Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change

I clearly answered that question. Yes they should be held responsible.

Do you believe the father of the boy in this week's shooting should be held criminally responsible in any way?

I say yes...100%
What is your answer?
In the alleged facts of this case specifically, I say yes.

Even as a gun owning american and the father of a child who was given hunting two hunting rifles as a minor. He was also accompanied in the hunting stands by myself or another adult, and educated properly in firearms. And totally educated before we even left the house the first time with the hunting rifles. As hard as it is to say, cause it can obviously happen, if my son while still a minor tripped out and had free access to one of those rifles and went on a killing spree, then yes I'm liable. Cause he's a minor. These days, he's 22 and on his own accord legally.

However, the conditioning of this child to commit a mass shooting occured long before that day, or before the weapon was chosen. Either by the parents, or by multiple societal influences. This shooting was going to happen. The criminal responsibility of the father is that not only did he gift a type of firearm to a minor child that was not of legal age to own, he also kept it accessible to the minor child. And further made these decisions concerning said AR after the GBI visited the home for social media postings. I fully realize not all kids are condtioned the same. I've known very good parents/people that no matter what they tried, they got a bad apple. It's not always going to be a prents fault. That's why it should always be treated case by case.

But is it really about the AR? The GBI has already been on him for a year. The threat call was already made to the schools. That school was specifically called out as the first target. The kid had already been conditioned in life to have the mindset to commit a shooting, yet he was still begging to be stopped by providing ample opportunity to be stopped.
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In the alleged facts of this case specifically, I say yes.

Even as a gun owning american and the father of a child who was given hunting two hunting rifles as a minor. He was also accompanied in the hunting stands by myself or another adult, and educated properly in firearms. And totally educated before we even left the house the first time with the hunting rifles. As hard as it is to say, cause it can obviously happen, if my son while still a minor tripped out and had free access to one of those rifles and went on a killing spree, then yes I'm liable. Cause he's a minor. These days, he's 22 and on his own accord legally.

However, the conditioning of this child to commit a mass shooting occured long before that day, or before the weapon was chosen. Either by the parents, or by multiple societal influences. This shooting was going to happen. The criminal responsibility of the father is that not only did he gift a type of firearm to a minor child that was not of legal age to own, he also kept it accessible to the minor child. And further made these decisions concerning said AR after the GBI visited the home for social media postings. I fully realize not all kids are condtioned the same. I've known very good parents/people that no matter what they tried, they got a bad apple. It's not always going to be a prents fault. That's why it should always be treated case by case.

But is it really about the AR? The GBI has already been on him for a year. The threat call was already made to the schools. That school was specifically called out as the first target. The kid had already been conditioned in life to have the mindset to commit a shooting, yet he was still begging to be stopped by providing ample opportunity to be stopped.
I pretty much agree with all of that.
The call to the school on Wed. morning is odd. I'm hearing conflicting things on that.
I pretty much agree with all of that.
The call to the school on Wed. morning is odd. I'm hearing conflicting things on that.
Being a native Griffinite, I'm well aware of the areas we are talking about, and you're not far removed from Winder yourself. They were prob still having coffee over a gravy biscuit while this occured, trying to decide if it was serious or not.

I also question if the victims were specific targets for whatever reason. There were only 4, when there could have been many.

So what's the conflicting stuff. Only get the main points in the news up here. Not the local stuff.
Being a native Griffinite, I'm well aware of the areas we are talking about, and you're not far removed from Winder yourself. They were prob still having coffee over a gravy biscuit while this occured, trying to decide if it was serious or not.

So what's the conflicting stuff. Only get the main points in the news up here. Not the local stuff.
That there was no threat called in Wednesday morning.
Being a native Griffinite, I'm well aware of the areas we are talking about, and you're not far removed from Winder yourself. They were prob still having coffee over a gravy biscuit while this occured, trying to decide if it was serious or not.

I also question if the victims were specific targets for whatever reason. There were only 4, when there could have been many.

So what's the conflicting stuff. Only get the main points in the news up here. Not the local stuff.
only 4 killed. I thought more were injured?

although if it was targeted that would maybe go to explain why he allowed himself to be arrested.
That there was no threat called in Wednesday morning.
Something I haven't seen in mainsteam news. Kid was 14. Did parents drive him to school. Was he a bus rider. Either way, how'd he get the AR out of the house and onto campus. Had to be in a back pack. And partially unassembled to do so I'd think. And hot as crap, so some kind of outer wear to hide the gun until used? I get how someone old enough to drive gets this on campus. Lots of failures for a 14 year old to carry out.
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You should check all the facts. You look stupid. 14yo did not obtain a gun. It was a xmas gift from a stupid father that gave it to him after GBI came to house investigating sons online comments. This has nothing to do with NRA. It is always about 100% disturbed and evil people that will find ways to kill. Is Chicago the NRA's fault. Land of the strictest gun laws in the country. Also land of extraordinary violence, shootings and murders. Also a DEM stronghold, committed to breeding violence.

Both son and father will get life for this.

