Army Female recruits can't pass the physical

When the same poster adds an "e" to one thread title about women in the military and drops an "e" from another, we'd be failing VN if we didn't engage in some sort of derisive behavior.

View attachment 358152
Oh ridicule of it would be fine. However ridicule added on the end of some meaningful retort would be useful. Ridicule on spelling without addressing the point of the post is ... just deflection it would appear.
I'm guessing you guys Venn diagrams barely touch

Hey man, I was just kidding about the AF APFT's, I'm sure you play from the tips with persimmons to keep it competitive.
Female standard and male standard, both can be high - not recognizing what to most males should be common sense, makes me wonder about your personal ability to recognize it. Are you not much stronger than your partner?

The irony is that you want women to be judged with the same standards as men but you'd almost certainly have a melt down if a tranny tried to compete with women in a contest of speed or strength. Wouldn't you?

^^Septic when he’s getting his ass handed to him in an argument.
The irony is that you want women to be judged with the same standards as men but you'd almost certainly have a melt down if a tranny tried to compete with women in a contest of speed or strength. Wouldn't you?

One is an acceptable minimum standard. The other is a competition solely to determine the best. How is this relevant?
No, people don’t die.
This thread highlights the differences in biological males and females and how the bar must be lowered for both to compete on par.

That thread ignores the differences in biological males and females so that the two can compete on par.

Both narratives seem to be originating from the same side of the aisle. It’s almost like they’re dumbasses and can’t reconcile physical ability differences in the TWO biological sexes? 🤷‍♂️
Oh ridicule of it would be fine. However ridicule added on the end of some meaningful retort would be useful. Ridicule on spelling without addressing the point of the post is ... just deflection it would appear.

I'm even less informed on this subject than most others. I'll stick to ridicule.
Oh, yes. As you've stated numerous times - you need new material.

I've told you before that this "burn" is about as biting as you throwing a pillow in a gunfight.

It's not a burn, it's just a fact. You insinuate that you disagree with this stuff yet you support politicians who champion this bs.
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so if a male can't pass the men's version can they claim to be female and pass the lower standard?
If so they should have to make a public declaration that they identify as a pu$$y in order to do so. And an entry be made into their service record of such declaration.

So I was gonna ask this earlier. How do the Israelis do it? Frankly they’ve got this combined sex combat arms figured out.
It's not a burn, it's just a fact. You insinuate that you disagree with this stuff yet you support politicians who champion this bs.

How do you know who I support?

You think I support Biden? LOL

Typical mile wide, inch deep perspective by you.
Scoring will be going back to being divided by the sexes, dipsh*t. I happen to agree with you on your point but your 'combat arms' variable is extraneous to the singular point that it's a return to how it's been.

Good ole “equality”.
One is an acceptable minimum standard. The other is a competition solely to determine the best. How is this relevant?

I was really just using that to highlight the cognitive dissonance of the selective outrage.

But since you asked, the physical attributes of a man who pretends to be a woman in a woman's competition couldn't possibly be fair, we can all agree on that - right?

And yet, some are holding that men and women in the armed forces should be held to the same impossibly unfair standard they'd grouse about in the setting above. The outcome you're describing isn't relevant, the inability to recognize that females have inherent biological limitations is and direct comparison is why 90% of the females aren't able to keep up.
Agree. APFT or ACFT should be based on MOS. What was frustrating was when the new ACFT was announced a few years ago there was only a minor distinction for different MOS. Failing a fitness test is a major hindrance to promotion and a lot of good female soldiers working in such areas as the medical corps left or thought about leaving the army as they felt their chances of career advancement were poor if they can’t make rank. These were soldiers who had no issue with the old apft (push-ups, sit-ups, 2 mile run) and sometimes maxed their score. It was the new acft that added things like squats and the pull-ups with leg tuck that people really struggled with.

Female standard and male standard, both can be high - not recognizing what to most males should be common sense, makes me wonder about your personal ability to recognize it. Are you not much stronger than your partner?

The irony is that you want women to be judged with the same standards as men but you'd almost certainly have a melt down if a tranny tried to compete with women in a contest of speed or strength. Wouldn't you?

You’re really bad at analogies.
I was really just using that to highlight the cognitive dissonance of the selective outrage.

But since you asked, the physical attributes of a man who pretends to be a woman in a woman's competition couldn't possibly be fair, we can all agree on that - right?

And yet, some are holding that men and women in the armed forces should be held to the same impossibly unfair standard they'd grouse about in the setting above. The outcome you're describing isn't relevant, the inability to recognize that females have inherent biological limitations is and direct comparison is why 90% of the females aren't able to keep up.
Actually as has been presented by several their requirements should tied to their MOS. I think even hogg agreed that if you aren’t in a combat MOS then ok sure.

I’d also extend that to if you can’t qualify on the PT required by a combat MOS you don’t get combat pay or hazard duty amplifiers. Non flight crew don’t get flight pay in the Air Force.
I asked this earlier but figured I’d have to go get it myself since were all distracted by the usual banter. The IDF has a simple combined PT test however combat troops have an additional test they must pass.

Israel Army Fitness Testing
I asked this earlier but figured I’d have to go get it myself since were all distracted by the usual banter. The IDF has a simple combined PT test however combat troops have an additional test they must pass.

Israel Army Fitness Testing
They've also got mandatory service so it makes sense.

If we go to mandatory service, this is ideal. But here we'd inevitably have people bitching about there being a disproportionate number of men in combat roles.
1. Most women have no business in combat arms, with exceptions ONLY if they can pass the exact same high standards as a man. I don’t agree with 100% exclusivity, but would rather exclude than lower the standards. 2. I think we need to increase the mental health standards for all recruits, combat arms or otherwise. There are already too many physically strong, but mentally weak people serving without the proper mindset. They have no love of country and would not defend it against anyone or anything. The new military isn’t the same as my military. It’s sad...
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Actually as has been presented by several their requirements should tied to their MOS. I think even hogg agreed that if you aren’t in a combat MOS then ok sure.

I’d also extend that to if you can’t qualify on the PT required by a combat MOS you don’t get combat pay or hazard duty amplifiers. Non flight crew don’t get flight pay in the Air Force.

I agree that certain MOS's should have higher standards but I don't think he's done that.

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