Army Female recruits can't pass the physical

I highly doubt that the PT test for dentists would be the determining factor for promotion. If it is, then yes it is one more discriminator. Are her dental skills superior to his but he can do more pushups? Then she gets promoted. Same with any other MOS. You are being the lazy one here.

As was pointed out earlier, APFT scores are factored as a part of every promotion board, for 100% of the MOS's.

20% of the MOS's are combat arms.

Do the math.
I guess the only way you're able to deal with this intellectually is to over simplify it. Should a female army dentist have to match the strength and speed of a male dentist in order to get promoted? What if she's the better dentist and he's a gym rat? She can't do as many push ups, so he gets the promotion despite inferior work? Stop being lazy, the comparison you're foisting is apples and oranges.

Yes the female and male dentist need to meet the same standards to be considered for promotion. Those standards are not limited to the APFT. You dolt.
Of course, there has to be standards - as there always has been. In fact they should be tougher for both men and women, but they should still be evaluated differently due to the differences in physical ability.

If dealing in ONLY those standards intended for combat operations do you think there should be such splits? I'm thinking along the lines of chains and "weakest links" here. Even with a group of all men there's going to be the weakest in that group. The idea of standards allowing for even less than that seem problematic to me.
Agree. APFT or ACFT should be based on MOS. What was frustrating was when the new ACFT was announced a few years ago there was only a minor distinction for different MOS. Failing a fitness test is a major hindrance to promotion and a lot of good female soldiers working in such areas as the medical corps left or thought about leaving the army as they felt their chances of career advancement were poor if they can’t make rank. These were soldiers who had no issue with the old apft (push-ups, sit-ups, 2 mile run) and sometimes maxed their score. It was the new acft that added things like squats and the pull-ups with leg tuck that people really struggled with.

I think the new ACFT is much better suited for measuring the physical fitness levels for actual real world applications than the old one. There has always been PT bias, it used to be even a dirtbag that barely passed the pushups/sit-ups but could overmax the 2mile was considered a stud. Way too much emphasis was placed on the run, at least in the infantry.
If dealing in ONLY those standards intended for combat operations do you think there should be such splits? I'm thinking along the lines of chains and "weakest links" here. Even with a group of all men there's going to be the weakest in that group. The idea of standards allowing for even less than that seem problematic to me.

It is problematic.
This thread deliverers. The only person engaging in any discussion on the topic is actually septic and all the rest have is grammar Nazi BS. Would recommend to others just to share the stupidity of deflection.
As was pointed out earlier, APFT scores are factored as a part of every promotion board, for 100% of the MOS's.

20% of the MOS's are combat arms.

Do the math.
Operable word being 'part'. And since I don't know what the definition of 'part' is in this case, it is impossible to 'do the math'. Anyone in the military should be able to do the PT tests. They are minimum standards. The SEALS should be able to do better. They should WANT to do better, and I am pretty sure they do. Raise the bar and stop lowering it.
Operable word being 'part'. And since I don't know what the definition of 'part' is in this case, it is impossible to 'do the math'. Anyone in the military should be able to do the PT tests. They are minimum standards. The SEALS should be able to do better. They should WANT to do better, and I am pretty sure they do. Raise the bar and stop lowering it.

Specialized units have always and probably always will have much higher physical fitness standards.
If dealing in ONLY those standards intended for combat operations do you think there should be such splits? I'm thinking along the lines of chains and "weakest links" here. Even with a group of all men there's going to be the weakest in that group. The idea of standards allowing for even less than that seem problematic to me.

I've already addressed that, twice. My answer was no, for combat arms.
Operable word being 'part'. And since I don't know what the definition of 'part' is in this case, it is impossible to 'do the math'. Anyone in the military should be able to do the PT tests. They are minimum standards. The SEALS should be able to do better. They should WANT to do better, and I am pretty sure they do. Raise the bar and stop lowering it.

Can you subtract 20 from 100? Ergo, 80% of the affected MOS's are not combat arms.

Jesus, how obtuse are you - you can RAISE the PF bar while still keeping the expectations between males and females different.
This thread deliverers. The only person engaging in any discussion on the topic is actually septic and all the rest have is grammar Nazi BS. Would recommend to others just to share the stupidity of deflection.

When the same poster adds an "e" to one thread title about women in the military and drops an "e" from another, we'd be failing VN if we didn't engage in some sort of derisive behavior.

Not the same standards you dolt.

Female standard and male standard, both can be high - not recognizing what to most males should be common sense, makes me wonder about your personal ability to recognize it. Are you not much stronger than your partner?

The irony is that you want women to be judged with the same standards as men but you'd almost certainly have a melt down if a tranny tried to compete with women in a contest of speed or strength. Wouldn't you?

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