Any updates on Chris Jones?

Well, ok.

So now, what about this Joe Jackson stuff?

A couple of years ago, I believe it was Counzo's first year, Joe Jackson didnt want to play for Pastner, a lot of friction, etc. Jackson approached Martin about tranfering to Tennessee, and Martin turned him down. To be honest, I doubt Tennessee was the only team he tried to go to. In the end, he decided to stay at Memphis for whatever reason, but him and Pastner do not get along.

A quick search turned this up, I had heard it elsewhere.
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A couple of years ago, I believe it was Counzo's first year, Joe Jackson didnt want to play for Pastner, a lot of friction, etc. Jackson approached Martin about tranfering to Tennessee, and Martin turned him down. To be honest, I doubt Tennessee was the only team he tried to go to. In the end, he decided to stay at Memphis for whatever reason, but him and Pastner do not get along.

A quick search turned this up, I had heard it elsewhere.

I'm pretty sure that would be an NCAA violation for CCM to be discussing any type of transfer or not to Joe Jackson since he was already on scholly. Could be wrong though.
I'm pretty sure that would be an NCAA violation for CCM to be discussing any type of transfer or not to Joe Jackson since he was already on scholly. Could be wrong though.

I have no idea how it went down, and yes, it probably is a violation. But you think those things dont happen all the time?
A couple of years ago, I believe it was Counzo's first year, Joe Jackson didnt want to play for Pastner, a lot of friction, etc. Jackson approached Martin about tranfering to Tennessee, and Martin turned him down. To be honest, I doubt Tennessee was the only team he tried to go to. In the end, he decided to stay at Memphis for whatever reason, but him and Pastner do not get along.

A quick search turned this up, I had heard it elsewhere.

Hmm, is that all? Enlightening.

I love these kind of internet rumors.
Hmm, is that all? Enlightening.

I love these kind of internet rumors.

My all time favorite was the one where Stokes broke Chievous' nose and jaw in one single punch...Chievous was suspended indefinitely and would not return to the team after the season. That has to be the G.O.A.T
My all time favorite was the one where Stokes broke Chievous' nose and jaw in one single punch...Chievous was suspended indefinitely and would not return to the team after the season. That has to be the G.O.A.T

Stokes absolutely broke his jaw, I dont know about the nose or the one punch though (I heard he really pounded him pretty good, had his jaw wired). Why would he get suspended for getting his ass beat? Stokes also had a mysterious injured wrist around that same time, kept him out of a game.

This is a message board. There are rumors everywhere, thats what makes it fun. What is so unbelievable that Jackson tried to come here? Its no more crazy than a lot of things I read on here.
Stokes absolutely broke his jaw, I dont know about the nose or the one punch though (I heard he really pounded him pretty good, had his jaw wired). Why would he get suspended for getting his ass beat? Stokes also had a mysterious injured wrist around that same time, kept him out of a game.

This is a message board. There are rumors everywhere, thats what makes it fun. What is so unbelievable that Jackson tried to come here? Its no more crazy than a lot of things I read on here.

That's what I've been trying to tell BTO for some time.

As for the Jackson stuff, you're fact and fiction are a little skewed. Jackson reportedly was mulling a transfer in late 2011, frustrated with his transition into a distributor. His HS coach came out and announced that Joe wanted to transfer for Georgetown. Joe decided against it and has since done really well in his new role.

Maybe Cowboy contacted Martin on Joe's behalf, but Martin would be crazy to turn Joe down, especially under the assumption that Joe is a "bad kid". Joe is not a discipline case. Also, you saw first hand the havoc Joe wreaked in UT's back court last season. The kid isn't one you send away.
Hmm, is that all? Enlightening.

I love these kind of internet rumors.

You cant prove that Im wrong, no more than I can prove that I am right. Why wouldnt he consider Tennessee? They recruited him pretty hard too. Do you deny that he was considering a transfer? I can give you plenty of links for that...
That's what I've been trying to tell BTO for some time.

As for the Jackson stuff, you're fact and fiction are a little skewed. Jackson reportedly was mulling a transfer in late 2011, frustrated with his transition into a distributor. His HS coach came out and announced that Joe wanted to transfer for Georgetown. Joe decided against it and has since done really well in his new role.

Maybe Cowboy contacted Martin on Joe's behalf, but Martin would be crazy to turn Joe down, especially under the assumption that Joe is a "bad kid". Joe is not a discipline case. Also, you saw first hand the havoc Joe wreaked in UT's back court last season. The kid isn't one you send away.

I agree with you on not turning him down, I wouldnt have. You have to remember when Martin came in, he was forced into a "clean up the program" role initially because of Pearl's mess. Martin was billed as a high character guy. I could see him turning a questionable character guy down to make the higher ups happy, why not?

Im not going to name my good source, because I dont want to get him/her in trouble. I will tell you that I talked to Jackson's uncle at Calhoun's before the Memphis game. He was talking bad about Pastner the whole time, and mentioned that Joe tried to transfer. I specifically asked him if he tried to come to come to Tennessee, and his exact words were; "Yes, but it didnt work out."
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You cant prove that Im wrong, no more than I can prove that I am right. Why wouldnt he consider Tennessee? They recruited him pretty hard too. Do you deny that he was considering a transfer? I can give you plenty of links for that...

See my previous post. Although Jackson himself never made a statement re: transfer, I think it's safe to assume that he was considering one. I never heard he considered UT as a destination, and I certainly don't think Martin ever talked with him. (Martin would be in some deep isht if he did).

