Arizona Election Audit

I should jump through hoops for somebody who is already misrepresenting my comments because he erroneously claims he said it first?

That doesn’t sound like a very good reason.

The facts are out there. If you wanted to be informed about what they were, you could be. You don’t want to be, which is why you’re dancing around them with all of this stuff about the counter intelligence investigation.

If my argument is that far off, it won't require jumping through hoops and a polished mind should easily rebut.

The facts are the FBI fabricated four FISA warrants by omission, one by Rosenstein, who then authorized a muckraking junket upon those invalid FISC applications. There was nothing in the appointment warranting HIS primary rationale - investigating Russian collusion (even that NOT a crime were it true) - with the Trump campaign. The closest you can get is Manafort's tax woes, a matter for a U.S. Attorney, not a special counsel. That's hardly confining the matter to the FBI counterintel.

Moby Dick also didn't begin and end whole cloth with Ahab crabbing from a dinghy, and suddenly find himself being dragged into the abyss by the great whale.
That analogy just keeps giving.
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More “if Chauvin killed Floyd that means he didn’t pass that fake $20” logic. It’s nonsense.
Looks like more false equivalency nonsense to me counselor. Keep grasping at those straws though. It’s fun watching you struggle with it.
Such a laughing stock that they’ll most likely take back control of both houses next November.
I don't think they will take back the Senate, but we will see.

This audit is a laughingstock. A big deal was made the other day by Trump and his supporters over the alleged deletion of election databases in Arizona. The VolNation poster who goes by the moniker @VolinWayne, made a big deal of it in this thread. However, Arizona auditors confirmed Tuesday during a Senate meeting that no Maricopa County election databases were deleted despite a previous allegation from the auditor's official Twitter account that election officials eliminated the evidence.

Ben Cotton, founder of a computer forensics firm working on the audit, told Senate President Karen Fann and fellow Republican Sen. Warren Petersen, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, that he recovered files that were supposedly deleted.

Ben Cotton tried to cover his butt with this lie: "I discovered an MFT that clearly indicated that the database was deleted from that server," but Cotton further added that, "All of this may be a moot point because subsequently, I've been able to recover all of those files and I have access to that data."

However, Maricopa County officials sent a 14 page letter with supporting documentation to Karen Fann on Monday which rebutted this claim of Cotton's, and showed that no database was ever deleted. The auditors couldn't find the data because of their own incompetence. Simply put, they didn't know where to look.

Of course, there will be no retractions from Trump and his supporters for jumping the gun on a provably false claim. They will just pretend it never happened, and move on to the next lie.
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I don't think they will take back the Senate, but we will see.

This audit is a laughingstock. A big deal was made the other day by Trump and his supporters over the alleged deletion of election databases in Arizona. The VolNation poster who goes by the moniker @VolinWayne, made a big deal of it in this thread. However, Arizona auditors confirmed Tuesday during a Senate meeting that no Maricopa County election databases were deleted despite a previous allegation from the audit's official Twitter account that election officials eliminated the evidence.

Ben Cotton, founder of a computer forensics firm working on the audit, told Senate President Karen Fann and fellow Republican Sen. Warren Petersen, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, that he recovered files that were supposedly deleted.

Ben Cotton tried to cover his butt with this lie: "I discovered an MFT that clearly indicated that the database was deleted from that server," but Cotton further added that, "All of this may be a moot point because subsequently, I've been able to recover all of those files and I have access to that data."

However, Maricopa County officials sent a 14 page letter with supporting documentation to Karen Fann on Monday which rebutted this claim of Cotton's, and showed that no database was ever deleted. The auditors couldn't find the data because of their own incompetence. Simply put, they didn't know where to look.

Of course, there will be no retractions from Trump and his supporters for jumping the gun on a provably false claim. They will just pretend it never happened, and move on to the next lie.
We are talking about Trump supporters. Good chance they keep this lie going as well.
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I don't think they will take back the Senate, but we will see.

This audit is a laughingstock. A big deal was made the other day by Trump and his supporters over the alleged deletion of election databases in Arizona. The VolNation poster who goes by the moniker @VolinWayne, made a big deal of it in this thread. However, Arizona auditors confirmed Tuesday during a Senate meeting that no Maricopa County election databases were deleted despite a previous allegation from the auditor's official Twitter account that election officials eliminated the evidence.

Ben Cotton, founder of a computer forensics firm working on the audit, told Senate President Karen Fann and fellow Republican Sen. Warren Petersen, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, that he recovered files that were supposedly deleted.

Ben Cotton tried to cover his butt with this lie: "I discovered an MFT that clearly indicated that the database was deleted from that server," but Cotton further added that, "All of this may be a moot point because subsequently, I've been able to recover all of those files and I have access to that data."

