followed up on.
Obviously it should have been taken more seriously in this instance.

Ya think? But didn't you just warn us
Some threats should be taken more seriously than others.
You guys need to be careful what you wish for.
What am I wishing for? A competent admin response when there's a direct threat of violence to a school? How is that so dangerous?
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Sad . Years ago I worked with emotionall disturbed adolescents I remember a 14 year old girl stabbed to death another 14 year old girl over a boyfriend I think. Anyways something doesn’t sound right about this situation. I’m sure a ton of facts will be forthcoming.
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4 dead, 9 wounded. What's this, the second full week of school ? Off to a strong start with the NRA body count total for the year.

Shooter reporter 14 years old. A 14 year old able to obtain a gun. Sheesz.

At least this one will result in some sensible reforms. Except it won't.

What reforms do you want, what reforms do you suggest?

NRA is not even in the top 100 lobbyist so stop buying into that ********.

There are over 20,000 gun laws on the books, you'd think you might know this.

You cannot ban a semi automatic rifle, it's too broad of a brush and no one will turn them in.
No. Guns are a different class of quick and deadly. Plus, guns are the tool these kids repeatedly are using and its clear to all that guns are the weapon by far mostly used for these.

Its a different class? What are you talking about? 😂
What reforms do you want, what reforms do you suggest?

NRA is not even in the top 100 lobbyist so stop buying into that ********.

There are over 20,000 gun laws on the books, you'd think you might know this.

You cannot ban a semi automatic rifle, it's too broad of a brush and no one will turn them in.

Crazy man wants more ways to take away for the non-crazies to defend themselves.

He has no idea how any of this works.
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No, it depends on what they do or don't do.

But surely, if a parent is told by officials that the kid is believed to have made threats, then ad long as that kid is under your roof, and you CHOOSE to keep guns under that same roof, it's on you to keep the kid from having any possible way to obtain them.

Imagine that you are the parent of a child who is murdered in a school shooting amd you find out that the shooter made threats a year ago, his parents knew, and his parents kept guns in the house, one of which was used to murder your child. I have zero doubt you'd want those parents, correctly, held in prison for a very long time.

It would really depend on the specific details to actually get to that. Generally, just because someone made threats doesn't mean you have to lock anything up or anything. If they have reasonable grounds to suspect he was going to do something immediate there might have been an obligation but we're talking very specific details here. If one doesn't have a reasonable suspicion that someone is going to do something in short order I am unsure why anyone would have to do anything.

I would like to hold your parents accountable for the bodies you have in your freezer in the basement.... but that is probably pushing it.
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I think it was. There are thousands of threats made yearly. Every middle/high school continually deals with "threats":
A drawing in a notebook.
A LA paper about violence.
A list of names.
A post in social media.
A comment to a friend.
Viewing guns on your computer while at school.
I think I found the problem. The district should not worry about people looking at guns on line, and should start taking phone calls about shootings that specify what school and when, as serious threats.
I've read but haven't seen it confirmed that an SRO stopped the shooter.
Maybe we should do something smart and get one in every school.
Law enforcement should be held accountable for any mistakes they made, and as a parent, I am responsible for my kids actions until they are of age. Also, I am responsible for the firearms in my house.

People in government are generally not held accountable in today's world, heck, criminals really aren't held accountable. Any responsibility for firearms you have is very limited, matter of fact, it really doesn't matter if its a firearm or hammer.

I actually wish people were responsible for their kids so I don't have to worry about it or pay for it.... but that isn't reality.

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