Attendance this Fall? With new CDC rules?

That study was done only on healthy people though. You could have Covid and be asymptomatic and unknowingly spread it to multiple people.
So a study to test the effectiveness masks preventing non-infected people from contracting Covid should have included Covid infected individuals?
No internet research. I have a research PhD from an R1. I've been closely monitoring the CU-Boulder/CBDNA aerosol research through all phases and implementing the recommendations in my classes. Only two of my students tested positive last year, and because of exposure at parties.

I have the feeling there's no interest in actual science, just in baiting into arguments while having a political pep rally. I noticed too late the thread has been moved to the black hole of decency on this board.

Can you provide a link to your research? I, and I assume many others on this board, would very much enjoy the opportunity to see how we can live a safer life for not only us, but our families, employees, and fellow man
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Can you provide a link to your research? I, and I assume many others on this board, would very much enjoy the opportunity to see how we can live a safer life for not only us, but our families, employees, and fellow man

The research is very narrow in scope and I provided the keywords earlier. I don't do labor when the conversation appears disengenious.
What's "full capacity" this year (actual number of people in the stadium)? 60,000?
Can you provide a link to your research? I, and I assume many others on this board, would very much enjoy the opportunity to see how we can live a safer life for not only us, but our families, employees, and fellow man
The research is very narrow in scope and I provided the keywords earlier. I don't do labor when the conversation appears disengenious.

If what came up when I googled is your project, then I don’t blame you for not posting a link
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The cool thing about science is it doesn't care about your feelings. Both administrations could have had Siri reading the meta analysis, p values, and rubric-based recommendations and you'd still find a reason to kvetch.

No masks; yay! I want to see a game register on the Richter scale before I die. Let's skip the political schlock and focus on that.

Th science has said from the start, and hasn’t waivered that the risk to children are extremely low. As a matter of fact the science has said the risk for virtually everyone under the age of like 75 is extremely low.

Yet that didn’t stop Fauci recommending people wear masks outdoors where the transmission rate was almost zero.
I have had a few health people ask me if I heard of anyone having the flu this last year or so. I have wondered were it has gone too. Have any of you heard of any flu around other than maybe a case or two?
Just think about this, when I was a child my mom dragged me to the health department to get my vaccines before I started school, I thought they were going to kill me lol. My point is: those immunizations kept me from getting certain ailments, remember I said to Keep me from getting sick. This MRNA vaccine does Not protect you from covid, they tell you when you receive it that you can still get sick but the symptoms will not be as severe. That in itself tells you it is Not a vaccine. Also.... I hear the CDC (which was a Private Organization until Covid was created) has stated that IF you have had your second shot you can live without the mask. How can you do that if you are told you can still get it, which would make you a carrier? If you cant see something is rotten in Denmark then I dont know what to tell you. Oh, I work in healthcare, had covid for two weeks.... about three weeks ago. It's an upper respiratory virus yet I had diarrhea for 16 days, my fever would hang around for 18 hours then vanish for a day, then return. The exhaustion was the worse, wont even attempt to explain it. If this crap isnt man made then I'm the next head coach for Tennessee. Another nurse I work with this past Friday, which has had his vaccine, had to leave the hospital..... why, he had covid. Go figure....... I digress on this, sorry for going on about it.
Buddy, trying to hold a virus or a sickness down with the majority of the type of "masks" that were used nationwide is like trying to hold mosquitoes in a cattle pen.... it Ain't happening
. Nobody said they offered 100 percent protection from getting the virus but some protection is better than nothing. For example try blowing out a candle with a decent mask on maybe a N95 mask then do it without a mask on you def see the difference the mask makes. Nearly 600,000 dead now in the US which is a large number of dead Americans but imagine how many more would be dead now if nobody ever wore masks from the onset of the pandemic. There would be over a million Americans dead now no doubt about it. I just can’t understand why so many people threw a hissy fit over simply wearing a mask into a store for a few minutes.
. Nobody said they offered 100 percent protection from getting the virus but some protection is better than nothing. For example try blowing out a candle with a decent mask on maybe a N95 mask then do it without a mask on you def see the difference the mask makes. Nearly 600,000 dead now in the US which is a large number of dead Americans but imagine how many more would be dead now if nobody ever wore masks from the onset of the pandemic. There would be over a million Americans dead now no doubt about it. I just can’t understand why so many people threw a hissy fit over simply wearing a mask into a store for a few minutes.
Of those 568,000 people dead, 455,000 were 65 or older (80 %). So there is more going on than just not wearing a mask. No doubt.
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Please link the data that proves the ineffectiveness of masks.

Wish I knew how. Just saw it on the news (I think). But my son who is in the Health and Safety field has data and explained it to me. It seems that even the N95 has "openings" in its weave that are too large to stop the c-19 germ size..
Just think about this, when I was a child my mom dragged me to the health department to get my vaccines before I started school, I thought they were going to kill me lol. My point is: those immunizations kept me from getting certain ailments, remember I said to Keep me from getting sick. This MRNA vaccine does Not protect you from covid, they tell you when you receive it that you can still get sick but the symptoms will not be as severe. That in itself tells you it is Not a vaccine. Also.... I hear the CDC (which was a Private Organization until Covid was created) has stated that IF you have had your second shot you can live without the mask. How can you do that if you are told you can still get it, which would make you a carrier? If you cant see something is rotten in Denmark then I dont know what to tell you. Oh, I work in healthcare, had covid for two weeks.... about three weeks ago. It's an upper respiratory virus yet I had diarrhea for 16 days, my fever would hang around for 18 hours then vanish for a day, then return. The exhaustion was the worse, wont even attempt to explain it. If this crap isnt man made then I'm the next head coach for Tennessee. Another nurse I work with this past Friday, which has had his vaccine, had to leave the hospital..... why, he had covid. Go figure....... I digress on this, sorry for going on about it.

I have a family member (not immediate) who is a bio chem type. This person told me way back in Jan. last year it was man made and told me where it was first made (if that is the right word) and the trail it took to get to China.
Wish I knew how. Just saw it on the news (I think). But my son who is in the Health and Safety field has data and explained it to me. It seems that even the N95 has "openings" in its weave that are too large to stop the c-19 germ size..
The germ cannot be transfered in via air without being attached to respiratory droplets which are much larger.
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Buddy, trying to hold a virus or a sickness down with the majority of the type of "masks" that were used nationwide is like trying to hold mosquitoes in a cattle pen.... it Ain't happening
The virus doesnt float willy nilly through the air. It must be attached to respiratory aerosols which are much larger and can be intercepted. Non- scientifically based misinformation has caused the death of many people during this pandemic. Just something to think about.
The Times notes that the research “did not contradict growing evidence that masks can prevent transmission of the virus from wearer to others”
Please read the article fully before insulting others and gain an understanding of the word "asymptomatic".
The virus doesnt float willy nilly through the air. It must be attached to respiratory aerosols which are much larger and can be intercepted. Non- scientifically based misinformation has caused the death of many people during this pandemic. Just something to think about.
My favorite was the rapper in Atlanta telling people on a radio station they were immune and thousands (if not more) believing it. I guess that explained the lack of masks from the most at risk group here in the Atlanta area for a few months last year.

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