Any other precious metals stackers on VN?



Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2014
Posting this in politics because I ask the question with the background of this nation's economic, social and political situation as my motivation as a stacker.

I am NOT upper income. Just a very basic middle income guy trying to protect my family's economic future by investing in PMs. I cannot see a pathway that will allow the dollar to survive much longer. Our debt load combined with the almost non existent industrial production base have our economy on a trajectory toward failure. The stock market has become a joke. It has become nothing more than a money laundering agent for the Fed. Companies that produce nothing, companies with no viable pathway to profitability and companies that are nothing but names on the market board and nothing else are seeing valuatiins soar simply because the dollars being created by the Fed have nowhere to go. It is repulsive watching the willful destruction of our economic and industrial systems.

So back to the question, , any stackers out there?
Posting this in politics because I ask the question with the background of this nation's economic, social and political situation as my motivation as a stacker.

I am NOT upper income. Just a very basic middle income guy trying to protect my family's economic future by investing in PMs. I cannot see a pathway that will allow the dollar to survive much longer. Our debt load combined with the almost non existent industrial production base have our economy on a trajectory toward failure. The stock market has become a joke. It has become nothing more than a money laundering agent for the Fed. Companies that produce nothing, companies with no viable pathway to profitability and companies that are nothing but names on the market board and nothing else are seeing valuatiins soar simply because the dollars being created by the Fed have nowhere to go. It is repulsive watching the willful destruction of our economic and industrial systems.

So back to the question, , any stackers out there?

So I take it you also think that cryto currencies are also worthless?
So I take it you also think that cryto currencies are also worthless?

I consider them to be much akin to so many stocks who's value are based on absolutely nothing. I do not believe those who pull the strings behind the scenes will allow non state cryptos to ever become usable currency on a wide scale. I also do not believe that they are as hack proof as most do. It will only take on nation sponsor hacker to disrupt the block chain tech. Will it happen at present? Not sure. I am skeptical that they will be allowd to become a pool filled with fiat dollars or other currencies beyond the influence of the EU, China or even the US if they really choose not to allow it.

In addition, in the event of a catastrophic event that robs us of power for an extended period, cryptos or other digitally stored currencies (term used loosely ) would be useless.

Another problem with the premise that some have regarding especially bitcoin,,,,, how could values be placed on items for sale or purchase based off of an ever changing cryto value?
Lead and brass seems to be the go to stockpiles here. Of course now is a bad time to start investing there.
Posting this in politics because I ask the question with the background of this nation's economic, social and political situation as my motivation as a stacker.

I am NOT upper income. Just a very basic middle income guy trying to protect my family's economic future by investing in PMs. I cannot see a pathway that will allow the dollar to survive much longer. Our debt load combined with the almost non existent industrial production base have our economy on a trajectory toward failure. The stock market has become a joke. It has become nothing more than a money laundering agent for the Fed. Companies that produce nothing, companies with no viable pathway to profitability and companies that are nothing but names on the market board and nothing else are seeing valuatiins soar simply because the dollars being created by the Fed have nowhere to go. It is repulsive watching the willful destruction of our economic and industrial systems.

So back to the question, , any stackers out there?
If you want to make money you'll invest in stocks and/or crypto. If you want to have a hobby you'll do this metal stuff.
If you want to make money you'll invest in stocks and/or crypto. If you want to have a hobby you'll do this metal stuff.
I don't stack PMs as a money making investment. I do so as a hedge against the prospect of almost certain future inflation (probably hyper inflation) and possible protection against the collapse of the dollar. That said I have gold that was purchased at $700 and much of my silver was purchased below $20.
I am NOT upper income. Just a very basic middle income guy trying to protect my family's economic future by investing in PMs. I cannot see a pathway that will allow the dollar to survive much longer. Our debt load combined with the almost non existent industrial production base have our economy on a trajectory toward failure. The stock market has become a joke. It has become nothing more than a money laundering agent for the Fed. Companies that produce nothing, companies with no viable pathway to profitability and companies that are nothing but names on the market board and nothing else are seeing valuatiins soar simply because the dollars being created by the Fed have nowhere to go. It is repulsive watching the willful destruction of our economic and industrial systems.
This is where your price inflation is showing up.
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I agree the Fed is causing $ to pour into the market but Powell has indicated he ain't stopping until data shows inflation is out of control - that's a fundamental change from being proactive to prevent inflation.

In short, the Fed is going to fuel money to the stock market for at least 2 more years. That plus insane amounts of stimulus means the opportunity in the short term is in the market.

I understand the hedge angle but don't miss the market ride out of spite. It may all crash a few years from now but the ride is rolling now.
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I agree the Fed is causing $ to pour into the market but Powell has indicated he ain't stopping until data shows inflation is out of control - that's a fundamental change from being proactive to prevent inflation.

In short, the Fed is going to fuel money to the stock market for at least 2 more years. That plus insane amounts of stimulus means the opportunity in the short term is in the market.

I understand the hedge angle but don't miss the market ride out of spite. It may all crash a few years from now but the ride is rolling now.

I agree that there is opportunity to ride that roller coaster up for a bit but I got out of the game that is the stock market in Feb of 2020 prior to it taking a dump. I never looked back. It took the shadow of uncertainty and lack of control away immediately. Put about half of those funds into PMs and the rest into a property investment that I have already turned for a nice profit. The market bubble has been so tightly inflated that it will not take much to pop it. There may not be a lot of warning.
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I consider them to be much akin to so many stocks who's value are based on absolutely nothing. I do not believe those who pull the strings behind the scenes will allow non state cryptos to ever become usable currency on a wide scale. I also do not believe that they are as hack proof as most do. It will only take on nation sponsor hacker to disrupt the block chain tech. Will it happen at present? Not sure. I am skeptical that they will be allowd to become a pool filled with fiat dollars or other currencies beyond the influence of the EU, China or even the US if they really choose not to allow it.

