Anti-Trump Hysteria and Silliness

You're right they shouldn't but sadly that's not the reality we live in. In this climate sending your kid to school with a MAGA hat on is about as asinine as painting your child black and sending him to school. Ask yourself, "If I send my kid to school wearing this is anything POSITIVE going to come from it?" That's how a good and knowledgeable parent thinks.
I guess if you live in one of those sh!t hole states or counties that loves illegals and democrats that might be a bad decision, but in good ole Murica not so much.
JFK was an honorable man, he didn't run his campaign on lies, name calling, bullying, white supremacy, racism, and narcissism and he certainly didn't carry that behavior into the oval office with him.
He just had affairs with Hollywood starlets.
You're right they shouldn't but sadly that's not the reality we live in. In this climate sending your kid to school with a MAGA hat on is about as asinine as painting your child black and sending him to school. Ask yourself, "If I send my kid to school wearing this is anything POSITIVE going to come from it?" That's how a good and knowledgeable parent thinks.
They should be allowed to without getting beat, it doesn't matter what comes from it fact is as long as he/she isn't breaking the dress code rules he/she should be able to wear whatever they want
What don't you understand about the word "deliberate"? Trump was wrong, even he reversed his policy, just admit it and move on.
Obama did it but not deliberately?

I'm sure that the families that were separated took note of that distinction.

JFK was an honorable man, he didn't run his campaign on lies, name calling, bullying, white supremacy, racism, and narcissism and he certainly didn't carry that behavior into the oval office with him.
The Kennedy/Johnson/Daly machine stole the 1960 election in Chicago and Dallas. The Kennedy family were not angels.
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The Kennedy/Johnson/Daly machine stole the 1960 election in Chicago and Dallas. The Kennedy family were not angels.

I'm pretty certain old man Joe sold his soul to the devil because that entire family is cursed with bad luck. I've never seen so many from one family get killed, die or commit a heinous crime and get caught as these big toothed bastards. I'm happy to see it happen to them as well.
Obama did it but not deliberately?

I'm sure that the families that were separated took note of that distinction.


Still fighting a losing battle I see. There actually was a distinction, but you wouldn't know that because you didn't read the IG Report released in January Report by the HHS Dept. Again, do your homework next time before you defend the indefensible, I'm embarrassed for you.
I'm pretty certain old man Joe sold his soul to the devil because that entire family is cursed with bad luck. I've never seen so many from one family get killed, die or commit a heinous crime and get caught as these big toothed bastards. I'm happy to see it happen to them as well.
I don't want to see anybody get killed.

If her story is accurate I agree its a fireable offense for the teacher. But she's 16 and is wearing a Trump pin and a pin that says "Big Government Sucks," plus a MAGA hat. I am reading other news reports (printed above) that appear to be a combination of people saying it did not happen as she describes and students otherwise expressing skepticism at her version.

So all in all, given her apparent motive to perhaps at least exaggerate, I want to see what the investigation turns up before I make up my mind.
Still fighting a losing battle I see. There actually was a distinction, but you wouldn't know that because you didn't read the IG Report released in January Report by the HHS Dept. Again, do your homework next time before you defend the indefensible, I'm embarrassed for you.
I see you are still attempting to bury your cat turd (selective outrage) in the litter box by trying to make a distinction about family separation based upon which team was doing it and their "motives." You need to direct your scratching a little more to the left and you do you homework before you point your finger, because when you do, there are 3 more fingers pointing back at you.

Bad kitty.

I don't want to see anybody get killed.
I look at it as an eye for and eye. These people were killers and rapists and ruined peoples lives. You think Teddy was innocent when he ran off the road and drowned that poor woman? I draw close comparisons to the Kennedys and the Clintons, the Clintons just came from newer corrupt money.
If her story is accurate I agree its a fireable offense for the teacher. But she's 16 and is wearing a Trump pin and a pin that says "Big Government Sucks," plus a MAGA hat. I am reading other news reports (printed above) that appear to be a combination of people saying it did not happen as she describes and students otherwise expressing skepticism at her version.

So all in all, given her apparent motive to perhaps at least exaggerate, I want to see what the investigation turns up before I make up my mind.
Even if it were, does that give him the right to put his hands on her?
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If her story is accurate I agree its a fireable offense for the teacher. But she's 16 and is wearing a Trump pin and a pin that says "Big Government Sucks," plus a MAGA hat. I am reading other news reports (printed above) that appear to be a combination of people saying it did not happen as she describes and students otherwise expressing skepticism at her version.

So all in all, given her apparent motive to perhaps at least exaggerate, I want to see what the investigation turns up before I make up my mind.
I just saw the video on youtube and thought I would attach it for you. I don't care if they let her wear the pin or not but if you are going to remove it from her it should be done by a female officer that way everyone is protected.
I look at it as an eye for and eye. These people were killers and rapists and ruined peoples lives. You think Teddy was innocent when he ran off the road and drowned that poor woman? I draw close comparisons to the Kennedys and the Clintons, the Clintons just came from newer corrupt money.
I know that Teddy was a bad person, but he is celebrating 10 years without a drink, so there's that.
They should be allowed to without getting beat, it doesn't matter what comes from it fact is as long as he/she isn't breaking the dress code rules he/she should be able to wear whatever they want
I actually agree with Justin, for once. Even if his parents encouraged him, or the Dress code is against wearing political party stuff and he went against the rules (like someone wearing pants with holes) you shouldn't get beat up for it. That is a low life.

I'm also going to say this-- When Trump makes a statement that Blue lives matter, and then forces the sports idols of many kids to not kneel because of police brutality-- Then don't be calling the Feds scum, because you don't agree with their investigation findings.

This ugliness on both sides has caused the country to be so screwed up.
Ok I guess since nobody else is going to say it , I will ... somebody needs to pull little man aside and teach him how to throw hands and cover up . Closing your eyes and ducking your head is a guaranteed way to catch a shiner and a knot on the head . Just stating the obvious here . Lol
Ok I guess since nobody else is going to say it , I will ... somebody needs to pull little man aside and teach him how to throw hands and cover up . Closing your eyes and ducking your head is a guaranteed way to catch a shiner and a knot on the head . Just stating the obvious here . Lol
That’s true to some extent but he was way outnumbered
I actually agree with Justin, for once. Even if his parents encouraged him, or the Dress code is against wearing political party stuff and he went against the rules (like someone wearing pants with holes) you shouldn't get beat up for it. That is a low life.

I'm also going to say this-- When Trump makes a statement that Blue lives matter, and then forces the sports idols of many kids to not kneel because of police brutality-- Then don't be calling the Feds scum, because you don't agree with their investigation findings.

This ugliness on both sides has caused the country to be so screwed up.
Did he force them to not kneel?

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