Asheville- San Fran east./Who's Rich?

I love going to to craft breweries all over the country. The part I’ve never understood is why they go so much out of their way to appear they support the alphabet soup people
The crowd that likes them skews left, and the areas where craft beer initially became popular are left.
I wonder how much my tax burdens would lighten if churches weren't exempt.

You b*tch too much.

I can almost guarantee you that tax exempt leftist NGOs in your tax area reap many more $ benefit than churches.
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I just we were all the same and everyone just wanted to be treated equally? Guess not
How old are you? Neither you nor me had slaves, yes I'm aware. I do know a lot of people who went to a different school than everyone else, drank from a different fountain, sat in segregated areas of the lunchroom and bus. Does it bother you that there isn't a WET, white entertainment network, since there is a BET, black entertainment network? Honest question
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You should really be concerned about the way each craft brewery tries to "out-hop" the competition as opposed to focusing on a making a well-balanced, drinkable beer. A hoppy beer is good, but too many hops just adds bitterness.
100% correct.

Also..this is your "most value added" post to this board.
I’m sure some are ok with it but some would also not be so accepting
I met dozens while I dated a manager at a brewery, never once had an issue. these people are in the service industry, they deal with everyone. if you treat them well, they will treat you well.

you come in with "Tear down that F*GG*T flag, and put the Trump press conference on so I can listen to a REAL American" attitude and yeah they are probably not going to be receptive. I don't think many people would be.

fwiw, most of them are not actually beer snobs to the point of refusing to drink other stuff. they will absolutely crush a case of the big beers without complaining.
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have you ever met and really talked to any craft brewer?

Every single one I have met have really only cared about 1 thing. Making good beer, and hanging out with those who like it too. It is a very self supporting/friendly system, almost no competitive nature between different brewers. Many of the brewers are LGBT, and with their friendly culture, they are willing to support each other. For instance most in Atlanta set up funds to help brewers, and bar tenders, out of work due to Covid. its really not going out of their way, its just how they are. friendly, helpful people, who don't care about your religion, race, sexuality, politics, age.
What? There is no way an LGBT person could actually produce a good craft beer. They're all unproductive, unvaluable, good-for-nothing filth.
What have liberals done?
Screwed that town up completely, I know a few people who live outside of town there and they never go downtown any more. We used to head over the mountain in the early 90s and hang out there for the weekend, I haven't done that in over 15 years.
Screwed that town up completely, I know a few people who live outside of town there and they never go downtown any more. We used to head over the mountain in the early 90s and hang out there for the weekend, I haven't done that in over 15 years.
You haven't been there in 15 years, but know know all about it?
What? There is no way an LGBT person could actually produce a good craft beer. They're all unproductive, unvaluable, good-for-nothing filth.
vocal minority ruining it for the rest. this goes for most things, but I find that most of the haters actually have very little direct interaction with their hated group to know how they actually are, and they just roll with assumptions without bothering to risk their preconceived notions.
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What? There is no way an LGBT person could actually produce a good craft beer. They're all unproductive, unvaluable, good-for-nothing filth.

Outside of growing weed and making alcohol, leftist filth are not really much good at doing anything else.
Outside of growing weed and making alcohol, leftist filth are not really much good at doing anything else.
Once a city becomes a majority of leftist filth they aim to create a toxic environment that is meant to keep them in a majority and to keep groups out that they hate. The squalor and filth and blight, crime, drugs, homelessness, illegals are all by their design and making that they pride themselves with. Their main targets for exclusion are Whites, conservatives, Christians. No amount of criticism will deter them from creating their socialist utopian hellhole regardless of how bad conditions get.
Thoroughly brainwashed by whatever media it is you're consuming.
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How old are you? Neither you nor me had slaves, yes I'm aware. I do know a lot of people who went to a different school than everyone else, drank from a different fountain, sat in segregated areas of the lunchroom and bus. Does it bother you that there isn't a WET, white entertainment network, since there is a BET, black entertainment network? Honest question
I’m 41. Bother me? No I never thought much about it. I enjoy watching Martin reruns

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