Asheville- San Fran east./Who's Rich?

I met dozens while I dated a manager at a brewery, never once had an issue. these people are in the service industry, they deal with everyone. if you treat them well, they will treat you well.

you come in with "Tear down that F*GG*T flag, and put the Trump press conference on so I can listen to a REAL American" attitude and yeah they are probably not going to be receptive. I don't think many people would be.

fwiw, most of them are not actually beer snobs to the point of refusing to drink other stuff. they will absolutely crush a case of the big beers without complaining.
The manager at one I hang out with she loves Busch light. Smashes them like no tomorrow, love her but she’s an odd duck
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You haven't been there in 15 years, but know know all about it?
I guess you missed the part about the few people I know who still live there. I should have stated we have dinner together 4 nights a week and yes the degradation of Asheville and the surrounding area is discussed constantly. Keep trying
I guess you missed the part about the few people I know who still live there. I should have stated we have dinner together 4 nights a week and yes the degradation of Asheville and the surrounding area is discussed constantly. Keep trying

I dunno. Conservatives living in a liberal tourist hub complaining about squalor and transient poverty makes as much sense as a liberal living in Bucksnort and complaining about the lack of Whole Foods down the road.

Asheville has always been eclectic and subject to panhandling.
I guess you missed the part about the few people I know who still live there. I should have stated we have dinner together 4 nights a week and yes the degradation of Asheville and the surrounding area is discussed constantly. Keep trying
You made my point. I know people who live there too. The opinions are a little mixed. I have been there almost a dozen times in the past 20 years. I'm not saying Asheville isn't without it's faults, but it is nowhere near what's described in this forum by a dumbed downed crowd
I dunno. Conservatives living in a liberal tourist hub complaining about squalor and transient poverty makes as much sense as a liberal living in Bucksnort and complaining about the lack of Whole Foods down the road.

Asheville has always been eclectic and subject to panhandling.
It actually wasn't that bad in the 80s and 90s.

These guys have been living in that are for more than 50 years, back before it was a liberal tourist trap. I see what you mean though.
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You made my point. I know people who live there too. The opinions are a little mixed. I have been there almost a dozen times in the past 20 years. I'm not saying Asheville isn't without it's faults, but it is nowhere near what's described in this forum by a dumbed downed crowd
Didn't make your point at all, I just explained how I know what is going on there. Fairly simple. Granted they may have a biased opinion, but who doesn't.
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Try it and see.
Lol, I think anyone who capitalizes either is an idiot. There's quite a few on these boards that do it though and I've yet to see you comment. That's why I was curious. There's a bunch in the media that do it, especially the ignorant site of yahoo.
Screwed that town up completely, I know a few people who live outside of town there and they never go downtown any more. We used to head over the mountain in the early 90s and hang out there for the weekend, I haven't done that in over 15 years.
I just had a vision of the hotel scene in Hot Tub Time Machine….. they thought the old place was still going to be awesome but it smelled like cat piss and had a dead raccoon in the hot tub 😁
Only good thing about the Asheville area is the Moose Cafe.

Underrated comment! Love Moose Cafe even though I haven't been in ages. Regarding the panhandling, yeah it's a major issue especially downtown around Patton Ave. I don't travel through there much so I can't say about anywhere else in Asheville. As mentioned,it's something that's went on there forever.
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No. I liked a specific post earlier since it called out a poster who constantly posts racist/sexist/homophobic garbage....

The capitalization of White isn't what made that post racist, it's the totality of hundreds of racist posts over the years....
Understood. I consider both posts racist but that's just me. I only pulled one of many from the other poster. BB85 is another very much like NashVol.

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