No, what is pretty telling is the fact that you guys sit around and dispute OUR national championsips. How's about worrying about your own team?? Don't you think that would be far more productive?? If I wanted to I could spin every one of the National Titles ever given into looking like a farce, but why?? What good would it do me?? Fact is that we have more NC's than UT. We have more SEC Champ's than UT. We have more 10 win seasons than UT. We have more bowl appearances than UT. We have more bowl wins than UT. How does it feel to be second in everything??:neener2:
Wait, I just realized... UT isn't even second in any of that stuff....
Just so we're is the list:
All time bowl Appearances:
1. bama with 53
2t. Tennessee with 45
2t. Texas with 45
3. USC with 44
4. Nebraska with 43
all time Bowl Wins:
1 Bama with 30
2 USC with 28
3 t Tennessee 24
3 t PSU 24
3 t OK 24
All time wins:
1. Michigan 849 .7442%
2. Notre Dame 811 .7435%
3. TX 800 .714%
4. OK 757 .713%
5. Bama 774 .712%
Tennesee is 9th with 752 at .697%
In all cases, Bama and Tennessee are 1 and 2, respectively, in SEC all time rankings.
the SEC leads all conferences with 343 total bowl appearances, and leads all conf. in total wins with 171, but is 3rd in wining % with a .517%...that's behind the ACC with .537 % and Pac 10 with a .519%.
I think it's safe to say that TN's and Bama's tradition both speak for themselves. But what does that tradition get
Now for more recent history, say since 1990 which is a time perioud most all of us are well versed in, the series is pretty even...8-7-1 in favor of UT. and i'm not going to take the forefitted W in 93...leaving that as a tie...
bowl games since 1990...Bama has played in 11, and won 7. Tennesse has played in 15 and won 8. both won a NT during that time span. TN played in 13 New Year's day games, Bama played in 6 New Year's day games. TN has played in two BCS games, Bama has played in 1. winning % obviously in Bama's favor...but hey, when you play in that many bowl games, you're bound to lose some right?
as far as NT's are concerned, the sec only recognizes 7 for Bama. TN and LSU both have 2. FL, UGA, Aub, and Ole miss each have 1.
since 1980...Bama has only won 4 Conf. titles, only 2 since 1990. TN has 5 conf. titles, 3 since 1990. FL has 6, 6 since 1990. UGA has 5, but went 20 yrs in between titles. Auburn has 5. LSU has 4.
you can draw your on conclusions from all that...but i got all that from, and if anyone wants to validate...
My conclusion is that a lot of Bama's histroy is just that...history. in the last 20 years, Bama has had moderate success, but has not been as dominant over the college football landscape as they'd like to think. they've had opportunities to do so, as i think Bama leads the SEC with the most SEC CG appearances, but has only won 2 of them. And while TN hasn't been
the dominant team in the SEC either i do think it's safe to say that we've had our fair share of success and we have had more success than Bama over the last two decades. Which means more to me, since it's happened in my lifetime, than what happened in 40 years ago.
I can't believe i just spent that much time looking all that crap up....i usually roll right past posts like this so why on earth i felt the need to go find all that, i have no idea....i guess it's just Bama week.
And this will do nothing to discredit my reputation for my long, drawn out posts....forgive me.:whistling: