Are You A Leftist Who Hates Inequality? Here’s How To Pay Your ‘Fair Share’!

I could see that getting hairy, say papermills who own their own timberland, they would have most of their raw materials tax free?
under a tax at exchange between individuals or entities they would.

Unless it was made illegal to own all the links in a chain of production under one corporate or sole proprietor umbrella.
This is a good approach, too. Each state equally responsible to cover mutual expenses or responsible proportional to their population? Does California and Wyoming pay the same?

There's the rub in my idea, I think each would have to contribute based on population size. The advantage to this, especially if it could be coupled with a repeal of the 17th amendment is that state legislatures would/should watch federal spending like a hawk.
under a tax at exchange between individuals or entities they would.

Unless it was made illegal to own all the links in a chain of production under one corporate or sole proprietor umbrella.

The entity purchasing the paper from the mill would be taxed and on down the line to the end user, right?
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Y'all might be shocked but changes in large corporate income tax rates have little to no impact on prices they charge customers. Companies did not lower prices at all after TCJA although some had a 40% reduction in their tax expense. The reason is corporate tax rate changes do not hit competing companies the same based on their global structure, credits, and general profitability. If Walgreens is paying 0 in taxes and CVS is paying 21%, CVS isn't going to raise prices if the rate goes to 30% if their competitor is still paying 0.

Now changes in payroll tax rates, gross receipts rates, property taxes, utility taxes, use taxes, etc ultimately get passed on.
What would be wrong with a flat tax? If you make 10 million, then you pay 1.5 million in taxes. If you make 100k, then you pay 15k in taxes. That would be called equality and everyone paying their fair share.
Dems want the IRS around to use on their political opponents. They don’t like the flat tax also because it makes everyone chip in not just the top 50%
You can forget about the lefties actually using common sense on this one. They actually think that the higher corporate taxes will be paid by corporations and then the corporations will simply take the hit. The lefties that actually believe this are very low IQ....and there are a lot of them. Yet, the ones who put forth these proposals know the truth, and don't care. They don't care that everyone....including the poor....will pay more for goods and services.
All a dummy has to do is look at their cell phone bill to see that the consumer is the ultimate one paying taxes or "fees".
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Sometimes that's not feasible so they look to cut costs and that usually means labor costs first. So either way raising taxes on business does nothing to help the average Joe.
True. And that would be a case of government killing business and killing jobs for the benefit of oversea business.
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Like Republicans claiming to be fiscally conservative?

Republicans could be fiscally conservative if dems weren't buying votes with public funds. Alexander Fraser Tytler had a great quote about democracy and the treasury; nobody realized that in a republican form of government the process of raiding the treasury to stay in office could weaponize the process and make the raiding of the treasury more efficient. Once the first person traded votes for pork, we were in a death spiral. It's just that simple. I disagree with the uniparty talk; Republicans can either spend to keep voters or die - there is no alternative until collapse.

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury.
I don't have a quibble about the idea of flat percentage applied to everyone. The percentage is fair in that it applies to everyone. But I am curious about the justification for the person making 10M to pay 1.5M compared to the person paying 15K.

Is the person taxed at 1.5M using 10 times the government's administration and resources? Does the military protect them 10 times more than the other person?

Or is it simply that they have more so they should pay more?

Anybody else thinking McDad may be raking in more dough than he lets on?
Would the tax begin at birth or come into play at some point like when a person reaches the age of majority?

You know you're getting to the point of showing that families with kids should pay more and not less in taxes. Especially if you factor in the cost of education and schools. The thinking about taxes based as either a percentage of income, consumption, or on the use of government supplied "resources" touches on some interesting areas. For example, I used to think a flat tax was probably the most reasonable way, but in many ways, as McDad pointed out, that's completely wrong. The one thing for sure is that taxing business is a stupid policy unless it is simply a fee assessed for services like fire protection.
A better way would be to simply close all the loopholes that the very rich use to get away with paying minimal taxes--and to tax the super-rich and corporations (which also rarely pay taxes) more heavily. Republicans don't think rich people should be taxed---which is another indication of how stupid and crazy Republicans are.

You realize we have one of the most progressive tax systems in the world right?

The difference between our country and the Nordic countries the left claims to love isn’t a matter of “our rich pay less” but rather “our poor and middle class pay less than those countries”.

Also can you name these specific “loopholes” that republicans should’ve closed? Last I checked they closed the salt loophole which the left is still upset about. But other than that, I’m not sure where all these “loopholes” lie
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When you make the one sided arguments you invite the calls of hypocrisy. So, head on out, big fella.

I searched the thread and I didn’t see you call out turbo for their one sided argument.

So I guess I will call you out for your hypocrisy. So, head on out, little fella.
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Completely understand. Agree it is fair in the sense the percentage applied applied to everyone equally. I don't have an argument with the premise.

I am trying to rationalize if someone who pays 10x more uses 10x more government admin and resources?
But as it is it is much better now. People get a discount for having kids that actually use more government services... Yeah, that's fair. <--- blue font
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A better way would be to simply close all the loopholes that the very rich use to get away with paying minimal taxes--and to tax the super-rich and corporations (which also rarely pay taxes) more heavily. Republicans don't think rich people should be taxed---which is another indication of how stupid and crazy Republicans are.
You are a bigger troll than loother. Didn't think that possible. Your ignorance knows no bounds.

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