Anti - Tennessee Bias

Is ESPN biased against UT?

  • Total voters
Originally posted by milohimself@Apr 18, 2005 11:40 PM
Like I said, I'm not too familiar with that season. But I have also heard it on here that Woodson was the up-and-comer contender for the Heisman whereas Peyton was the shoe-in. What's more sensational than that?

My only arguement is that ESPN has no particular bias against UT, nor towards any school. Only towards what will garner ratings.

Woodson was not an up-and-comer, he was an invention of someone at ESPN to put some spice into the Heisman race and it backfired. Peyton was so much better than anyone else they thought it would be boring. I believe there were other factors but ESPN really screwed to pooch on that idea. It was going to be hard enough for another white, southern QB to win back-to-back awards anyway (see Wuerffel in '96). Peyton had one of the best seasons ever for a college QB. The loss @ UF was the only way anyone could justify not giving him the award, but lots of people have won it with a loss.

Milo, I'm not knocking your opinion because we all are entitled, but that award will never mean anything anymore to many UT fans. And since ESPN is the one who brought Woodson up, they are seen as the bad guy in the middle. I am a 3rd gen. UT alum and I bleed orange. There was no better player/person I would want to represent UT than Peyton. Him not winning was a slap in the face to all Big Orange fans. It's an old scar best not re-opened.

"that award will never mean anything anymore to many UT fans. And since ESPN is the one who brought Woodson up, they are seen as the bad guy in the middle. I am a 3rd gen. UT alum and I bleed orange. There was no better player/person I would want to represent UT than Peyton. Him not winning was a slap in the face to all Big Orange fans. It's an old scar best not re-opened. "

well said!!!!!
2 points I want you all to think about.

1. When Peyton was robbed of the Heisman, how can you think the voters weren't affected by ESPN? The vast majority of voters out of the South watched the vast, and I do mean vast majority of their out of region football where? Yep, ESPN. It was ESPN or it was network TV then. Not a lot of people had access to anything else. So, to say ESPN didn't affect the voters is to say the Evening News doesn't affect the way we view World Events. It just isn't logical to conclude that such media absorption doesn't have an effect. How many of you in this thread have said you watch ESPN constantly? Some have said it is their sole reason for living. Geez! The point is; ESPN has a big say in how we view sports, sport's figures, and sport's products. Now, add to that the fact that their slice of the viewing pie was much larger in 97 than it is now and you've got a very influential medium.

2. Can anyone, anywhere, at anytime present to me a commercial that was as demeaning, as stereotypical, as outright mean and hurtful as the Corso With The Pig in the Elevator? No, I didn't think you could. That commercial was not only misplaced, it was mean spirited and it painted an entire state in a fashion we've tried to overcome since the Civil War. What if they'd painted the same stereotype that John Rocker painted of New York? How do you think that would have played? Rocker was a racist. What Rocker said had a lot of truth to it though. Just because something has merit does not mean it is proper to present it to the world in prime-time. What ESPN tried to present to the world about our state is not true. There are trailer-park trash in every state of the union. Heck! I've slept in most of them. (just kidding)
It doesn't really matter to me who wants to objectify ESPeeN's coverage of college sports, especially football. You could talk from now until...

No one will ever convince me that ESPeeN is objective. They have their favorites, and then they add the stuff that gets the ratings. U.T. is on their "Out" list and, of that, I am totally convinced.

I watch very little of their coverage. I read a lot from CBS, FOX, ABC, and various publications. ESPeeN can take their agenda and cram it. They should apologize until the end of time for screwing Peyton out of the Heisman and, as far as I am concerned, the Heisman was exposed for what it is far too often, politics, like everything else at ESPeeN.

You can definitely count my vote, as aforestated, that :espn: :espn: :espn: :espn: :espn: :espn: :espn: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad:
1998 all ESPN wanted to talk about was "The Fumble" and how UT didn't deserve to be in the Championship game because of it. They glossed over the fact the Ref's blew the call on the punter kicking the ball out of the back of the endzone.
yeah, the "fumble" was caused by the d-line blowing Ark's o-line off the line causing his on man to step on him, such bullsh**!
Sometimes it takes a fairly good amount of luck to win NC's too. ESPN should know that.

What a great season that was....that fumble was great wasn't it? I remember sitting in the hotel before the SECCG and hearing that Kansas State and UCLA (I think) both lost and all we had to do was win the SECCG. That 98 year was magical if you ask me.
Originally posted by volmanjr@Apr 19, 2005 11:14 AM
yeah, the "fumble" was caused by the d-line blowing Ark's o-line off the line causing his on man to step on him, such bullsh**!