However, Maricopa County officials sent a 14 page letter with supporting documentation to Karen Fann on Monday which rebutted this claim of Cotton's, and showed that no database was ever deleted. The auditors couldn't find the data because of their own incompetence. Simply put, they didn't know where to look.

Of course, there will be no retractions from Trump and his supporters for jumping the gun on a provably false claim. They will just pretend it never happened, and move on to the next lie.

Cotton still says it was deleted but he was able to recover it....All of this would be a moot point however if the Maricopa County Officials would quit fighting them every step of the way. Does an honest person delete files, withhold passwords, and remover hardware before sending a computer to be audited. Does an honest person promise to deliver the routers in a week, then say that the routers have been sent, and then say no, we will not give you the routers. The Senate has said many times that they would love to be able to work with them but they have blatantly disregarded subpoenas as if they are completely above the law. Personally I think the Senate has been way to nice to them.
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Cotton still says it was deleted but he was able to recover it....All of this would be a moot point however if the Maricopa County Officials would quit fighting them every step of the way. The Senate has said many times that they would love to be able to work with them but they have blatantly disregarded subpoenas as if they are completely above the law. Personally I think the Senate has been way to nice to them
It was never deleted. Maricopa County officials have explained that Cotton just didn't know how to access the data, and through his own lack of expertise he drew a false conclusion, which Trump ran with. There are more than just integrity issues associated with this "audit". The auditors are inexperienced with elections, and they are proving to be less than competent.
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It was never deleted. Maricopa County officials have explained that Cotton just didn't know how to access the data, and through his own lack of expertise he drew a false conclusion, which Trump ran with. There are more than just integrity issues associated with this "audit". The auditors are inexperienced with elections, and they are proving to be less than competent.

This is the first forensic election audit of its kind in the US. There is no roadmap.
Looks like more false equivalency nonsense to me counselor. Keep grasping at those straws though. It’s fun watching you struggle with it.
By demonstrating your ignorance of “false equivalence” and “struggle,” you have convinced me that your motive is not desperate partisan dishonesty, so... congrats?
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By demonstrating your ignorance of “false equivalence” and “struggle,” you have convinced me that your motive is not desperate partisan dishonesty, so... congrats?
And it’s clear you don’t understand ignorance, which is ironic. Enjoy your day!
If my argument is that far off, it won't require jumping through hoops and a polished mind should easily rebut.

The facts are the FBI fabricated four FISA warrants by omission, one by Rosenstein, who then authorized a muckraking junket upon those invalid FISC applications. There was nothing in the appointment warranting HIS primary rationale - investigating Russian collusion (even that NOT a crime were it true) - with the Trump campaign. The closest you can get is Manafort's tax woes, a matter for a U.S. Attorney, not a special counsel. That's hardly confining the matter to the FBI counterintel.

Moby Dick also didn't begin and end whole cloth with Ahab crabbing from a dinghy, and suddenly find himself being dragged into the abyss by the great whale.
That analogy just keeps giving.

Well, no, because you’re only loosely tethered to reality, aren’t restrained by traditional rules of logic, and apparently feel justified in making up facts to suit your narrative.

So the amount of effort needed to rebut is measured by your persistence and imagination, not the quality of your posts.
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It was never deleted. Maricopa County officials have explained that Cotton just didn't know how to access the data, and through his own lack of expertise he drew a false conclusion, which Trump ran with. There are more than just integrity issues associated with this "audit". The auditors are inexperienced with elections, and they are proving to be less than competent.

I understand you and I have completely different opinions and views here. I don't place a lot of trust in a group of people who blatantly disregarded subpoenas from the Senate. They have lost all credibility in my opinion. Instead of working with the auditors and the Senate like civilized people should do they go running to the media who has from day one made it their goal to shape the publics opinion and paint the audit as a farce.
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Well, no, because you’re only loosely tethered to reality, aren’t restrained by traditional rules of logic, and apparently feel justified in making up facts to suit your narrative.

So the amount of effort needed to rebut is measured by your persistence and imagination, not the quality of your posts.

