Attendance this Fall? With new CDC rules?

Fauci says wearing masks may eventually become 'seasonal'

Dr. Anthony Fauci predicted Sunday that mask-wearing could eventually become “seasonal” as protection against ailments like the flu that can also be spread through the air.
He said Americans over the course of the pandemic have gotten used to wearing face coverings, which “diminishes respiratory diseases.”
The good Doc if full of sh--!! I don't think there are many who have "gotten use to masks/face coverings". Have we not just been told they have little effect on stopping illnesses? (and there is data to prove the infectiveness of masks) What is his definition of "seasonal use of face coverings" I think most of this is political BS that he keeps spouting to keep his face in front of the public. ENOUGH!!!
Just a thought!!
I wonder if the people who are or will wear masks are not the same folks who never see anything but a bed of roses where our Vols are concerned? In other words are they the liberals here bouts?;)
The flu has vanished from Earth my friend...... you can also fall from a 12 story building and die and be classified as a covid death as well.

I have had a few health people ask me if I heard of anyone having the flu this last year or so. I have wondered were it has gone too. Have any of you heard of any flu around other than maybe a case or two?
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I have had a few health people ask me if I heard of anyone having the flu this last year or so. I have wondered were it has gone too. Have any of you heard of any flu around other than maybe a case or two?
. Flu cases were dramatically down this past year because of people wearing masks.
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The good Doc if full of sh--!! I don't think there are many who have "gotten use to masks/face coverings". Have we not just been told they have little effect on stopping illnesses? (and there is data to prove the infectiveness of masks) What is his definition of "seasonal use of face coverings" I think most of this is political BS that he keeps spouting to keep his face in front of the public. ENOUGH!!!
Please link the data that proves the ineffectiveness of masks.
I think full capacity, with no requirement to wear masks.

I do think some people will choose to wear masks, but most won't bother.

p.s. A couple of you just need to calm the heck down, heh.
This right here. I predIct ignorance will continue to flourish but it won’t interfere with full attendance at sporting events.
That can happen now.. I walked in to a pharmacy got the J&J and was out in 15 minutes with a couple items I pain no side effects...I wore a mask everywhere I was forced to including 2 theme parks for hours at a time lady glad that the CDC said I'm free lol
I got my second Moderna dose March 5 (I’m 65). Around here most stores and restaurants still want customers to wear masks but I’m close to openly defying that BS. I’m so ready for “normal” I could scream. Normal includes stadiums being full and rocking.
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Guideline and recommendation are pretty much interchangeable

View attachment 368472
True, but the less official sounding “recommendation” is clearly used in this instance to downplay the latest “guideline” that doesn’t echo what fans of the pandemic want to hear.

I don’t think there’s a sole on earth that doesn’t want this virus to go away. However, I encounter numerous people everyday that love and have grown accustomed to the level of laziness this pandemic has afforded
These are weird days indeed. 10 years ago, you'd have been crazy to suggest that a thread about who and how many get in to an outdoor stadium to watch a college football game could perhaps have to be moved to a political forum.
Fauci is a political mouthpiece I trust him about as much I do the CCP. For as masks if people want to continue wearing them till 2025 then have at it that’s your choice but after getting the vaccine I’m done wearing them myself. If I go to a game this fall I won’t wear one and I don’t think it will be required.
I have had a few health people ask me if I heard of anyone having the flu this last year or so. I have wondered were it has gone too. Have any of you heard of any flu around other than maybe a case or two?
No, only friends son died of overdose...Covid. No flu this year...only Covid. No heart attacks, accident deaths, or any other...Now, the stats at end of year will be more realistic because the truth will be told. This party is of course beating Covid, so deaths will be reported truthfully.
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Please link the data that proves the ineffectiveness of masks.
How about this...

If the Ebola Virus breaks out will you confidently wear a mask and go out in public to "effectively" prevent the spread?
Fauci says wearing masks may eventually become 'seasonal'

Dr. Anthony Fauci predicted Sunday that mask-wearing could eventually become “seasonal” as protection against ailments like the flu that can also be spread through the air.
He said Americans over the course of the pandemic have gotten used to wearing face coverings, which “diminishes respiratory diseases.”
Good thing Fauci is not an elected official who gets to make those decisions. Tennessee is a red state so life here will probably go on as normal, while places like California and New York will continue on with this dog and pony show as long as possible.
It was just a matter of time, fellers.

Welcome to the dregs of VolNation.

This is society in general. Imagine the lives that would be saved if the mask mentally was applied to cellphones while driving.

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