Attendance this Fall? With new CDC rules?

Fundamentally no. If it's safe for 4,000 people to be sitting maskless on top of each other then it's safe for 100,000. Either large gatherings are safe or are not. CDC says good to go if vaccinated. So what's the problem?
Losing control of the proletariat.
. Nobody said they offered 100 percent protection from getting the virus but some protection is better than nothing. For example try blowing out a candle with a decent mask on maybe a N95 mask then do it without a mask on you def see the difference the mask makes. Nearly 600,000 dead now in the US which is a large number of dead Americans but imagine how many more would be dead now if nobody ever wore masks from the onset of the pandemic. There would be over a million Americans dead now no doubt about it. I just can’t understand why so many people threw a hissy fit over simply wearing a mask into a store for a few minutes.
wow. The fear porn really got to you didn't it?
The science is a dog and pony show. Link... my real world experience. Covid ran through my shop of nine people a year ago when Covid was a death sentence (remember those days...?). It was traced back to one person (remember those days...?) in our shop. I was questioning to the nth degree about how this could’ve happened in my business. Masks were the absolute very minimum we were doing to prevent the spread of Covid. So yes, the science is an absolute complete dog and pony show, and there’s no crap biased link you could ever share to convince me otherwise

Nobody used valid science to ever say that masks were a fail-proof solution.
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The Times notes that the research “did not contradict growing evidence that masks can prevent transmission of the virus from wearer to others”
Please read the article fully before insulting others and gain an understanding of the word "asymptomatic".
Read the purpose of the study. It was not studying if masks had any affect of transmission of disease. It was if masks protect the non - infected.

Please read the article fully before insulting others and gain an understanding of the purpose of the study.
Read the purpose of the study. It was not studying if masks had any affect of transmission of disease. It was if masks protect the non - infected.

Please read the article fully before insulting others and gain an understanding of the purpose of the study.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but you seem to be isolating a component of it to get the result you want. If all you can say is that this study found masks ineffective protecting the wearer, you haven't demonstrated the point you are trying to make.
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Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but you seem to be isolating a component of it to get the result you want. If all you can say is that this study found masks ineffective protecting the wearer, you haven't demonstrated the point you are trying to make.
Title of study:

Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers

Objective of Study:

To assess whether recommending surgical mask use outside the home reduces wearers' risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection in a setting where masks were uncommon and not among recommended public health measures.

What am I "isolating" from the study?
Title of study:

Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers

Objective of Study:

To assess whether recommending surgical mask use outside the home reduces wearers' risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection in a setting where masks were uncommon and not among recommended public health measures.

What am I "isolating" from the study?

Do you remember that you linked to the study in response to this?

Please link the data that proves the ineffectiveness of masks.

That study does not prove the ineffectiveness of masks. All it does is suggest the mask doesn't protect the wearer. It doesn't suggest that it's ineffective, period.
no but at one point the head of the CDC said a mask would provide him more protection than a vaccine.

CDC director suggests face masks offer more COVID-19 protection than vaccine would

I think it's safe to say the efficacy of masks has been oversold at times by our government (and undersold early on)
I love the fact we all forget how nasty we are. We have all work masks and touched our face a million times. We need to stop pretending like masks are smart. They aren't. The data doesn't show it to be so.
I love the fact we all forget how nasty we are. We have all work masks and touched our face a million times. We need to stop pretending like masks are smart. They aren't. The data doesn't show it to be so.

yeah, that's lost in the whole discussion. that an the other downsides including communication issues, other respiratory issues, etc. as a teacher talking to a room full of masked students I can definitely tell you there were other downsides to the masks that do not get factored into the bigger question of net benefit.

I'd like to see some accounting for any negative effects of masking to see if the 1 - 2% reduction in the growth rate of Covid is worth it. I cannot access the paper from the link to see how they isolated other measures (lockdowns, etc.) from masks. I presume that areas with mask mandates had stricter lock downs as well. Finally, the time period chosen was a period of declining growth in cases as a whole so a longer study would be helpful.

I'm not claiming mask do not help - just saying that the marginal benefit is unclear and the public health messaging has tended to exaggerate the benefit (and shift in rationale).
I'd like to see some accounting for any negative effects of masking to see if the 1 - 2% reduction in the growth rate of Covid is worth it. I cannot access the paper from the link to see how they isolated other measures (lockdowns, etc.) from masks. I presume that areas with mask mandates had stricter lock downs as well. Finally, the time period chosen was a period of declining growth in cases as a whole so a longer study would be helpful.

I'm not claiming mask do not help - just saying that the marginal benefit is unclear and the public health messaging has tended to exaggerate the benefit (and shift in rationale).

Yeah, not speaking on the validity of a mandate at all. Just that masks do something (which science aside, seems like common sense, since it's spread from particles from our mouths and noses).

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