Yeah, but all ESPN talked about was the "Gift."

Gift my considerable, large, hairy, ... oh, sorry, it wasn't a gift. Just like most breaks, they're made.

It's not very often a guy is running down the field and the ball flies loose with not contact. It happens, but it's as rare as a Bama victory over Tennessee.
magic from day 1! and I'll take luck anyday if it puts the NC trophy back on the hill!
Originally posted by OldVol@Apr 19, 2005 12:20 PM
It's not very often a guy is running down the field and the ball flies loose with not contact. It happens, but it's as rare as a Bama victory over Tennessee.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I seems like Arkie's QB was falling down and tried to use the ball to break his fall and it bounced out of his hand...
Everyone forgets to add that we also had to drive 60+ yards for the TD to win in very little time to do it. At least Bill Clinton remembered that fact when the Vols went to the White House. Arkansas stops us and it never gets brought up.
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood+Apr 19, 2005 11:24 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Orangewhiteblood @ Apr 19, 2005 11:24 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-OldVol@Apr 19, 2005 12:20 PM
It&#39;s not very often a guy is running down the field and the ball flies loose with not contact. It happens, but it&#39;s as rare as a Bama victory over Tennessee.

Please correct me if I&#39;m wrong, but I seems like Arkie&#39;s QB was falling down and tried to use the ball to break his fall and it bounced out of his hand... [/quote]
Billy Ratliff blasted through their lineman and forced him backwards. Their lineman then stepped on Stoener&#39;s foot as he was dropping back. Then he stumbled and tried to balance himself with the ball which squirted out. Ratliff also recovered the ball. Now, is that a gift.

I mean, if Ratliff hadn&#39;t pushed the olineman into the QB, then no, there wouldn&#39;t have been a fumble, but that break was not just a fluke, it wasn&#39;t just a freak thing, it was a result of a very aggressive Vol Defense breaking up the flow of the play.

All EsPn had to talk about was the lucky break. Plus, as mentioned, we had to drive the ball 60 yards for the win. That usually gets overlooked in the replay.

To hear ESPN talk about it you&#39;d think Stoener walked to the back of the endzone, laid the ball on the ground and said, "Oh Vols, here it is."

More disrespect. But our guys just feed on that anyway.

Some people at UT just still refuse to acknowledge that Clint S. fumbling that ball was near a damn miracle. It was a damn gift from god to be honest. So ESPN treated it as such......why not? ESPN still talks about the damn kick off the foot that NU got during Mizz football game.
Originally posted by U&#045;T@Apr 19, 2005 1:09 PM
Some people at UT just still refuse to acknowledge that Clint S. fumbling that ball was near a damn miracle. It was a damn gift from god to be honest. So ESPN treated it as such......why not? ESPN still talks about the damn kick off the foot that NU got during Mizz football game.

Yes, but they praise that play and catch like it was written in the playbook and executed to perfection.
Anyway, if you really think ESPN is "out to get" Tennessee, I want to know who your dealer is. Seriouosly. If they were out to get us, why would they televise so many UT games? Do I like everything they&#39;ve had to say about UT? NO. But ESPN is no worse than any other sports network. Do any of you ever actually watch the CBS broadcasts on Saturday afternoon? They are much worse in their stupidity, IMO. Add Dennis Dodd to the mix (he writes for sportsline).

I hate Chris Fowler, but honestly, I don&#39;t know what I would do without Gameday/Scoreboard Show.

To each his own...but ESPN is no worse than any other network.
The worst thing I heard last year didn&#39;t even come from ESPN. It was that Jermaine Jackson look alike, Spencer Tillman on CBS when he criticized Fulmer&#39;s playcalling . . . during someone else&#39;s highlights on a week when we weren&#39;t even playing.
Originally posted by GAVol@Apr 19, 2005 1:29 PM
The worst thing I heard last year didn&#39;t even come from ESPN. It was that Jermaine Jackson look alike, Spencer Tillman on CBS when he criticized Fulmer&#39;s playcalling . . . during someone else&#39;s highlights on a week when we weren&#39;t even playing.

My point, exactly
as its been said before if this was podunk polytech ESPN and the others would not even be giving us any play at all, big symbols make big targets, and UT symbolizes excellence
IMO, there is nothing better than watching a Saturday night ESPN game with Ron Franklin and Mike Gottfreid.

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