Reforms will solve nothing. Never has. And can be proven in every large DEM city that continuing to target gun laws as the cause is just political positioning.

First cause of action to heal the minds of youth and begin the reversal of mass shootings is to obliterate social media off the face of the earth. Minds have been forever poisoned. And social media is not the only tentacle of poison latched onto people today.
Doubtful, but enough years that it might as well be.
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only 4 killed. I thought more were injured?

although if it was targeted that would maybe go to explain why he allowed himself to be arrested.
Well, I think more were injured. Seems it's about 50/50 on giving up or going down in glory. Atleast lately, it's strange he gave himself up so quickly. Like he got what he wanted and was done. Some of the 4, and the injured, may have been collateral, but atleast 1 was the target for him to surrender so easily. This does not on the surface appear to be a bullied kid going for all he can get.
No gun debate from me.
No - I do not support banning all guns.
Yes - I very much do support control and regulation.
I understand, and I promise I'm not trying to draw you into a gotcha moment.

I'm conflicted on the regulation, in theory it sounds reasonable, but we already have so many restrictions and they honestly don't seem very effective.

It also conflicts with my deep regard for the founding fathers intent to afford the people the right and means to rid itself of tyrannical government. Once that right is taken away we never get it back.
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Doubtful, but enough years that it might as well be.
I think the kid will be toast. The dad won't get as much. And maybe shouldn't. While I do support he was responsible for a minor kids access to the weapons, he can't be held totally at fault for the kids decisions otherwise. We can have all the opinions we want on parenting and conditioning and who provided what influences to what extent. Making it a legal argument is another book.
I think the kid will be toast. The dad won't get as much. And maybe shouldn't. While I do support he was responsible for a minor kids access to the weapons, he can't be held totally at fault for the kids decisions otherwise. We can have all the opinions we want on parenting and conditioning and who provided what influences to what extent. Making it a legal argument is another book.
I think what makes this case different is that the FBI had already interviewed the father previously about this kid, as he was already on their radar for previous threats.
More stuff like this should happen.

The remedy is in the law. The issue seems to be the people that don't want to enforce current statutory law. Generally, additional laws are not needed, only enforcement of current ones. Therein lies the problem, the nutjobs want more laws on the law abiding but they advocate the non-enforcement of current statutory law on criminals.

It goes beyond politics and straight to mental illness.

- don't enforce immigration law
- don't enforce criminal statutory law
- give people money for doing drugs
- support horrible school systems
- destroy family values

But god forbid if someone isn't doing something wrong and has a gun in their house.

LG and Luther don't care about those kids, its purely a mental illness with politics which they have been programmed to do. Probably more kids will be shot in Chicago this weekend... they don't care.... its fake empathy.
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I think what makes this case different is that the FBI had already interviewed the father previously about this kid, as he was already on their radar for previous threats.
Well, GBI, but the FBI is just as incompetent. Don't they always say said person was on their radar or been previously interviewed. If it hadn't been for the FBI and SS, the Trump attempt could have been avoided.
only 4 killed. I thought more were injured?

although if it was targeted that would maybe go to explain why he allowed himself to be arrested.
I think nine others injured. Expected to make full recovery.
The remedy is in the law. The issue seems to be the people that don't want to enforce current statutory law. Generally, additional laws are not needed, only enforcement of current ones. Therein lies the problem, the nutjobs want more laws on the law abiding but they advocate the non-enforcement of current statutory law on criminals.

It goes beyond politics and straight to mental illness.

- don't enforce immigration law
- don't enforce criminal statutory law
- give people money for doing drugs
- support horrible school systems
- destroy family values

But god forbid if someone isn't doing something wrong and has a gun in their house.

LG and Luther don't care about those kids, its purely a mental illness with politics which they have been programmed to do. Probably more kids will be shot in Chicago this weekend... they don't care.... its fake empathy.
Correct. Enforcing current laws would disrupt the lefts perfect utopian society they've created in their minds, so they'd rather throw tantrums than do what's right.
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@luthervol are you in favor of banning knives???
There was a mass stabbing in UK where 3 kids killed and 10 by your theory then knives would be banned and the knife manufacture should be accountable right
The remedy is in the law. The issue seems to be the people that don't want to enforce current statutory law. Generally, additional laws are not needed, only enforcement of current ones. Therein lies the problem, the nutjobs want more laws on the law abiding but they advocate the non-enforcement of current statutory law on criminals.

It goes beyond politics and straight to mental illness.

- don't enforce immigration law
- don't enforce criminal statutory law
- give people money for doing drugs
- support horrible school systems
- destroy family values

But god forbid if someone isn't doing something wrong and has a gun in their house.

LG and Luther don't care about those kids, its purely a mental illness with politics which they have been programmed to do. Probably more kids will be shot in Chicago this weekend... they don't care.... its fake empathy.
Agree 100%. But I ain't touching that last sentence. As much as I disagree with Luth's anti-Trumpism ( the severely decrepid personal nature of his anti-Trumpism), I'd still buy him a beer and drink one with him. It ain't like his kids went to UGA.

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