I'll file this exchange in Acorn Has No Oak. Maybe another VN'er will take up the mantle on your behalf.
So you’re not ignorant, you’re being dishonest? Have it your way.
Nope, I honestly believe the investigation was crap. You don’t due to your opinion of what someone else claims to be fact but who made you the arbiter of fact and fiction? No one did. Who made the sources of your information the arbiters? No one outside of maybe Twitter and FB. You’ll just have to accept that I don’t see it your way because I’m interpreting what happened differently, whether due to a different source of information or due to a different interpretation of what occurred. You of all people should know how facts are only as good as the people providing them and things are often called facts that are actually opinion. Look at the GF situation as a great example. There were certain facts of what happened and then a whole lot of opinion and the jury was asked to render an opinion of what happened based on the facts and opinions presented. That GF died is a fact. How exactly it happened is opinion because there are many factors and literally everyone, including the MEs, rendered opinions of how he died but no one actually knows and thus it isn’t a fact. I already know you think how he died is a fact so we’re not even going to agree on the premise and thus the problem whether we are discussing GF or the Mueller investigation. With all that said, the fact is your opinion of me means jack squat as my opinion is you are the one being either dishonest or ignorant and that’s a fact.
It was never deleted. Maricopa County officials have explained that Cotton just didn't know how to access the data, and through his own lack of expertise he drew a false conclusion, which Trump ran with. There are more than just integrity issues associated with this "audit". The auditors are inexperienced with elections, and they are proving to be less than competent.

That's not accurate according to the auditors. They just testified to the AZ Senate that file directories were deleted and they recovered them; until overwritten by subsequent data, deletions can be restored. Apparently Cotton and whomever were looking at different data or not discussing the deleted directory(ies) in question.

There is no special expertise required; it's simply DATA. The election board officials can participate - and cooperate - at any time.
Nope, I honestly believe the investigation was crap. You don’t due to your opinion of what someone else claims to be fact but who made you the arbiter of fact and fiction? No one did. Who made the sources of your information the arbiters? No one outside of maybe Twitter and FB. You’ll just have to accept that I don’t see it your way because I’m interpreting what happened differently, whether due to a different source of information or due to a different interpretation of what occurred. You of all people should know how facts are only as good as the people providing them and things are often called facts that are actually opinion. Look at the GF situation as a great example. There were certain facts of what happened and then a whole lot of opinion and the jury was asked to render an opinion of what happened based on the facts and opinions presented. That GF died is a fact. How exactly it happened is opinion because there are many factors and literally everyone, including the MEs, rendered opinions of how he died but no one actually knows and thus it isn’t a fact. I already know you think how he died is a fact so we’re not even going to agree on the premise and thus the problem whether we are discussing GF or the Mueller investigation. With all that said, the fact is your opinion of me means jack squat as my opinion is you are the one being either dishonest or ignorant and that’s a fact.

🙄 I’m not claiming to be the arbiter of fact. These diatribes are becoming more and more unhinged and sanctimonious, all over an opinion that “doesn’t mean squat.”

Do you think it’s debatable that George Floyd died? You think he’s on a beach somewhere laughing his ass off at all the riots and that honky cop getting sent to prison? That’s the equivalent of your claim that the Steele document was the only proof that was used to appoint a special counsel.

There’s no sense in arguing with somebody like that. At least not about their made up version of 4 year old facts.
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🙄 I’m not claiming to be the arbiter of fact. These diatribes are becoming more and more unhinged and sanctimonious, all over an opinion that “doesn’t mean squat.”

Do you think it’s debatable that George Floyd died? You think he’s on a beach somewhere laughing his ass off at all the riots and that honky cop getting sent to prison? That’s the equivalent of your claim that the Steele document was the only proof that was used to appoint a special counsel.

There’s no sense in arguing with somebody like that. At least not about their made up version of 4 year old facts.

Honky cop?

You arent about 5 foot tall and moving up to the east side in a deluxe apartment in the sky, are you?
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🙄 I’m not claiming to be the arbiter of fact. These diatribes are becoming more and more unhinged and sanctimonious, all over an opinion that “doesn’t mean squat.”

Do you think it’s debatable that George Floyd died? You think he’s on a beach somewhere laughing his ass off at all the riots and that honky cop getting sent to prison? That’s the equivalent of your claim that the Steele document was the only proof that was used to appoint a special counsel.

There’s no sense in arguing with somebody like that. At least not about their made up version of 4 year old facts.
You sure do love latching onto a tree only to miss the forest. No, the Steele dossier wasn’t the only thing but it was at the center of it. The whole Papadopolous set up was part as well and I’m sure there were some other factors. The point is that it was a political hit job. I know, I know, the left would never do such a thing, except they did and continued with other efforts to oust Trump no one would believe if they didn’t happen.
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That's not accurate according to the auditors. They just testified to the AZ Senate that file directories were deleted and they recovered them; until overwritten by subsequent data, deletions can be restored. Apparently Cotton and whomever were looking at different data or not discussing the deleted directory(ies) in question.

There is no special expertise required; it's simply DATA. The election board officials can participate - and cooperate - at any time.
LOL! The election officials have explained how it is accurate.

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