In addition, in the event of a catastrophic event that robs us of power for an extended period, cryptos or other digitally stored currencies (term used loosely ) would be useless.

Another problem with the premise that some have regarding especially bitcoin,,,,, how could values be placed on items for sale or purchase based off of an ever changing cryto value?
Not sure where you get that stocks values are based on nothing.

That being said, I am interested in putting a portion in PMs, but I am also not interested in paying a premium for pretty coins or anything like that. I just want the metal.... at the market price.
Not sure where you get that stocks values are based on nothing.

That being said, I am interested in putting a portion in PMs, but I am also not interested in paying a premium for pretty coins or anything like that. I just want the metal.... at the market price.

Since premiums have been unreasonable of late I have been concentrating on adding to my constitutional silver. The premiums have not been as bad on it at my local coins stores. Gold premiums are not as bad as silver either. Even fractional gold premiums are not as bad compared to silver these days.
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Not sure where you get that stocks values are based on nothing.

That being said, I am interested in putting a portion in PMs, but I am also not interested in paying a premium for pretty coins or anything like that. I just want the metal.... at the market price.
Regarding stock values,,, can you really defend airline stocks being where they are? Gamestop? Restaurant companies? Tesla? AMC? The current stock market pays little attention to actual business performance or production. It is instead simply a place to dump dollars that the Fed is brrrrrring from their digital printing presses. It is a government funded ponzi scheme that will end up killing our economic system.
I assume you're just preparing for a crash and not a true societal failure. I figure if I prepare for the latter I'm good with the former. Unless brass is on that precious list I'm not sure the others will help much in a true crisis
I assume you're just preparing for a crash and not a true societal failure. I figure if I prepare for the latter I'm good with the former. Unless brass is on that precious list I'm not sure the others will help much in a true crisis


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Sure, but I just don't understand the run to these metals. We have some but we only get them from my dad every Xmas. Other than taking up space in the safe I'm not sure what we'll ever do with all of them
I never understood the "invest in precious metals as a doomsday hedge" philosophy. Do you really think in a total economic and societal meltdown that people will continue to observe the norms of contract law and you're going to be able to transact in precious metals? That we'd go back to using gold and silver as a form of currency? What's the theory of how this is supposed to work?
I never understood the "invest in precious metals as a doomsday hedge" philosophy. Do you really think in a total economic and societal meltdown that people will continue to observe the norms of contract law and you're going to be able to transact in precious metals? That we'd go back to using gold and silver as a form of currency? What's the theory of how this is supposed to work?

Well lets hope that we never find out. I am not saying we are on the precipice of Mad Max, i do think we are soon to face hyper inflation and a monetary reset. Gold and silver have been considered money for thousands of years. I doubt that will change any time soon. If you consider the fact that countries, corporations and the ultra wealthy have been loading up on PMs of late then there must be something to it.

Also with the emphasis on green energy and electric vehicles coming up silver demand is guaranteed to increase exponentially in the coming years.
Posting this in politics because I ask the question with the background of this nation's economic, social and political situation as my motivation as a stacker.

I am NOT upper income. Just a very basic middle income guy trying to protect my family's economic future by investing in PMs. I cannot see a pathway that will allow the dollar to survive much longer. Our debt load combined with the almost non existent industrial production base have our economy on a trajectory toward failure. The stock market has become a joke. It has become nothing more than a money laundering agent for the Fed. Companies that produce nothing, companies with no viable pathway to profitability and companies that are nothing but names on the market board and nothing else are seeing valuatiins soar simply because the dollars being created by the Fed have nowhere to go. It is repulsive watching the willful destruction of our economic and industrial systems.

So back to the question, , any stackers out there?

Don’t strip copper from AC units like the methed out dipsh1ts from Union county.

Sincere Regards,

I never understood the "invest in precious metals as a doomsday hedge" philosophy. Do you really think in a total economic and societal meltdown that people will continue to observe the norms of contract law and you're going to be able to transact in precious metals? That we'd go back to using gold and silver as a form of currency? What's the theory of how this is supposed to work?

For most it's an inflationary hedge rather than a doomsday hedge.
Regarding stock values,,, can you really defend airline stocks being where they are? Gamestop? Restaurant companies? Tesla? AMC? The current stock market pays little attention to actual business performance or production. It is instead simply a place to dump dollars that the Fed is brrrrrring from their digital printing presses. It is a government funded ponzi scheme that will end up killing our economic system.

In the big picture I do worry about the insane money printing. In the short term it's going to support the market.

As for Gamestop, Tesla and AMC that's just speculation but when you look at broader indexes they are not pure speculation and are driven by fundamentals (both company and economic).

IOW - I wouldn't confuse outlier crazy value stocks with the market as a whole.
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I agree that there is opportunity to ride that roller coaster up for a bit but I got out of the game that is the stock market in Feb of 2020 prior to it taking a dump. I never looked back. It took the shadow of uncertainty and lack of control away immediately. Put about half of those funds into PMs and the rest into a property investment that I have already turned for a nice profit. The market bubble has been so tightly inflated that it will not take much to pop it. There may not be a lot of warning.

To each their own. Everyone has their own risk tolerance and time frame. Hope it works for you and it sounds like it already is.

I'm glad I didn't get out with the dump in March - ended up with double digit gains for the year even with the downturn. I have a relatively balanced portfolio but it is a little stock heavy. I'm willing to take the risk because I also have a pension as a backstop that is guaranteed (well, as guaranteed as a pension can be - nothing is a sure thing).

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