anyone heard how crompton is doing

Originally posted by BeltwayVol@Jul 23, 2005 11:17 PM
You must have missed the Joey Matthews refference.  :idea:

No, I saw it. Did you see my reference?
Not that we have fake dollars to wager, but care to make a wager on anyone but ainge starting that UAB game?

Originally posted by BeltwayVol@Jul 23, 2005 8:19 PM
I'd rather play the BEST player available.  If that player is a freshman, and he is the better player for the next three seasons, and you want to call it "pissing away" a scholorship, than you are damn right I would start a true freshman over a True Sophomore.  By the way, I wonder if this was the stance you took last season when Clausen and Leak were pushed to Number 2 and 3?

I generally agree, playing the best player available is the best thing to do.

HOWEVER, and this is how I see the case: Crompton is inexperienced where Ainge has experience. Playing a true freshman in the SEC is suicide, like GAVol said. The only way to even things out is if Crompton has crazy skills that Ainge can't touch, which is pretty unlikely. Ainge should be playing at an all-conference level by the end of the season, so unless Crompton is good enough that he could be a four-year all-American, then bench him. Let him learn. He needs to see up-close exactly how SEC Ball works.

Any way you slice it, starting Crompton is a gamble because for all the talent he may have, he has zero experience while Ainge has experience and has proven he can handle SEC defense. Play it smart, sit Crompton down, and ease him into the game in 2006 and 2007, then let him take over full time in '08 and '09.
I have extreme confidence in whoever the coaches give the job to. If there's one thing CPF has proven it's that he knows how to pick Quarterbacks.
Originally posted by GAVol@Jul 23, 2005 8:22 PM
I don't really agree with that.  Yes they had contrasting styles, but after the first couple of games Ainge was the man.  I don't really think there were any games that we wouldn't have won if Ainge had started the whole year.  The only game Schaeffer really impacted was SC, but even then Ainge was the guy making the big throws in the 3rd quarter.

I think it was more the prep. Teams had to prep for both QB's to play which made things a bit easier on Ainge and Schaeffer boath. Ainge happened to step up.
Wager anyone?

Good reply Milo, but remember, that "inexpierenced" kid knows the playbook, probably better than Ainge, and nearly as good as Clausen.

I don't think there is ANY WAY that Fulmer started the freshmen because they "might make it harder to prepare for". You don't gamble like that at the level that Tennessee is at, especially when you have as many "expierenced" quarterbacks on your roster. You especially don't gamble like that if your name is "Phil Fulmer". Odd, your arguement for why Ainge and Schaeffer played last season is in complete disagreement with your arguement against Crompton starting this season. That confuses me.
Originally posted by BeltwayVol@Jul 23, 2005 10:43 PM
Wager anyone?

Good reply Milo, but remember, that "inexpierenced" kid knows the playbook, probably better than Ainge, and nearly as good as Clausen. 

I don't think there is ANY WAY that Fulmer started the freshmen because they "might make it harder to prepare for".  You don't gamble like that at the level that Tennessee is at, especially when you have as many "expierenced" quarterbacks on your roster.  You especially don't gamble like that if your name is "Phil Fulmer".  Odd, your arguement for why Ainge and Schaeffer played last season is in complete disagreement with your arguement against Crompton starting this season.  That confuses me.

What do you want to wager? Cause I hope you aint trying to wager that Crompton is better than Ainge. if you are doing that then I am willing to take that bet. Really ainge is the best looking qb since Manning for us. He has everything. Arm strength is killer and lets not forget that he has more experince at this level thatn Johnathan Crompton. I am not willing to turn my offense back over to another freshman when we got a Sohpmore that DOES know the playbook more than JC. Sorry but if the wager is that he starts this year then you are crazy.
Originally posted by BeltwayVol@Jul 23, 2005 8:43 PM
Good reply Milo, but remember, that "inexpierenced" kid knows the playbook, probably better than Ainge, and nearly as good as Clausen. 

I don't think there is ANY WAY that Fulmer started the freshmen because they "might make it harder to prepare for".  You don't gamble like that at the level that Tennessee is at, especially when you have as many "expierenced" quarterbacks on your roster.  You especially don't gamble like that if your name is "Phil Fulmer".  Odd, your arguement for why Ainge and Schaeffer played last season is in complete disagreement with your arguement against Crompton starting this season.  That confuses me.

Inexperience in that Ainge has played in a Tennessee uniform and done well and Crompton has not.

There is a difference here: When Ainge and Schaeffer came in to UT, we were sorely lacking in QB talent. Now we have a reasonable amount at the position. I know you tried to throw a curveball on me but that can't be taken seriously. If we knew we had a good QB going into last season, Ainge would not have played.
Still haven't seen you respond to my request for a wager milo. No curveball, just facts. It's the same thing in my eyes, because no on knows who the quarterback is gonna be. How could one of the ones you applaud as being part of that "reasonable amount" of talent this season, also be one that was "sorely lacking" talent before last season? (Thats Clausen I'm talking about obviously.)

