Feel free to fill me in on what I missed.
Those shops would still be there if the workers owned the corporations, for instance.
They are all around the military bases in the country (and outside the country).
They are all around the BBC offices in London.
They used to be all around Main Street USA when people actually owned businesses.
It clearly has been regarding the $140 million in giveaways, which was always the issue.
Show me > $140 million to the state of Wisconsin. Show me the money!
Sorry, wasn't clear. My point is, I don't see it as a sustainable system. On a 52k final 5year avg salary (top for a teacher with Masters) the pay out is projected to be 2047 a month. 24k a year.
Not exactly a big time salary. Now, if you are a principal or administrator, that increases, but it's not a big-time retirement plan. The TN plan doesn't work like a true pension.
That said, I would rather have a 3-4% match and choose my investment.
you mean like all the shops going bankrupt when the military bases close?
Sorry, wasn't clear. My point is, I don't see it as a sustainable system. On a 52k final 5year avg salary (top for a teacher with Masters) the pay out is projected to be 2047 a month. 24k a year.
Not exactly a big time salary. Now, if you are a principal or administrator, that increases, but it's not a big-time retirement plan. The TN plan doesn't work like a true pension.
That said, I would rather have a 3-4% match and choose my investment.
True. But you do not necessarily get wealth creation.Defense budget is going up, so I hear.
The point is anytime you get people working somewhere - whether public or private - you get the "knock-on" businesses.
Where do taxes come from? People. Where do people get money? Jobs. Where do people get jobs? Businesses.
This is 2nd grade-level relationships, here. You're acting like if every business in Wisconsin left, the state would have 140 million more bucks. That's retarded. You may be brain damaged. That isn't a personal attack, that's a plea for you to seek medical assistance.
throw in at least $1000/month in social security retirement payments, the good possibility that the house is paid for and the kids have lives of their own, and 36k + medical doesn't sound like such a bad deal.
that's assuming the retiree is single and did nothing else to plan for retirement.
throw in at least $1000/month in social security retirement payments, the good possibility that the house is paid for and the kids have lives of their own, and 36k + medical doesn't sound like such a bad deal.
that's assuming the retiree is single and did nothing else to plan for retirement.
I thought the issue in Wisconsin was about people who got their jobs from the state....
Hate to do this to you, IP, but Game, Set, and Match. You've earned it. You not only failed to bring your A-game, you brought your Fail Game instead.
Walker et al took $140 million out of the Wisconsin coffers under, what would be their justification, to improve the state economy. The corporations would spend it more efficieintly - blah, blah, blah the standard rationale.
So, show me where the people (referencing utpjvol's argument) received > $140 million from these tax cuts.
So, show me where the people (referencing utpjvol's argument) received > $140 million from these tax cuts.
Where do taxes come from? People. Where do people get money? Jobs. Where do people get jobs? Businesses.
This is 2nd grade-level relationships, here. You're acting like if every business in Wisconsin left, the state would have 140 million more bucks. That's retarded. You may be brain damaged. That isn't a personal attack, that's a plea for you to seek medical assistance.
True. But you do not necessarily get wealth creation.
We are in trouble for two pretty basic reasons. One, productivity. We have people who demand more money for less work and it hurts us all. Moreover, a very large % of Americans gets paid for doing nothing productive at all... and some for doing very little to nothing productive for their whole lives. Two, we simply aren't engaged in enough wealth generating ventures. We keep dancing around the chairs but the truth is that there aren't enough to go around when the music stops.
If you get a real response to this simple explanation... please PM me so I don't miss it. I am still struggling about whether to believe that gibbs is a complete fake or if someone can truly be as detached from the real world as he is.
First, productivity has never been higher in history.
Second, the real issue is the growth imperative no longer contributes to an improvement in quality of life.
I would say we really have to rethink wealth, sjt. We are on a trajectory where we will not make it to the next century based on the demands of wealth generation required by the current system.
i tell you what. if you show me the hundreds of thousands of jobs saved by obama's stimulus plan i'll show you evidence of the people making money from these tax cuts. i'll help you out. neither is an available tangable number. go google multiplier effect and get back to me.