Appropriate punishment or not?

Feel like the defendant might be able to argue that he felt physically threatened by the actions of the old man. I guess I dissent from the majority on this one, I think what happened was more bad luck than anything criminal. I’d like to see some footage with audio
As far as we know, he did. They couldn't hear him at the drive thru, then asked him to leave when he was yelling at the window and he parked and came inside anyway to call them racial slurs repeatedly. And you're like "damn right, you tell those bad employees!" Lol

And I’m sure that exactly what happened.
Any indication whatsoever this guy had dementia, or are you making things up to defend the guy screaming the N word again?
I think the point went over your head. Calling someone a name no matter how disgusting it is doesn’t justify assaulting someone. Do you disagree with this simple premise
You're stretching a lot to defend the indefensible.

Maybe a 77 year old man should have learned by now how to handle frustration in a more appropriate and effective manner. I wouldn't tolerate a temper tantrum from a man who ought to know better by now.
Temper tantrums don’t not equate to physical violence. Even if they are ******* in nature
I am OK with an A-hole getting slapped when they act inappropriately and deserve it.

If someone called McMom ugly or hit her with their brush, I think she would be justified to slap someone. Negative consequences are excellent teachers. If a woman was going off on me, I would feel fine slapping her back to lucidity.
If you called my friend a racial epithet, I might slap you to teach you a lesson.
So if old man complained about service without name calling and the employee said get out of here you old a hole, old man is justified to reach across counter and punch him?
I understand the sentiment. But I don’t think we really want to live in that society.

IDK Back before it was a criminal offense every time a couple guys got into a fight did we have so many indiscriminate killings? I remember as a teen that thought of "if I say/do this I might get my ass kicked" went through my mind before I acted an ass. Mind you I ignored it most of time but now I doubt most people even think it's a possibility.
IDK Back before it was a criminal offense every time a couple guys got into a fight did we have so many indiscriminate killings? I remember as a teen that thought of "if I say/do this I might get my ass kicked" went through my mind before I acted an ass. Mind you I ignored it most of time but now I doubt most people even think it's a possibility.
I agree with all of that.
I don't know how you and others are reaching these conclusions.
Because regardless of ANY name calling made, it is completely juvenile and stupid to physical assault someone over it. And anyone who thinks is normal or ok doesn’t understand the law or wasn’t raised properly
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Because regardless of ANY name calling made, it is completely juvenile and stupid to physical assault someone over it. And anyone who thinks is normal or ok doesn’t understand the law or wasn’t raised properly

You are out and a group of men start calling your child a whore and pointing at her and she is crying and they won’t stop and there is no where to go.

You don’t get physical?

Call me immature all you want but I am losing it about then and making it very clear that if you say one more word about my kid we are getting into a fight.
You are out and a group of men start calling your child a whore and pointing at her and she is crying and they won’t stop and there is no where to go.

You don’t get physical?

Call me immature all you want but I am losing it about then and making it very clear that if you say one more word about my kid we are getting into a fight.
I get the sentiment, but I also accept that they'll be consequences for my actions, especially if I kill a man, accidently or not.

More and more, it's like people have forgotten actions have consequences. If you're not ready to face those consequences, don't take the action.
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You are out and a group of men start calling your child a whore and pointing at her and she is crying and they won’t stop and there is no where to go.

You don’t get physical?

Call me immature all you want but I am losing it about then and making it very clear that if you say one more word about my kid we are getting into a fight.
This isn’t a movie. My kids are smart enough to understand that words from name calling mean nothing and anyone who gets that emotional over it is low IQ. And no you aren’t attacking 4-5 guys just because they called your kid a name and you know it. Even unrealistic scenarios don’t prove this point. You are waking down the street and a teenage calls you bald or fat you think it’s ok to turn around and punch him or her in the face? Of course not.
Maybe it's just me, but if I killed a man in anger, even accidently, I'd expect to go to jail. Hell, I'd deserve to go to jail.
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Because regardless of ANY name calling made, it is completely juvenile and stupid to physical assault someone over it. And anyone who thinks is normal or ok doesn’t understand the law or wasn’t raised properly
Aside from my membership in the "Slapahoe" tribe, when have I advocated for assault from name calling???
This isn’t a movie. My kids are smart enough to understand that words from name calling mean nothing and anyone who gets that emotional over it is low IQ. And no you aren’t attacking 4-5 guys just because they called your kid a name and you know it. Even unrealistic scenarios don’t prove this point. You are waking down the street and a teenage calls you bald or fat you think it’s ok to turn around and punch him or her in the face? Of course not.
We can still smack 'em tho, right?
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You are out and a group of men start calling your child a whore and pointing at her and she is crying and they won’t stop and there is no where to go.

You don’t get physical?

Call me immature all you want but I am losing it about then and making it very clear that if you say one more word about my kid we are getting into a fight.
That really is immature. Your daughter would learn a much more valuable life skill by observing you being intelligent and under control than assaulting people who are mean.
Aside from my membership in the "Slapahoe" tribe, when have I advocated for assault from name calling???
Have we met? I used to make that "Slapahoe" tribe joke all the time.
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You said a “wronged person” is ok to slap someone. Did I misread that
You did not. Slapping is a special act which is assault but is different because of reasons.

The old man at Dunkin wasn't "wronged". The manager was.
This isn’t a movie. My kids are smart enough to understand that words from name calling mean nothing and anyone who gets that emotional over it is low IQ. And no you aren’t attacking 4-5 guys just because they called your kid a name and you know it. Even unrealistic scenarios don’t prove this point. You are waking down the street and a teenage calls you bald or fat you think it’s ok to turn around and punch him or her in the face? Of course not.

There are hills I am willing to die on and that’s one.

I am not just gonna sit there and alllow my daughter to be humiliated by another grown man. Not how I am wired.
We all need dueling gloves.

IDK Back before it was a criminal offense every time a couple guys got into a fight did we have so many indiscriminate killings? I remember as a teen that thought of "if I say/do this I might get my ass kicked" went through my mind before I acted an ass. Mind you I ignored it most of time but now I doubt most people even think it's a possibility.

I've used this before regarding the histrionics used in addressing rifle usage (even the terrifying semi-auto variety) but according to the FBI's UCR far more people are killed annually without weapons (punching/kicking/etc) than with "blunt objects" or rifles (all types).

Not sure how many of those examples fit "indiscriminate" or singular examples of a punch/kick/shove but people being killed in the absence of a weapon isn't particularly rare.
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