@hUTch2002 is talking to someone who knows how to perform basic math.
2016 Presidential Election Popular Vote Total:
2020 Presidential Election Popular Vote Total:
* When you take the 2020 Popular Vote Total (158,383,503) and subtract the 2016 Popular Vote Total (136,669,276),
158,383,503 - 136,669,276 that leaves you with a net increase of
21,714,227 of total votes in the 2020 Presidential Election from the 2016 Presidential Election.
* And notice that I'm including third party votes as well.
To calculate the percentage increase from the 2016 election to the 2020 election, you simply take the amount of that increase (21,714,227) and divide it by the original number (136,669,276), and then multiply that by 100. When you do that (
21,714,227/136,669,276), you get the number
0.15888155... and then when you multiply that by 100, and you get
15.8881554.... which I rounded up to 16%.
So, basically, you are wrong.