I googled exact stats. I knew the info. There was plenty of time left, but Fulmer basically abandoned the run in a 1 possession game.
I just watched he video and I think that not only was he trolling the media, but he got you, as well. I thought it was funny it would not surprise me if he had told his teammates that he was going to answer every question like that and see how long they stand around.
Lol everyone is making it sound like he's such a bad guy. The media blows things out of proportion all the time. This sounds like a previous thing that's upsetting most of you because what he did is just funny. Chill out
Answer all the questions with different snide remarks.
The answers to the questions were a shot against him team/coach >>> who made him rich.
He won't be with the Texans much longer.
And he won't play for peanuts no more...
He is retiring soon to make it on his own.