Ashley Biden's diaries

You’re worked pretty far down your support list for the conspiracy theory. I just want to make sure I’m clear where we’re at now.

The actual photos of the bound diary have a watermark, so therefore it must be a forgery.

Is this correct?
National File put it there. It is manipulated imagery.

The couple who found the book had every incentive to tamper with it, if it didn't contain material damaging to Joe Biden. Project Veritas has no integrity either.

... and does it really matter? If this story was ever going to get off the grund, it would have by now.

Believe what you want, though. I don't care.
National File put it there. It is manipulated imagery.

The couple who found the book had every incentive to tamper with it, if it didn't contain material damaging to Joe Biden. Project Veritas has no integrity either.

... and does it really matter? If this story was ever going to get off the grund, it would have by now.

Believe what you want, though. I don't care.
I absolutely agree with the bolded parts.
But just to be clear: You do, in fact, see ringed notebook paper sheets?
Do I ever get personal with any of you? If so, I do apologize.

I'm done. Believe what you want. This is a waste of time.
I'm honestly concerned for you..... Short of Ashley sitting you down and consoling you and admitting its real.. You won't believe anything... As for they comment on sobriety it come from watching loved ones struggling with addiction and seeing the same in your posts and interactions....I pray you find the strength
I absolutely agree with the bolded parts.
But just to be clear: You do, in fact, see ringed notebook paper sheets?
Okay ... one more post. LOL.

I see the words "NATIONAL FILE" .... which leads me to believe that the picture has been altered in more ways than one.
I'm honestly concerned for you..... Short of Ashley sitting you down and consoling you and admitting its real.. You won't believe anything... As for they comment on sobriety it come from watching loved ones struggling with addiction and seeing the same in your posts and interactions....I pray you find the strength
LOL. F*** off.

Make that two more posts.
Okay ... one more post. LOL.

I see the words "NATIONAL FILE" .... which leads me to believe that the picture has been altered in more ways than one.
and I don't know anything about the sobriety thing, not my business and if it's an issue I hope you get it worked out...that's not a joke at all to talk about that
So you don't really see ringed notebook pages. OK. That is what I was reacting to.
I mean, who knows if there were alterations to it. But as is, it looks like a composition book/diary/journal...and yeah most of the ones now do have lines on there.
The truth, though, is I don't know anyone who ever used a three-ring binder for a diary. But that doesn't mean anything. I guess people do.
Can you see the word "NATIONAL" splattered across it? As in National File? They have manipulated the image. All we can really see is that appears to be written on notebook paper, which could be inside of rings. National File has obviously tinkered with everything else. I'm sorry, but the only people who pushed this story are people with an anti-Biden agenda.

The couple was out for a buck and Project Veritas wanted to smear Biden right before the election. I'm obviously not the only person who doubts the veracity of this story because only the far-right has done anything at all with it.

Believe what you want. We have been over this many times and wasted too much time on it already. I'm not changing your mind .... and no echo chamber is ever going to change mine. Keep thinking that this story is finally going to get off the ground after 3 damn years. You really can't look any dumber than you already do.

Dude "NationalFile" is a watermark. Like getting a proof of a picture from a photographer.
Dude, it really is. That is notebook paper inside of rings.

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I can put a circle around the word "NATIONAL" ... which I highly doubt is actually written on the damn book. That is notebook paper ... and the rings have been removed, just as the word "NATIONAL" has been added. It has been manipulated.

Do I expect you to see it that way? Of course not. You are going to believe what you want. You are going to trust that the couple didn't alter anything, and neither did Project Veritas.

Believe what you want. We are at an impasse. I'm not changing your mind ... and you aren't changing mine.

Look man, I agree the couple are scummy people, and that project Veritas is a highly unreliable source. But you're suggesting a serious conspiracy on the basis that someone added a watermark to the pictures? And that they photoshopped the rings away..? Don't go down the q anon rabbit hole bro.

She confirmed the diary was hers, right? I don't blame her for not speaking about the veracity of the contents because frankly it's not anyone's business and it was meant to be private. I think the simple explanation is that it's probably not doctored in the substantial way you are suggesting.

No one is running with the story because the full story is not clear based on one line of a diary entry. If I remember correctly she didn't say how old she was which is a pretty important factor here.

Biden doesn't need you to carry water for him. Both he and Trump have exhibited some pretty creepy behavior. Even if you feel Trump's transgressions in this area are worse, that doesn't mean Biden ***** gold.
National File put it there. It is manipulated imagery.

The couple who found the book had every incentive to tamper with it, if it didn't contain material damaging to Joe Biden. Project Veritas has no integrity either.

... and does it really matter? If this story was ever going to get off the grund, it would have by now.

