Appropriate punishment or not?

You did not. Slapping is a special act which is assault but it different because of reasons.

The old man at Dunkin wasn't "wronged". The manager was.
But being wronged verbally doesn’t equal to “just hit them” in response
You did not. Slapping is a special act which is assault but is different because of reasons.

The old man at Dunkin wasn't "wronged". The manager was.
Depends on how badly his order was screwed up as to whether or not the old man was also wronged.

But he shouldn't have dropped racial slurs.
There are hills I am willing to die on and that’s one.

I am not just gonna sit there and alllow my daughter to be humiliated by another grown man. Not how I am wired.
So a teenage boy calls her fat at school and makes her cry you are going to go beat the snot out of him?
Depends on how badly his order was screwed up as to whether or not the old man was also wronged.

But he shouldn't have dropped racial slurs.
I worked in food service. Here's a pro tip when your order is jacked, if you treat the people with respect, understanding, and calmness they will go above and beyond that day and in the future when they see you. You make an ass of yourself and you are likely getting a loogey in your latte.
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That really is immature. Your daughter would learn a much more valuable life skill by observing you being intelligent and under control than assaulting people who are mean.


My daughters were raised to be respectful and lady like but to never let anyone mess with you.

I would give the guys a polite warning, after that it’s quick vagus nerve strike.

Call me immature if you like. Don’t mess with my family.
I worked in food service. Here's a pro tip, if you treat the people with respect, understanding, and calmness they will go above and beyond that day and in the future when they see you. You make an ass of yourself and you are likely getting a loogey in your latte.
Experience has taught me that's not true of everyone. I'm not convinced that's even true of most. That sense of work ethic is not as ingrained in today's youth as it was past generations.
So a teenage boy calls her fat at school and makes her cry you are going to go beat the snot out of him?

He’s a kid. No Ricky. I am politely talking to his parents about bullying and if it doesn’t stop I have my lawyer send a polite letter to stop and if it still happens I tie them up in court till I own their house.

My daughters were raised to be respectful and lady like but to never let anyone mess with you.

I would give the guys a polite warning, after that it’s quick vagus nerve strike.

Call me immature if you like. Don’t mess with my family.

You're raising your daughter to be respectful as long as it is easy, then. Where's the character in that? You're raising them to abandon that approach when things get uncomfortable.

Words are only damaging when you allow them to be.
Experience has taught me that's not true of everyone. I'm not convinced that's even true of most. That sense of work ethic is not as ingrained in today's youth as it was past generations.
You're raising your daughter to be respectful as long as it is easy, then. Where's the character in that? You're raising them to abandon that approach when things get uncomfortable.

Words are only damaging when you allow them to be.

Uncomfortable and being stepped on aren’t the same thing. Life is uncomfortable. Allowing someone to place themselves above you is another.
I know you are kidding but I still have a like cause it was funny.
Good. It was meant to be. Can't be too serious around here or I would hunt all of you down and toss you in my pit of rehabilitation.
You're raising your daughter to be respectful as long as it is easy, then. Where's the character in that? You're raising them to abandon that approach when things get uncomfortable.

Words are only damaging when you allow them to be.
I know you are kidding but I still have a like cause it was funny.
Get your daughters tasers. They can zap any boy that pisses them off. They just have to remember to say "he touched my boob!"
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Yall who get violently triggered from nasty words need to spend some time renting property.

I am immune to epithets.
The best response is normally a smirk because it just pisses them off even more.
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Words do that???

What are you, from Ohio???

I was born in WV and my great great grandfather owned coal mines and oil wells. There is a coal mine on fire to this day in PA. My great great grandfather loaded up the cart full of dynamite and sent it into his rivals mine. Whole city still burns underground and will forever.

My grandmother says I am the spitting image of him.

Words can cause stocks to crumble, reputations to be ruined, wars to start, lies to be believed. Words are powerful. It’s why we have slander laws.
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Yall who get violently triggered from nasty words need to spend some time renting property.

I am immune to epithets.

Triggered means you are emotionally upset.

To me it’s just business.
I was born in WV and my great great grandfather owned coal mines and oil wells. There is a coal mine on fire to this day in PA. My great great grandfather loaded up the cart full of dynamite and sent it into his rivals mine. Whole city still burns underground and will forever.

That's impressive.

My grandmother says I am the spitting image of him.

That's genetic.

Words can cause stocks to crumble, reputations to be ruined, wars to start, lies to be believed. Words are powerful. It’s why we have slander laws.

That's ridiculous.
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