Army Female recruits can't pass the physical

For some reason I associate the Duke of Brabant with Patrick Cleburne after reading what you typed. I’d kill for a good modern Agincourt movie. The King was a joke on Netflix

In HS we had a class on war, with wargaming with a board the size of a whole room. Archers, cavalry and all sorts, exquisitly painted and such. I can see it now as my archers on the hill took out a majority of mounted charge, but I did get wiped out eventually. Thanks for the memories.
In HS we had a class on war, with wargaming with a board the size of a whole room. Archers, cavalry and all sorts, exquisitly painted and such. I can see it now as my archers on the hill took out a majority of mounted charge, but I did get wiped out eventually. Thanks for the memories.
Was The Baylor School for Boys military back then or had it morphed into The Baylor School for Boys and Girls?
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I guess the specifics are one of those things lost to history, but I got the impression that the knights once down and encumbered by their armor were no match for more mobile opponents. I've always thought it was a spin on when your enemy is destroying himself (retreating in this case) stay out of his way. To me Chattanooga/Chickamauga was the final turning point of the civil war - where all was lost, and the south missed the opportunity to destroy the retreating northern army before they could rest and reestablish themselves in Chattanooga. Of course, it could have turned into an Agincourt, too - you never know. One slip can change an outcome.

I'm going to have to disagree. There was no possibility of that battle being a turning point for the South. The Union had already split the Confederacy into three pieces. Vicksburg had fallen, Gettysburg had been over for several weeks with Lee limping back to Virginia, and Grant was in the process of taking control of Union forces in Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama. The Confederacy was broken. Foreign trade was nonexistent due to the huge Union Navy and its near total blockade. Confederate soldiers were forced to throw rocks from Lookout Mountain for lack of ammunition.

The idea that the South could win the Civil War is a complete fallacy. As Horton Foote said, the Union fought the war with one hand tied behind its back. It had a massive superiority in men and materiel much less a huge industrial infrastructure versus a totally agrarian economy.

The biggest failing of the war was not hanging all members of the Confederate government and all military officers over the rank of Colonel as the traitorous scum they were..
It takes endurance and strength to be an infantryman. I was in a regular line company for a couple months before moving to a scout platoon and spent the rest of my 6 years in recon/sniper positions and our loads would regularly be 75 to 100+ lbs. Everyone carried either a PRC 77 and spare batteries with a KY 57 and it's spare batteries or the VHF/UHF radio with spare batteries and 50' commo wire. Ammo, 2 claymores, grenades, water (usually 6 quarts) extra socks and Copenhagen. Throw some MREs in along with your woobie and poncho and you have a heck of load to carry. I know I'm forgetting some stuff.
I just don’t see a female doing well with that load for very long. I can imagine that was very tiring.
I just don’t see a female doing well with that load for very long. I can imagine that was very tiring.
I can 100% agree with that statement. But can we also agree that all men are NOT created equal and that just having a penis does not qualify someone for combat arms as well? I served with some pretty puny soy boys whom I would not entrust with saving my life... I’m just saying...
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We see it in everyday life and jobs as well. Women are put in positions they aren’t qualified for and men have to pick up the slack. I’m sure the situation could be reversed but I’ve never witnessed it.
You haven't been in the kitchen when I'm cooking....
I can 100% agree with that statement. But can we also agree that all men are NOT created equal and that just having a penis does not qualify someone for combat arms as well? I served with some pretty puny soy boys whom I would not entrust with saving my life... I’m just saying...

100% agree
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I can 100% agree with that statement. But can we also agree that all men are NOT created equal and that just having a penis does not qualify someone for combat arms as well? I served with some pretty puny soy boys whom I would not entrust with saving my life... I’m just saying...

Amen girl amen
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