Banned Book Thread

When I was a kid one Sunday the sermon at church was about Marilyn Manson. The preacher said his music was about all these terrible things, he might be a Satanist, he looked like a woman, and he supposedly was really popular among kids and teenagers.

I had never heard of him at that point and had no idea who he was, but my interest was piqued. I had to see how weird this dude was. As soon as we got home after church I got on Napster and downloaded the entire Mechanical Animals album, which had just been released. I ended up not even liking it and deleted the songs so I didn't get in trouble, but I would not even have known what it was if it wasn't for our preacher.

I'm not sure why people don't understand this. If you go to a group of people, especially kids who are much more naturally curious than adults, and say "This is bad, don't don't read it" it makes it way more likely they'll read it.
I never really hated the one true God
But the God of the people I hated"
Hmmmm... how would you feel about your kids watching A Clockwork Orange in high school?

I could see how some would object due to the graphic nature of that flick. OTOH parents have to sign a slip allowing kids to watch controversial movies in HS. Our psychology teacher let us watch The Breakfast Club. My mom had to sign a form permitting me to watch it. Personally, I have no issue with a teen watching a clockwork orange in HS.
I could see how some would object due to the graphic nature of that flick. OTOH parents have to sign a slip allowing kids to watch controversial movies in HS. Our psychology teacher let us watch The Breakfast Club. My mom had to sign a form permitting me to watch it. Personally, I have no issue with a teen watching a clockwork orange in HS.

What was controversial about the Breakfast Club other than possible boredom.
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I remember watching the Black and White 1950s version of Shakespeare’s Julius Ceaser (with James Mason and Marlon Brando) in the 11th grade. Ceaser got stabbed 23 times and it was pretty graphic. Talk about violence. I was traumatized for DAYS
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Just waiting for the same outpouring of anger and frustration we saw with some school system dropping To Kill a Mockingbird.
This is where common sense and discernment comes in. Call me a hypocrite all you want, but I can understand McMinn County's decision with this Maus comic more than I can wrap my mind around To Kill a Mockingbird being banned.
In school or at home? It would be inappropriate at school since the movie has no educational value and it goes way beyond nudity. My kids would have paid attention to it for maybe 10 minutes if I had it on at home, it's that bad of a movie.
Reason why I asked is because it was shown in my high school... and this was back in the late 80s or early 90s.
Reason why I asked is because it was shown in my high school... and this was back in the late 80s or early 90s.

I wouldn't have refused to let either of my kids watch it in school or made a fuss. I'd have felt sorry for them being forced to sit through it.
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I could see how some would object due to the graphic nature of that flick. OTOH parents have to sign a slip allowing kids to watch controversial movies in HS. Our psychology teacher let us watch The Breakfast Club. My mom had to sign a form permitting me to watch it. Personally, I have no issue with a teen watching a clockwork orange in HS.
Nah, that didn't happen as far as I remember. My parents still don't know about it.
I wouldn't have refused to let either of my kids watch it in school or made a fuss. I'd have felt sorry for them being forced to sit through it.
Meh, I think that film is not appropriate for high schoolers. I could understand some parents being upset if that was brought to their attention.
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Hmmmm... how would you feel about your kids watching A Clockwork Orange in high school?
I watched it..when I was in high school...but not at high school.

Actually..reflecting back on that, kind of explains a lot about my life as an womanizing adult..

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