First off, and I've said this before (in this thread, too, I think), "Cyber Ninjas" is a stupid name; I'd be the first to agree that it completely destroys any sense of professionalism. It sounds more like a term used in the hacker world, but then I wouldn't mind seeing a hacker's view of election systems. I'd bet they are a lot less secure than cracked up to be - A LOT LESS.
As far as the purpose, we tend to see this differently. You are right; it isn't going to set aside an election - that's done. Biden won't get an asterisk beside his name pointing out his win was a fluke even if proven. This doesn't even rise to the level of "grudge match" because it won't affect the election - we don't do the "no confidence" thing and a do over, which sometimes might be a good idea ... but likely not in our hyper-partisan political arena. What I want (and several others here say the same) is a thorough look at our election system with an intent to fix flaws. We have a very bad habit of picking up on things that are wrong during elections and then ignoring them just to screech about them again the next time. We need to stop that BS, figure out if there is a problem, and address it. That requires literally picking the current one apart to see what's right and what's wrong, and a lot of us believe there's plenty wrong.
It just doesn't have anything to do with Trump. A lot of us who are offended by what looks to be faulty equipment and processes just may have preferred Trump as the winner. A flawed system is a flawed system - period; we're better than this. You cannot have negative vote counts, and pretend it never happened or that it's normal - that's the kind of thing that has people in an uproar.