Attendance this Fall? With new CDC rules?

Good thing Fauci is not an elected official who gets to make those decisions. Tennessee is a red state so life here will probably go on as normal, while places like California and New York will continue on with this dog and pony show as long as possible.

Ooh, research science is a dog and pony show. How exciting.

While we're at it, let's remove seatbelts from vehicles and age limits on cigarettes and beer. Because they're dog and pony shows, too.
Ooh, research science is a dog and pony show. How exciting.

While we're at it, let's remove seatbelts from vehicles and age limits on cigarettes and beer. Because they're dog and pony shows, too.
The science is a dog and pony show. Link... my real world experience. Covid ran through my shop of nine people a year ago when Covid was a death sentence (remember those days...?). It was traced back to one person (remember those days...?) in our shop. I was questioning to the nth degree about how this could’ve happened in my business. Masks were the absolute very minimum we were doing to prevent the spread of Covid. So yes, the science is an absolute complete dog and pony show, and there’s no crap biased link you could ever share to convince me otherwise
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The science is a dog and pony show. Link... my real world experience. Covid ran through my shop of nine people a year ago when Covid was a death sentence (remember those days...?). It was traced back to one person (remember those days...?) in our shop. I was questioning to the nth degree about how this could’ve happened in my business. Masks were the absolute very minimum we were doing to prevent the spread of Covid. So yes, the science is an absolute complete dog and pony show, and there’s no crap biased link you could ever share to convince me otherwise

Your inability to understand broad research does not invalidate the research. But you do you, mate.
Your inability to understand broad research does not invalidate the research. But you do you, mate.

I have absolutely no inability to understand the research. I bought it hook, line and sinker. However, many people like yourself have inability to question it. The broad research of the time (literally one freaking year ago) was applied. So how did an outbreak in a small controlled environment where mask wearing was the bare minimum of protection happened? The measures I put in place at that time were incredibly more stringent than any businesses do today. Do you have any verifiable real life examples relating to 9+ people you can add that might change my mind? Keep in mind when I was dealing with this I was made think I might be responsible for multiple deaths... how absurd does that sound now?
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We did full capacity for the baseball games this weekend. We will be full capacity for the fall.
I was thinking the same thing. Of course it all depends on politics. If we can send Dr Fraudi back home to WuHan maybe....
Your inability to understand broad research does not invalidate the research. But you do you, mate.

Can you please respond to me? After one year I’ve got a feeling your internet research is exactly what I need change my real life experience. After all, you’re the one with all of the broad research...
We did full capacity for the baseball games this weekend. We will be full capacity for the fall.
The baseball stadium only holds just over 4k people. A little bit different than Neyland. That being said I do hope we are at full capacity.
The baseball stadium only holds just over 4k people. A little bit different than Neyland. That being said I do hope we are at full capacity.
Fundamentally no. If it's safe for 4,000 people to be sitting maskless on top of each other then it's safe for 100,000. Either large gatherings are safe or are not. CDC says good to go if vaccinated. So what's the problem?
Can you please respond to me? After one year I’ve got a feeling your internet research is exactly what I need change my real life experience. After all, you’re the one with all of the broad research...

No internet research. I have a research PhD from an R1. I've been closely monitoring the CU-Boulder/CBDNA aerosol research through all phases and implementing the recommendations in my classes. Only two of my students tested positive last year, and because of exposure at parties.

I have the feeling there's no interest in actual science, just in baiting into arguments while having a political pep rally. I noticed too late the thread has been moved to the black hole of decency on this board.
Fundamentally no. If it's safe for 4,000 people to be sitting maskless on top of each other then it's safe for 100,000. Either large gatherings are safe or are not. CDC says good to go if vaccinated. So what's the problem?
Like I said I hope we are at full capacity. But the CDC has not said large gatherings are safe.


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No internet research. I have a research PhD from an R1. I've been closely monitoring the CU-Boulder/CBDNA aerosol research through all phases and implementing the recommendations in my classes. Only two of my students tested positive last year, and because of exposure at parties.

I have the feeling there's no interest in actual science, just in baiting into arguments while having a political pep rally. I noticed too late the thread has been moved to the black hole of decency on this board.

You’re right, but I probably don’t vote the way you assume.

I should probably start playing the lottery tough. Every time I challenge someone online about my situation they’re a PhD.
. Flu cases were dramatically down this past year because of people wearing masks.
Couldn't have been the social distancing, the school closures, remote working, limited capacity on public transport, the thousands of kids who weren't in daycares this year, the lack of international travel which greatly reduced the number of flu variants (thus making the vaccine we have out for the flu far more effective which is probably the main driver.) Had to be masks you say? Yea people with nasty hands touching their face a million times a day had to be the solution.
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I’ve had the flu several times in my 40+ years. I had the flu in late January and went to the doctor. They tested me for Covid only and sent me home with prescriptions for flu

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