This whole "transfer crisis" took place over the course of 36 hours or so, and the only person that commented openly is the WSHS coach, Cowboy, who seems to want to stir stuff up more than look out for his former players.
It seems like its always bad news/ bad decisions with Coach Martin.
We'll definitely know after this upcoming season..
I agree with you on not turning him down, I wouldnt have. You have to remember when Martin came in, he was forced into a "clean up the program" role initially because of Pearl's mess. Martin was billed as a high character guy. I could see him turning a questionable character guy down to make the higher ups happy, why not?

Im not going to name my good source, because I dont want to get him/her in trouble. I will tell you that I talked to Jackson's uncle at Calhoun's before the Memphis game. He was talking bad about Pastner the whole time, and mentioned that Joe tried to transfer. I specifically asked him if he tried to come to come to Tennessee, and his exact words were; "Yes, but it didnt work out."

Was this Joe's Uncle that tried to start a fight with the strength trainer during one of the games?

Again, I agree that Martin is a "high character guy", but Joe is a "high character kid". If, arguendo, all of this did happen, it doesn't make sense that Martin would "turn him down" for this reason.
Was this Joe's Uncle that tried to start a fight with the strength trainer during one of the games?

Again, I agree that Martin is a "high character guy", but Joe is a "high character kid". If, arguendo, all of this did happen, it doesn't make sense that Martin would "turn him down" for this reason.

I hadnt heard about that, so I dont know. I wouldnt even have believed it was his uncle if he didnt look just like him, and had pictures of them together.

As to the character stuff, I am just relaying what I was told the reason was. And like I said, I dont know how it all went down, it would make more sense that third parties discussed it instead of directly Martin to Jackson.
I hadnt heard about that, so I dont know. I wouldnt even have believed it was his uncle if he didnt look just like him, and had pictures of them together.

As to the character stuff, I am just relaying what I was told the reason was. And like I said, I dont know how it all went down, it would make more sense that third parties discussed it instead of directly Martin to Jackson.

As I understand what happened, his transfer incident never got to the point of contacting other schools. Joe's Granny was the voice of reason and put her foot down.

But Joe wouldn't have been released to a team on the schedule anyways, which is why the word was if he did transfer, it was going to be to GTown. That, and that Memphis and GTown were the two finalists for him.
But I'm glad someone else finally acknowledged the Stokes-Cheivous jaw breaking. That definitely happened. I dunno about the broken nose, super secret suspension, etc. Those are all things BTO has tacked on to the story over the months for some reason.

But there was most definitely a scuffle and my boy Stokes repped the M well.
But I'm glad someone else finally acknowledged the Stokes-Cheivous jaw breaking. That definitely happened. I dunno about the broken nose, super secret suspension, etc. Those are all things BTO has tacked on to the story over the months for some reason.

But there was most definitely a scuffle and my boy Stokes repped the M well.

The best part of that one is, that Cheivous supposedly started it. What was that guy thinking, he was giving up at least 50 pounds to him, plus Stokes is a beast. Im sure everyone remembers the game Stokes sat out with the "wrist injury", It was because he sprained it bashing duds head in.
The best part of that one is, that Cheivous supposedly started it. What was that guy thinking, he was giving up at least 50 pounds to him, plus Stokes is a beast. Im sure everyone remembers the game Stokes sat out with the "wrist injury", It was because he sprained it bashing duds head in.

Yeah, he apparently was squawking about how tough Chicago kids are v. Memphis kids. Stokes didn't want to hear it and broke his jaw.
But I'm glad someone else finally acknowledged the Stokes-Cheivous jaw breaking. That definitely happened. I dunno about the broken nose, super secret suspension, etc. Those are all things BTO has tacked on to the story over the months for some reason.

But there was most definitely a scuffle and my boy Stokes repped the M well.

You are the one who said Chievous was going to be kicked off the team, nobody is tacking those on, YOU said that. You also are the one who said he had a broke jaw, AND a broken nose.
You are the one who said Chievous was going to be kicked off the team, nobody is tacking those on, YOU said that. You also are the one who said he had a broke jaw, AND a broken nose.

No I didn't.

I simply said Stokes broke Cheivous' jaw and a fractured nose. You've sworn up and down that I was lying, making it up, etc. There was speculation that Cheivous may have been suspended after the fight, for starting it, as he was no where to be seen during games.

EDIT: I went back and checked the posts from the other board. Fractured jaw AND nose. Nothing about suspensions though.
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Wasn't it documented that Q was seen on campus less than a week after the incident?

If this did actually happen, CCM staff / team has the best lockdown on info that I have ever seen in a coaching staff. We have this incident, Yemi, Hall last year that nobody knows why he was actually dismissed, Maymon's injury and recovery time, etc....
Wasn't it documented that Q was seen on campus less than a week after the incident?

If this did actually happen, CCM staff / team has the best lockdown on info that I have ever seen in a coaching staff. We have this incident, Yemi, Hall last year that nobody knows why he was actually dismissed, Maymon's injury and recovery time, etc....

CCM and staff didn't lock down anything, the info CAME from someone on staff. There were several posters who claim they "saw" Q somewhere (Just like it was claimed that Shannon Hale was transferring to UT some time ago), but he all saw that he wasn't with the team on the bench during games for a few weeks after that.

You guys make it sound like it was a murder cover up or something. All that happened is that Cheivous got the snot beat out of him for running his mouth, and suffered a fractured nose and a fractured jaw. I've never had a fractured jaw before, but I've fractured my nose playing bball a few times. It hurts but it clears up after time. Rather than field media questions about Q's mangled grill, Martin probably told him to lay low for a while.
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