Ashli Babbitt’s Killer is a blm Militant

This case should have gone to a grand jury and not just summarily dismissed by the prosecutor. Had the skin colors been switched it would’ve gone to a GJ.
Whoever came through that door first was getting shot. Could have been anyone there. And it worked didn't it? They should have started popping them off sooner
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Whoever came through that door first was getting shot. Could have been anyone there. And it worked didn't it? They should have started popping them off sooner

The guy didn’t have to shoot her. There were 2 cops outside the door in the crowd with here and they didn’t see her or any of the others as an immediate threat. The fact of the matter is had this been a white cop and a black rioter the case would have went in front of a grand jury and this one should have.
The guy didn’t have to shoot her. There were 2 cops outside the door in the crowd with here and they didn’t see her or any of the others as an immediate threat. The fact of the matter is had this been a white cop and a black rioter the case would have went in front of a grand jury and this one should have.
If she gets through, the whole mob gets through. She got shot, the mob retreated. Idk why you are bringing race into this, some sort of bizarre deflection.
There was a whole mob already in the building, WTF was a few more people going to do?
These 3 officers were the last line of defense between the mob and the remaining Congress members in the Capitol (read: fearing for their lives). It was all super peaceful though.
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Oh bull crap. None of the other officers thought enough about it to fire their weapon.
They didn't have to. 1 bullet is all it took. If others had breached that door, I'm sure they would taken them down too. But once she was shot, they were no longer trying to breach. Funny how that works.
They didn't have to. 1 bullet is all it took. If others had breached that door, I'm sure they would taken them down too. But once she was shot, they were no longer trying to breach. Funny how that works.

Only 1 cop had their gun drawn and there were at least 2 outside near her and 3 or 4 others inside close to the shooter.

Hey, it could have been judged a righteous shoot but that should have been done by a grand jury and not the DA.
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Do I think people stealing retail merchandise should be shot on site? No. They are low life scum sure, but doesn't warrant paying with their life.
How about when the BLM’ers stormed and took over the police precinct? Should the first one through the door gotten a bullet?
A bad day for a lot of people--including Capitol Hill police who not long after this riot killed themselves. We have a former president who tried to steal an election and who is responsible for multiple deaths--FACT---and he thinks he should be president again. The man is dangerous and demented and should be in prison.
Typical stupid bs. Mick your game is still pathetic.
Y’all giggled with joy when BLM protesters were run over or shot, but are out raged about this. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Who "giggled?"

Did you giggle when the "person of color" yelling "Black lives matter" shot and killed a young mother who was just out delivering newspapers to help support her family including a 10-year-old daughter? And she was just going to work, not "protesting" or having any reason to suspect that she could be facing any danger.

This happened before Charlottesville incident, but no memorials or cable news tributes or WH statements for her. Just a brief mention on the back pages of the noted news media. Nothing to see here, move along.

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