how did bats survive if they had to rely on mutations to produce their radar that allows them to eat. just one of hundreds of examples.
how so?
Based on your posts on this subject, it sounds as though you might need to trot down to the local library and check out a few books on just the basics of evolution. And maybe take a science course past sixth grade as well.
I will submit that it takes more faith to believe in evolution, than it does to believe in creation.
Question: If man evolved from apes, why are apes still on earth? Are they special ed or something?
ID states that some omnipotent force designed all life. Evolutions says random gene mutations are guided by the natural environment in which the species lives.
Evolution is far more capricious and cruel, but at the same time more correct.
If you want to say a creator guided the evolutionary process, and that is how he "designed" life", that is one thing. But ID doesn't say that.
They followed a different evolutionary chain.
We can play the silly question game all day long.
Why would a creator decide it is necessary to blanket the earth with 200,000 distinct species of grasshoppers, or have 10 times as many viruses as conventional life on earth? What is the point of giving humans a backbone designed for quadrapedal motion, as opposed to walking upright?
ID states that some omnipotent force designed all life. Evolutions says random gene mutations are guided by the natural environment in which the species lives.
Evolution is far more capricious and cruel, but at the same time more correct.
If you want to say a creator guided the evolutionary process, and that is how he "designed" life", that is one thing. But ID doesn't say that.
exactly. the reason evolutionist don't want to even reconize intelligent design is they may have to face the possibility of a God. they don't want to face it.
They followed a different evolutionary chain.
We can play the silly question game all day long.
Why would a creator decide it is necessary to blanket the earth with 200,000 distinct species of grasshoppers, or have 10 times as many viruses as conventional life on earth? What is the point of giving humans a backbone designed for quadrapedal motion, as opposed to walking upright? Why have us share a genetic code that is >90% identical to chimpanzees?
I guess that would just depend on who you ask.
Your definition of ID sounds much more like creationism.
exactly. the reason evolutionist don't want to even reconize intelligent design is they may have to face the possibility of a God. they don't want to face it.
So you believe, that man was fashioned out of dust and divine breath, by the hand of an almighty God, in a garden with a talking snake, in the year 4009 b.c.e.?
I mean, because, that is a literalist interpretation of Genesis.
Ask any ID proponent who the intelligent designer actually is and it starts to become very quasi-religious. Ask who designed the designer and all logic is thrown out the door (including the basis for ID) and it becomes outright religious.
Or, no evolutionary chain at all.
Grouping animals into Homologous families because they are similar, is not proof of evolution.
Genetic codes Are different. It is a stretch to link them to other animals.
Why did the designer need to be designed? This is as silly a question as some of those posted by others you quickly dismissed.
Again, and I am serious, you really need to read some objective literature on the matter. Many "evolutionists" believe in God. In fact, more believe than don't believe, but one thing is for certain: There is tons of proof it took much more than 7 days for the earth to be created as we know it.