Believe what you want, though. I don't care.

Not really, I’ve said all along it doesn’t matter.

I believe it to be legit because to believe otherwise would require me to make some really wild assumptions (I think this is what you call a conspiracy theory).

Let’s assume it’s legit: it is very vague on age. Furthermore, she’s in the middle of therapy and who knows what the therapist is encouraging her to dig up. There are a lot of reasons I wouldn’t assume it to make Joe a pedo.

On the other hand, it wouldn’t change at all that Joe Biden is a creep who sniffs, nibbles, and gropes children. We have mounds of video.

I’m more fascinated with your denial than anything else. And the fact that you are going with the conspiracy theory while you like to mock others for doing the same.

Finally, I think the couple who found this diary are scumbags for trying to get a payday out of it. They should have discreetly returned her very personal property to her. I personally pity Ashley Biden and hopes she can find a way to live a normal life. We don’t get to select our parents or have much choice in how we are brought up.
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The truth, though, is I don't know anyone who ever used a three-ring binder for a diary.
I don't know anything about them either ... @hog88 can probably enlighten us. My daughter had a little cheap one with rings, when she was little ... but she only used it as an address book.
Not really, I’ve said all along it doesn’t matter.

I believe it to be legit because to believe otherwise would require me to make some really wild assumptions (I think this is what you call a conspiracy theory).

Let’s assume it’s legit: it is very vague on age. Furthermore, she’s in the middle of therapy and who knows what the therapist is encouraging her to dig up. There are a lot of reasons I wouldn’t assume it to make Joe a pedo.

On the other hand, it wouldn’t change at all that Joe Biden is a creep who sniffs, nibbles, and gropes children. We have mounds of video.

I’m more fascinated with your denial than anything else. And the fact that you are going with the conspiracy theory while you like to mock others for doing the same.

Finally, I think the couple who found this diary are scumbags for trying to get a payday out of it. They should have discreetly returned her very personal property to her. I personally pity Ashley Biden and hopes she can find a way to live a normal life. We don’t get to select our parents or have much choice in how we are brought up.
We will just have to agree to disagree.

I'm fascinated by how important it is for some of you to believe this story ... when the people who were in possession of the diary in between Ashley Biden and the police, had incentives to tamper with it, if it didn't say anything which was damaging to Joe Biden's campaign. The couple was peddling the diary at a Trump fundraiser. That says a lot.
but I have a small 3-ring binder (not 8 x 10) in my shop where I keep notes about tools, mower parts, stuff about gardening, but there's a pretty significant gap between the pages with the rings in a view unlike what we have in the photo...
granddaughter's little notebooks look just like the ones in the photo (no rings)
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We will just have to agree to disagree.

I'm fascinated by how important it is for some of you to believe this story ... when the people who were in possession of the diary in between Ashley Biden and the police, had incentives to tamper with it, if it didn't say anything which was damaging to Joe Biden's campaign. The couple was peddling the diary at a Trump fundraiser. That says a lot.

Important to us? I DGAS about the diary what I am confounded with is your obsession with debunking it.
You’re worked pretty far down your support list for the conspiracy theory. I just want to make sure I’m clear where we’re at now.

The actual photos of the bound diary have a watermark, so therefore it must be a forgery.

Is this correct?

The watermark is photoshopped.
We will just have to agree to disagree.

I'm fascinated by how important it is for some of you to believe this story ... when the people who were in possession of the diary in between Ashley Biden and the police, had incentives to tamper with it, if it didn't say anything which was damaging to Joe Biden's campaign. The couple was peddling the diary at a Trump fundraiser. That says a lot.
Post 250..... Before PV got the diary the contents were said to be pretty crazy... The link I tagged in as well had the email on why PV didn't release the info... And okeefes issues with doing so
We will just have to agree to disagree.

I'm fascinated by how important it is for some of you to believe this story ... when the people who were in possession of the diary in between Ashley Biden and the police, had incentives to tamper with it, if it didn't say anything which was damaging to Joe Biden's campaign. The couple was peddling the diary at a Trump fundraiser. That says a lot.

I thought you said you were done with this 10 times already but you're still here.
I think there is nothing wrong with a dad showering with an infant. And I don't see a huge difference between a dad showering with his daughter or his son. It is increasingly creepy and "wrong" as the child ages.
Pretty sure Joe was on the creepy side if she purposedly showered late at night to avoid him.
Post 250..... Before PV got the diary the contents were said to be pretty crazy... The link I tagged in as well had the email on why PV didn't release the info... And okeefes issues with doing so
Because James O'Keefe is such a thoughtful and trustworthy person, who always tells the truth? Get real.

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