Ashli Babbitt’s Killer is a blm Militant

If she had been a member of BLM or Antifa the majority in this thread would be applauding. Since she was part of the cult then it’s a tragedy.

Unlike blm and antifa terrorists, Ashi did not have a mask and riot gear on, was not brandishing a weapon. hands were empty and exposed, was not engaged in burning, looting, or murdering.
Y’all giggled with joy when BLM protesters were run over or shot, but are out raged about this. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

No DA, I’m not raged by her shooting. I’m questioning why it didn’t go in front of a grand jury. Actually I’m not questioning why, we all know why it didn’t.
I'm not convinced the whole thing wasn't a ruse. I've seen the unedited video, and there was very little blood. Someone shot in the neck with a .45 at that range would have a huge hole in them on both sides. Ashli may be sitting on the beach right now with Andy Dufresne. Sounds crazy but hell crazy is normal now.
The guy didn’t have to shoot her. There were 2 cops outside the door in the crowd with here and they didn’t see her or any of the others as an immediate threat. The fact of the matter is had this been a white cop and a black rioter the case would have went in front of a grand jury and this one should have.
Somewhere a final line was drawn, and unfortunately this is where it was drawn for those in that corridor. Something like this happens in your house at your bedroom door with family behind the door and you have weapons. You don't hesitate to shoot first and ask questions latter.
Somewhere a final line was drawn, and unfortunately this is where it was drawn for those in that corridor. Something like this happens in your house at your bedroom door with family behind the door and you have weapons. You don't hesitate to shoot first and ask questions latter.

Yeah, that wasn’t someone’s house and if I lived in DC and I shot someone attempting to break into my house in the exact situation I’d bet the house a DC grand jury would review it.
Yeah, that wasn’t someone’s house and if I lived in DC and I shot someone attempting to break into my house in the exact situation I’d bet the house a DC grand jury would review it.
Doubt it and it was more than likely reviewed and found that there was no need to pursue any further. This was not a roadside traffic stop so stop living in la la land and have some respect for the Areas of the National Capitol building that are restricted.

This was not Tiananmen Square it was the US Capitol. Right to protest, sure peacefully. Designated areas, sure stay out of restricted areas. Without violence or threats, sure but that was just not the case. Wrong place, wrong time and wrong actions. History and she got caught in the net. She should not have crossed the line.

No Grand Jury needed and it was in somebody's house. Have you ever lived in DC? In this case there is nothing to review, the tape says it all.
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I'm not convinced the whole thing wasn't a ruse. I've seen the unedited video, and there was very little blood. Someone shot in the neck with a .45 at that range would have a huge hole in them on both sides. Ashli may be sitting on the beach right now with Andy Dufresne. Sounds crazy but hell crazy is normal now.

No, your comment is just "crazy as hell." Resume your QAnon reading.....
The ex-president is responsible for her and several others deaths associated with that rebellion. Blame him and no one else. Period.
Fact. End of story.
I'm not convinced the whole thing wasn't a ruse. I've seen the unedited video, and there was very little blood. Someone shot in the neck with a .45 at that range would have a huge hole in them on both sides. Ashli may be sitting on the beach right now with Andy Dufresne. Sounds crazy but hell crazy is normal now.
That’s an interesting theory. Only one shot was fired too?
Unlike blm and antifa terrorists, Ashi did not have a mask and riot gear on, was not brandishing a weapon. hands were empty and exposed, was not engaged in burning, looting, or murdering.
Oh so we move the goal post, she was breaking into a building and suffered the consequences..excuses for her, I understand
Yep it's crazy as hell, but a lot of things that have happened in the past 3 years are also crazy as hell

There's nothing crazy about it. The only crazy were the fools/morons who paid attention to the gangster's lies. Period. She tried to break
into the U.S. Capitol and one of the police officers shot her. Oh, yes, I forgot: the other crazy are the illogical clods who try to turn everything that conflicts with their political bias into a conspiracy theory.
There's nothing crazy about it. The only crazy were the fools/morons who paid attention to the gangster's lies. Period. She tried to break
into the U.S. Capitol and one of the police officers shot her. Oh, yes, I forgot: the other crazy are the illogical clods who try to turn everything that conflicts with their political bias into a conspiracy theory.
What about the illogical clods, who believe in the conspiracy theory, that Kavanugh has some secret financial benefactor? How do you feel about them?
I'm not convinced the whole thing wasn't a ruse. I've seen the unedited video, and there was very little blood. Someone shot in the neck with a .45 at that range would have a huge hole in them on both sides. Ashli may be sitting on the beach right now with Andy Dufresne. Sounds crazy but hell crazy is normal now.
Ok, check your kitchen drawers folks. Sounds like some tin foil may have been stolen.
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There's nothing crazy about it. The only crazy were the fools/morons who paid attention to the gangster's lies. Period. She tried to break
into the U.S. Capitol and one of the police officers shot her. Oh, yes, I forgot: the other crazy are the illogical clods who try to turn everything that conflicts with their political bias into a conspiracy theory.
I knew that would hit a nerve 😂
There's nothing crazy about it. The only crazy were the fools/morons who paid attention to the gangster's lies. Period. She tried to break
into the U.S. Capitol and one of the police officers shot her. Oh, yes, I forgot: the other crazy are the illogical clods who try to turn everything that conflicts with their political bias into a conspiracy theory.
These goobers don't celebrate FAFO day the way sane Americans do.

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