Ashley Biden's diaries

Nice projection. You do that a lot. There isn't one thing in that post that isn't true.

Everything you posted was bs you made up. Not one single fact. You believe someone had the means to take the book apart, add pages, and put it back together. 🤣😂 All of this when what was in the book has never been refuted. You’re excuse for that is nobody would believe it anyway. 🤣😂

This one is a tad bit better.

Lol do you usually shower in your swim suit?
i had with my parents when I was younger.

again you made the supposition that there was no possible scenario where it would be acceptable. there is a reason only the Sith deal in absolutes.
My aim is much higher than Biden, but when Trump and Biden are the only two targets......................
Curious. If you could hand select our President now. Who would it be?

Who is meeting this high threshold of yours that has publicly stated they want the job?
i had with my parents when I was younger.

again you made the supposition that there was no possible scenario where it would be acceptable. there is a reason only the Sith deal in absolutes.
Well, the Sith aren’t real so….
i had with my parents when I was younger.

again you made the supposition that there was no possible scenario where it would be acceptable. there is a reason only the Sith deal in absolutes.
Interesting. I’ve never heard of or seen anyone get into a bathing suit except for going to a pool, lake or beach.
LOL.....There is nothing in the diary that makes Biden a pedophle.
That is patently absurd.
Except for his chronicled touching/kissing of kids inappropriately says it’s not absurd. One thing to question the diary, can’t question the unedited videos.
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Everything you posted was bs you made up. Not one single fact. You believe someone had the means to take the book apart, add pages, and put it back together. 🤣😂 All of this when what was in the book has never been refuted. You’re excuse for that is nobody would believe it anyway. 🤣😂
When it's just a diary? Yes, that is possible ... and I think I've covered why there is no point in her refuting that she wrote it ... you wouldn't believer her anyway, and so it would needlessly bring attention to the story itself.

What I have written about that couple and Project Veritas is 100% true. The couple is in jail for transporting stolen property across state lines and Project Veritas has exposed for tampering with evidence and bribing witnesses. They have zero credibility between them. In the nearly 3 years that this story has been on the internet, only the far-right has gone near it.
Can you tell us how to do it since it’s not that difficult or post the link where you learned about the difficulty of inserting pages into a bound book?
It's not a bound book ... it's a little diary; not a hardback novel from John Grisham or James Patterson.
This is a great point. When has a lost diary ever sent anyone to prison unless the contents are damaging and there is an abuse of the law? We are living in a banana republic and you would think the citizenry would overwhelming vote these people out. Yet we have proud lemmings like @BowlBrother85.
People are sent to prison all the time for trafficking in stolen property. They were investigated for transporting stolen property across state lines. The ownership of the diary was never in question. Therefore, the contents didn't matter.

Keep thinking this story is going to go somewhere after 3 damn years. You look like an a$$ for believing that ... but since that is what you are anyway ... no biggie, I guess.
People are sent to prison all the time for trafficking in stolen property. They were investigated for transporting stolen property across state lines. The ownership of the diary was never in question. Therefore, the contents didn't matter.

Keep thinking this story is going to go somewhere after 3 damn years. You look like an a$$ for believing that ... but since that is what you are anyway ... no biggie, I guess.

I tried a google search to see if I could find a similar case where the property was worth less than $100 and haven't been able to find one. Got some examples?
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People are sent to prison all the time for trafficking in stolen property. They were investigated for transporting stolen property across state lines. The ownership of the diary was never in question. Therefore, the contents didn't matter.

Keep thinking this story is going to go somewhere after 3 damn years. You look like an a$$ for believing that ... but since that is what you are anyway ... no biggie, I guess.

Stolen? Wouldn't this fall under abandoned?
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Ok, how would one go about inserting pages since it is so easy?
I would need to be in physical possession of the diary or at least have a look at - which none of us have. A picture of the actual physical diary itself has never been posted online. I suspect there is a reason for that as well.

This entire thread is redundant. We have been over this at least a dozen times in the past.

None of the right-wing echo chamber would believe this story based on the word of people currently in prison and a source with comparable credibility to Project Veritas, if it involved Donald Trump showering with Ivanka, even though Trump really has expressed a physical attraction to her publicly.

None of you ever bother to ask yourselves why no major right-wing outlets have reported on this. You don't think Fox News, OAN and Newsmax would love to talk about something like this? They have undoubtedly looked into it ... and they can't verify the authenticity of those passages, and they can't just take the word of an imprisoned, gold digging couple or Project Veritas.

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