2345- Read the thread and you will know what I want to wager.
Originally posted by BeltwayVol@Jul 23, 2005 9:23 PM
Still haven't seen you respond to my request for a wager milo.  No curveball, just facts.  It's the same thing in my eyes, because no on knows who the quarterback is gonna be.  How could one of the ones you applaud as being part of that "reasonable amount" of talent this season, also be one that was "sorely lacking" talent before last season? (Thats Clausen I'm talking about obviously.)

Ainge is a talented QB and Clausen serves very well as a backup. I call that reasonable talent.
I really am at a loss for words. The kid hasnt stepped a foot on a gameday field and you guys want to put him ahead of your all-sec qb? You have one of the top qbs in the nation and you want to put a freshman ahead of him?! I really dont get it, I dont care how good he was in High School or how good he "might" BECOME in college, but hes unproven, unlike your all confrence qb. I see similarites in this to the Urban theme at UF, "unproven" coach ( thought i dont agree with that statement), new place, how good will he do. Coincidently UF will fall flat on their face and UTs qb will become the first underclassman to win a heisman???
So we are gonna go on record of having you ignore my request for a bet milo?

As long as you, myself and everyone on the internet here knows it. I'm cool with that.

Hey Gator....Leak sucked when we gave him to you, and he still does. Get over it.
Originally posted by BeltwayVol@Jul 23, 2005 9:40 PM
So we are gonna go on record of having you ignore my request for a bet milo?

As long as you, myself and everyone on the internet here knows it.  I'm cool with that.

Hey Gator....Leak sucked when we gave him to you, and he still does.  Get over it.

I'm just not a bettin' man... And you're using it to taunt me to prove something. Unbelievable.
No. You have had about 5 messages now to tell me that you were not interested, instead of trying to wiggle out of it. I don't know you, and know whether or not you "are a betting man". Now I know. That's your right, nothing wrong with it. Just don't let me catch you doing on here with anyone else, or I will remember, and call you on it. :naughty:

I do know that I feel VERY certain that Ainge won't be starting the game on September 3rd, and I'm not afraid to say it. (Not saying you are afraid, if you don't bet, that's certainly alright, I can prove my points in other ways.) :peace2:
HA HA HA HA. Didnt know 1st team all-sec sucked. And you guys didnt give him to us, i know this is hard to believe, but he picked UF over UT. Very moronic comments, but i wouldnt expect anything less from beltwayvol, thank you for keeping us entertained.
Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 23, 2005 11:30 PM
I really am at a loss for words.  The kid hasnt stepped a foot on a gameday field and you guys want to put him ahead of your all-sec qb? 

What all-SEC QB does UT have??? We cant have one as long long as all-everything Chris Leak is in the league, playing for the "god of coaching" Urban Myth.
Keep it up. 55 Days you won't even be here. You will be in a hole, crying with your "1st Team All-SEC, Pansy-Ass QB". 55 More days Gatorville, enjoy um while you can. :p
Originally posted by BeltwayVol@Jul 23, 2005 9:44 PM
No.  You have had about 5 messages now to tell me that you were not interested, instead of trying to wiggle out of it.  I don't know you, and know whether or not you "are a betting man".  Now I know.  That's your right, nothing wrong with it.  Just don't let me catch you doing on here with anyone else, or I will remember, and call you on it.  :naughty:

I do know that I feel VERY certain that Ainge won't be starting the game on September 3rd,  and I'm not afraid to say it.  (Not saying you are afraid, if you don't bet, that's certainly alright, I can prove my points in other ways.)  :peace2:

I actually have a bet with U-T on the Ohio State vs. Texas game. The loser has to change his avatar to the winner's choice for a week. Just filling up space. Still crazy that you used it to get a point across though...

GatorVille has it right on though. It is crazy to want one good QB for the next four years instead of two good QB's for the next five years. I mean, it's your opinion and all, it's just a really weird one. Add to that, I'd bet you even more that putting Crompton as a starter over Ainge would greatly hinder, if not eliminated, our chances at winning the SEC East.
Man this is crazy. Beltway you really need to sit down and think about it. Why wouldn't JC not be redshirted. He will get no playing time. it will be just a wasted yaer, but if that is what you want.....
Originally posted by volbrian@Jul 23, 2005 10:51 PM
What all-SEC QB does UT have???  We cant have one as long long as all-everything Chris Leak is in the league, playing for the "god of coaching" Urban Myth.

Ummm Ainge??

Im glad you accept being in the backseat though, Leak will once again dominate the SEC, and UF will return to glory in ATL :cross: :moon2:

Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 24, 2005 1:47 AM
Ummm Ainge??
Im glad you accept being in the backseat though, Leak will once again dominate the SEC, and UF will return to glory in ATL :cross:  :moon2:

:lolup: I always think delusional people are funny.
Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 24, 2005 12:47 AM
Ummm Ainge??
Im glad you accept being in the backseat though, Leak will once again dominate the SEC, and UF will return to glory in ATL :cross:  :moon2:

I hope you are right. I have certainly enjoyed the way Leak has "dominated" UT in his first 2 games.

:lolup: :lolup: :lolup:

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