Anti-Trump Hysteria and Silliness

Shame on the parents on both sides! Children who are not even old enough to vote(which clearly all those kids on that bus were) shouldn't be encourage by their parents to wear political garments.
Why? I was interested in politics when JFK ran, and had political buttons, etc. I was 11.
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Don't bring facts and knowledge in here, it just confuses them even more.

We have a fact-free President so it's logical his base would also be fact-free. Their hero worship has clouded their morals and judgement - sheep, all of them.
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Yes. As a parent you influence your kids in almost everything. From religion, work ethic to politics the parent is the primary influencer in a kids life.

Kids have enough to deal with going through school there is no reason to further complicate their life by encouraging them to wear political garments to school. As a parent I'm sure you can understand that.
Why? I was interested in politics when JFK ran, and had political buttons, etc. I was 11.

JFK was an honorable man, he didn't run his campaign on lies, name calling, bullying, white supremacy, racism, and narcissism and he certainly didn't carry that behavior into the oval office with him.
Kids have enough to deal with going through school there is no reason to further complicate their life by encouraging them to wear political garments to school. As a parent I'm sure you can understand that.
JFK was an honorable man, he didn't run his campaign on lies, name calling, bullying, white supremacy, racism, and narcissism and he certainly didn't carry that behavior into the oval office with him.
honorable? he won the election with cheating from LBJ and the mafia, and made a young female advisor give him and his brother oral sex against her will...and let's not talk about lies, name calling, bullying, racism and narcissism without the expert Lyndon B Johnson
Kids have enough to deal with going through school there is no reason to further complicate their life by encouraging them to wear political garments to school. As a parent I'm sure you can understand that.
Kids shouldn't have to worry about getting beat by other kids or teachers because of a shirt, hat or damn button. You leftists have lost your damn minds
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honorable? he won the election with cheating from LBJ and the mafia, and made a young female advisor give him and his brother oral sex against her will...and let's not talk about lies, name calling, bullying, racism and narcissism without the expert Lyndon B Johnson
Don't forget the Daley Machine in Chicago/Illinois.
Well I’m not a red hatter nor do I watch Fox. Are you denying that the Obama administration built cages and then placed children in them that they had separated from their families?

What I'm denying is that it was a deliberate, zero tolerance policy under Obama. Trump did it as a matter of policy. I trust you can see the difference between the situations. Are you denying that this was Trump's policy, then he backed down, and said he reversed an Obama policy that deliberately separated families (bald-faced lie)?
What I'm denying is that it was a deliberate, zero tolerance policy under Obama. Trump did it as a matter of policy. I trust you can see the difference between the situations. Are you denying that this was Trump's policy, then he backed down, and said he reversed an Obama policy that deliberately separated families (bald-faced lie)?
Are you denying that Obama didn't do it either and first?

Where was your hypocritical outrage then?
Why? I was interested in politics when JFK ran, and had political buttons, etc. I was 11.

My mom was in the League of Women Voters and I had all kinds of voting swag back around 1968, I was still in elementary school. Mostly VOTE t-shirts and buttons.
Kids shouldn't have to worry about getting beat by other kids or teachers because of a shirt, hat or damn button. You leftists have lost your damn minds

You're right they shouldn't but sadly that's not the reality we live in. In this climate sending your kid to school with a MAGA hat on is about as asinine as painting your child black and sending him to school. Ask yourself, "If I send my kid to school wearing this is anything POSITIVE going to come from it?" That's how a good and knowledgeable parent thinks.
Kids have enough to deal with going through school there is no reason to further complicate their life by encouraging them to wear political garments to school. As a parent I'm sure you can understand that.

As a parent I disagree with you.

You shouldn't force your kid to wear political, sports, religious or whatever swag but if they want to you should encourage them to do so. Except bamer crap.
You're right they shouldn't but sadly that's not the reality we live in. In this climate sending your kid to school with a MAGA hat on is about as asinine as painting your child black and sending him to school. Ask yourself, "If I send my kid to school wearing this is anything POSITIVE going to come from it?" That's how a good and knowledgeable parent thinks.

It's not the kid wearing the MAGA swag or their parents that have a problem. It's the kids, teacher, parents that think violence towards the kid wearing the MAGA swag that has the problem.
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Are you denying that Obama didn't do it either and first?

Where was your hypocritical outrage then?
What don't you understand about the word "deliberate"? Trump was wrong, even he reversed his policy, just admit it and move on.

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