Ashli Babbitt’s Killer is a blm Militant

Oh so we move the goal post, she was breaking into a building and suffered the consequences..excuses for her, I understand

Byrd likely had been waiting his whole life to snuff out a White person. Hopefully he’ll have to defend his actions in court. It’ll be interesting to see how many more lies he can tell.

According to the lawsuit, Mr. Byrd fired his Glock 22 .40-caliber pistol, striking Ms. Babbitt in the left shoulder, then announced that he was being fired upon and was ready to return fire.

“In fact, no shots were fired at Lt. Byrd or his fellow officers,” the lawsuit stated. “The only shot fired was the single shot Lt. Byrd fired at Ashli. He heard the loud noise of the gunshot. He saw her fall backward from the window frame.”
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Nah that's kind of funny.

It's also objectively hilarious considering all the **** on here said about George Floyd (or insert any other melanin rich comrade) that get killed by cops. Those comments are generally, "FAFO!!!!" "Doing the world a favor" "DINDU NUFFIN" etc. These people were just peacefully busting through barricaded doors with armed police on the other side. Dindu nuffin for sure.
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I think only one shot. Luckily the shooter didn't forget his piece in the pisser that day. He saved America

America is either very fragile if a disorganized mob can overcome heavily-armed, trained officers and feds along with the combined might of the U.S. military...

Or it's incredibly strong if it can be saved by a single pistol shot.
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It's also objectively hilarious considering all the **** on here said about George Floyd (or insert any other melanin rich comrade) that get killed by cops. Those comments are generally, "FAFO!!!!" "Doing the world a favor" "DINDU NUFFIN" etc. These people were just peacefully busting through barricaded doors with armed police on the other side. Dindu nuffin for sure.

They couldn't even decide if it was an FBI-instigated insurrection or not an insurrection at all. Just flipping positions and principles with every soft breeze.
I don't understand how so many make this idiot a martyr

Because they're morons--and completely dishonest and delusional about everything. That many of them still
support that vile cockroach named trump---who doesn't respect American laws or our system of government and who is the ONLY
person who tried to steal the '20 election--tells you all you need to know. Fascist tendencies. Can you imagine an American president
inciting a redneck attack on the U.S. Capitol and then watching gleefully while it happens---resulting ultimately in the deaths of several people, including police officers? Words cannot describe the man.
Because they're morons--and completely dishonest and delusional about everything. That many of them still
support that vile cockroach named trump---who doesn't respect American laws or our system of government and who is the ONLY
person who tried to steal the '20 election--tells you all you need to know. Fascist tendencies. Can you imagine an American president
inciting a redneck attack on the U.S. Capitol and then watching gleefully while it happens---resulting ultimately in the deaths of several people, including police officers? Words cannot describe the man.
Speedo, I think your skinny jeans shrunk in the dryer. You may need to go up a size.
Was the shooting of Babbit justified? By definition of law - yes probably so. Was it warranted or necessary? Hell no, definitely not.
She should have known better than to bust in a window of a government building for entry, but I’ve seen the video of the shooting and out of all the security personnel standing right there in that moment only one cowardly SOB thought it needful to put a round in her chest. It’s a tragedy that could have and should have been avoided by both parties involved.
Was the shooting of Babbit justified? By definition of law - yes probably so. Was it warranted or necessary? Hell no, definitely not.
She should have known better than to bust in a window of a government building for entry, but I’ve seen the video of the shooting and out of all the security personnel standing right there in that moment only one cowardly SOB thought it needful to put a round in her chest. It’s a tragedy that could have and should have been avoided by both parties involved.

It should have went before a grand jury. That's my beef with how the shooting was handled.
It should have went before a grand jury. That's my beef with how the shooting was handled.

It should have, I doubt a trip before a DC grand jury would have been anything more than a waste of time though, the die had been cast and the narrative already set. The media and almost exclusively left leaning shooting apologists had their talking points ready even before Babbits body was cold.
It should have, I doubt a trip before a DC grand jury would have been anything more than a waste of time though, the die had been cast and the narrative already set. The media and almost exclusively left leaning shooting apologists had their talking points ready even before Babbits body was cold.

I agree that a DC grand jury probably wouldn't have issued an indictment but we'll never know.

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