You made the claim it was privately funded. That is either proven or just you speculating
No, I stated the factual that it's widely reported the audit is privately funded; here:
maricopa audit is privately funded - Google Search
You made the claim it was privately funded. That is either proven or just you speculating
The fact you asked the question about kavanaugh said it. You viewed the one inquiry as a waste so it easy to assume months and months of inquiries ate he had already been confirmed would be worth at least some condemnationGlad you know what my reaction would have been. Man you need to share that crystal ball with me so I can cash in on some stocks or maybe the lottery.
I really don't care what they do in Arizona. It doesn't affect me at all. You seem to be butt hurt over it so go ahead pitch your fit. All I'm saying is my confidence in the integrity of our elections are eroding with each election. When that happens to enough people, the results won't be pretty.
I agree he didn’t help himself but the assault started long before he even stepped into the role. Also, I believe I just read a post where you called for NCFisher to be better and not stoop to the level of others. The same should apply to politicians but good luck with that. I actually believe he would’ve been re-elected had the various election laws not been changed in multiple states, regardless of Trump’s tweeting.Trump brought a lot of his problems on himself. The constant barrage of lies and insults he tweeted caused his own demise. If he had stayed off twitter and acted like an adult, he would have won a second term.
I lived there for years and still have many friends there. That's why I keep up with it. What's your excuse?Doesn't really matter how it's funded, the AZ state legislatures run their elections and they have the right to audit and investigate how they see fit. The people of AZ elect their officials, if they disapprove of what their elected officials are doing they can vote them out. People outside of AZ whining about an audit in that state is inconsequential.
It isn’t but it’s scary as hell. I saw an old episode of Elementary the other night and it was right at the end where Holmes and Watson were taking on a rich and basically infinitely powerful tech CEO who was that powerful because he had friends within every lettered agency in the US, their counterparts around the world, and he controlled the media, could sway elections, and more. Hearing them talk about it was eerie as it is exactly what has happened in our country except it isn’t a single person, it’s a political party.Apparently, corporate America running our political process is no longer a concern since Democrats are the party of big business.
You made an assumption since I mentioned Kavanaugh that I pitched a fit about it. I didn't. I wasn't happy about it but I understand where we are politically as a nation. My disdain had nothing to do with waste of government resources but more to do with a politically motivated character assassination.The fact you asked the question about kavanaugh said it. You viewed the one inquiry as a waste so it easy to assume months and months of inquiries ate he had already been confirmed would be worth at least some condemnation
I said to buy ethereum a while back.
OK, so you have no dog in the fight. You're just a self proclaimed know it all that's whining about something you have nothing to do with. That's ok on a forum, just don't get mad when no one takes you seriously.I lived there for years and still have many friends there. That's why I keep up with it. What's your excuse?
Why would I care of someone like you takes me seriously? By your posts it's obvious you don't care about itOK, so you have no dog in the fight. You're just a self proclaimed know it all that's whining about something you have nothing to do with. That's ok on a forum, just don't get mad when no one takes you seriously.
The pandemic today is much different than it was a year ago. The response would need to be much different as well
I've never stated the fed govt should force anything on states. In fact I've consistently stated the opposite. Trump is the one who made Fauci the face of the US pandemic response. It was a time for guidance and leadership and he chose to let others handle it. That's not a leader
Yes exactly. I don't see how anybody in their right mind does not have a problem with that. And to think that anybody with the capabilities can do what Matt Dinero has discovered in Antrim County.
If the system in place requires door to door knocking to verify votes then it is a bad system. This is why paper copies should be kept with original signatures.Beat me to it.
Also instances of them going door to door and verifying votes toes the line of voter intimidation. We don't know how those conversations are going exactly. I know if someone knocks on my door and asks me who I voted for ill promptly slam the door in their face.
That you continue to defend Trump is pretty hilarious
How many audits are needed before enough is enough? 3? 10?
They'll always claim that any cutoff was only done to hide the truth. They were so very close on audit 7 only to be thwarted by the evil deep state
I've stated on many occasions the Russia investigation was a farce without merit. That you need to hurl false characterizations towards me is hilarious. Still, Trump brought most of the grief upon himself. That you can't recognize that fact is indicative of your intellectual dishonestyI vilify government agencies for using an entirely discredited dossier - that they knew in Jan 2017 was baseless - paid for by Trump's political opposition. A dossier whose sources Steele claimed were Russian intel and government officials. Russian propaganda by a British propaganda hit-man.
Defending Trump is incidental to stating this factual conclusion. If this were Obama, whom I've no respect for, I'd STILL be "defending" against evil bureaucratic bastards taking a crap on our legal system and constitution, and thus defending Obama. Because unlike you, I value my liberty more than my dislike of him.
That's the difference between us. That people like you are logically incapable of such distinction is damned pathetic, but worse, dangerous to the country.
That you continue to use "LOL" and "LMAO" past the age of 15 is just sad.
I've stated on many occasions the Russia investigation was a farce without merit. That you need to hurl false characterizations towards me is hilarious. Still, Trump brought most of the grief upon himself. That you can't recognize that fact is indicative of your intellectual dishonesty